Best Way To Update Databse String Without Recompiling Code - vb6

I have an application that references two databases. The issue is, every time the database changes, I have to change the database string in the source code and recompile the exe. Is there a better way to do this? I was thinking I could save the strings to a file and have the application read from the file. Is this a good approach?

Yes, most common way to handle this is with a config file.


Trace Netsuite Scripts Logic from file Cabinet

I have a scenario where I want to search the whole scripts stored in the file cabinet for a particular logic. Is there any good tool or bundle to accomplish the same?.
I just use Eclipse and search the workspace, when I have a need like that. For me, it is usually right after starting a new company, when I'm reviewing all of the existing scripting. Just pull all scripts to Eclipse (I recommend doing that periodically, anyway, so you have a backup), then search the workspace.
Not the fastest way, I'm sure, but it has always worked for me. :)
I think #W3BUGY's way is more intuitive. IDE can help you efficiently. But if you want the search execute in NetSuite. You can use a Map Reduce Script to make it. Here are some sketchy steps. Hope it helps.
Search javascript file within your target folder. (GetInput)
Get each one's internal Id, load file, get contents and search the text in it. (Map)
Return the result by mails or save to custom record (Summarize)

Can you force VB6 to re-save every file in the project?

Let's say you update your project to a new OCX reference. As a result the GUID and other details of that OCX will change in the project's VBP file. So far so good.
However VB6 also writes the same information to FRM files (and maybe others, like user controls). But these files are NOT updated until they themselves are specifically / manually saved. This can lead to confusion when it appears that references are inconsistent.
There are other sorts of automatic changes VB6 makes to files also, but seemingly only when you touch the file manually.
It would be very handy if there were a way to force VB6 to resave every file and make sure it is totally up to date - say, on the build machine. Then you'd know for certain what the most up to date clean copy was as a point of comparison.
I don't know of a command-line option that can do this... but maybe someone knows a trick.
There's an add-on created by Martin Liss in this thread:
I didn't try it myself but it could do what you are looking for. I assume you tried Save Project?

Renaming Global Variable Without Breaking Reference

Is there a way to rename a Variable or Variable Group without breaking the references it already have in Tibco Business Works 5.x. Thanks.
A way you could do this is by editing the complete source code that is in XML. After taking a proper backup.
You could identify the variable or variable group XML tags to be renamed and rename them by using an advanced text editor with Regular expressions if is the case.
Once you rename everything you would have to open TIBCO Designer and go to the root location of the project and validate All. Validate the complete project.
A manual cleanup and re-built, testing would be required.
Avoiding changes in a massive scale is advised. Less Risk.

Making an SQLite ConnectionString portable

As a personal project I want to test the ability of using SQLite with MVC 3 and so far so good managed to get everything setup.
The thing I am now trying to achieve is to make the solution fully portable during development, but I am unable to achieve this as the connection string is complaining that the database is missing if I try on different machines where the solution it located in different places.
Is there any way that I can alter the connection string so it is uses a set directory each and everytime?
I have the database housed in a datalayer solution in the same folder houses my datamodel if that is any help
I see two ways:
Specify the location of the SQLite database as relative to the executable
Make the path specifiable as input (say a command line argument or .config file)

How do I open .bin/.idx database files?

I'm attempting to open some database files used by a legacy application that I know almost nothing about. The databases appear to be in file pairs of a bin and idx, for example: Cust.bin and Cust.idx.
I have never seen this type of database before and wasn't able to find anything useful through Google. I also don't know what language or tool the developer used for this app, but it seems that he used the default generic icon for his published executable. This is it:
Can anyone tell me anything about this application, what type of database it uses and how I might open the database myself?
The program that was using this database was a custom written application by a former consultant.
I never did figure out what type of database he was using, or how to open it properly. But I did manage to extract all the data out of it. I opened the file up in EditPad and found that all records had fixed-length fields. With this knowledge I was able to easily write a small application to parse all the binary data and export everything to .csv
So I was ultimately able to get the data. Woot!
