Trace Netsuite Scripts Logic from file Cabinet - bundler

I have a scenario where I want to search the whole scripts stored in the file cabinet for a particular logic. Is there any good tool or bundle to accomplish the same?.

I just use Eclipse and search the workspace, when I have a need like that. For me, it is usually right after starting a new company, when I'm reviewing all of the existing scripting. Just pull all scripts to Eclipse (I recommend doing that periodically, anyway, so you have a backup), then search the workspace.
Not the fastest way, I'm sure, but it has always worked for me. :)

I think #W3BUGY's way is more intuitive. IDE can help you efficiently. But if you want the search execute in NetSuite. You can use a Map Reduce Script to make it. Here are some sketchy steps. Hope it helps.
Search javascript file within your target folder. (GetInput)
Get each one's internal Id, load file, get contents and search the text in it. (Map)
Return the result by mails or save to custom record (Summarize)


Trying to create a script to change settings on Plantronics hub

I’m new to the IT industry but keen to learn.
Wanted to ask if anyone could point me in the right direction when trying to create a Powershell script to change settings within a computer app called plantronics hub.
Just need a better insight to what commands I need to use and functions. Just so that instead of going to a users machine every time and changing the settings I can just run a script and let it do it for me.
There are a few things you can look at. Look through the program files to see if there's any kind of command line utility for this sort of thing. Obviously, documentation is another good place to look. If available, you can also call their support and simply ask. Keep in mind they may have already considered this scenario, and may have other suggestions.
Try and figure out how the application stores its settings, Registry, XML, ini file etc...? PowerShell can work with any of these, but you need to answer this question before knowing what direction to go it.
If the settings are in the registry I'd start looking under HKLM:/ & HKCU:\Software\Plantronics. Settings and/or configuration files may be in the program files folder or under the user profile app data folders.
A few techniques:
Export the registry, make a configuration change, export the registry again to a different file. Compare the 2 files via some file comparison tool, like BeyondCompare or WinMerge. This might help you find anything that changed after you made the change.
Use procmon.exe . If you filter it properly you can determine which files the application is touching either on start or when you make a configuration change. ProcMon can also help identify which registry keys and values are being looked at.
Note: If the settings are consistent between stations you may be able to copy the config. This could be as simple as a file copy or importing a registry file.

Present content like power point or impress

I want to build an application that displays the content that user types on the command prompt to the display like a presentation.
I am writing this application in golang. If there are existing libraries that I can use to do this great and if not would need direction how to approach solving this.
I did search on the internet for pointers but found none.
Have a look at the present tool, it does a similar thing using flat files and might even be useful for you.

List contents of ZIP file using ZipKit

I need to get list contents of ZIP file using ZipKit framework. The content I want to present in NSTableView. So, ideally I need to get NS(Mutable)Array. Is there a simple way how to do this ?
Thanks a lot, Petr
To be honest I think that you should use Zipzap for working with zip files. It's a very good library. I've used it and I don't have anything bad to say about it.
Take a look at the github page and there's some example snippets for you to test out.

MS Excel automation without macros in the generated reports. Any thoughts?

I know that the web is full of questions like this one, but I still haven't been able to apply the answers I can find to my situation.
I realize there is VBA, but I always disliked having the program/macro living inside the Excel file, with the resulting bloat, security warnings, etc. I'm thinking along the lines of a VBScript that works on a set of Excel files while leaving them macro-free. Now, I've been able to "paint the first column blue" for all files in a directory following this approach, but I need to do more complex operations (charts, pivot tables, etc.), which would be much harder (impossible?) with VBScript than with VBA.
For this specific example knowing how to remove all macros from all files after processing would be enough, but all suggestions are welcome. Any good references? Any advice on how to best approach external batch processing of Excel files will be appreciated.
PS: I eagerly tried Mark Hammond's great PyWin32 package, but the lack of documentation and interpreter feedback discouraged me.
You could put your macros in a separate excel file.
Almost anything you can do in VBA to automate excel you can do in VBScript (or any other script/language that supports COM).
Once you have created an instance of Excel.Application you can pretty much drop your VBA into a VBS and go from there.
If it's the Excel/VBA capability that you're looking to use then you could always start by creating all of the code that will interact with the Excel files you're wanting to work on within an Excel file - a kind of master file that is separated from the regular files, as suggested by Karsten W.
This gives you the freedom to write Excel/VBA.
Then you can call your master workbook (which can be configured to run your code when the book is opened, for example) from a VB script, batch file, Task Scheduler, etc.
If you want to get fancy, you can even use VBA in your master file to create/modify/delete custom macros/VBA modules in any of the target files that you're processing.
The info for just about all of the techniques I'm describing I got from the Excel VBA built-in reference docs, but it certainly helps to be familiar with the specific programming tasks that you're tackling. I'd advise that the best approach is to put together your tasks (eg, make column blue, update/sort data etc) one by one and then worry about the automation at the end.

How to mimic DropBox functionality with Ruby script?

I would like to upload documents to GoogleDocs every time the OS hears that a file was added/dragged/saved in a designated folder, just the way DropBox uploads a file when you save it in the DropBox folder.
What would this take in Ruby, what are the parts?
How do you listen for when a File is Saved?
How do you listen for when a File is added to a Folder?
I understand how to use the GoogleDocs API and upload things once I get these events, but I'm not sure how this would work.
While I still don't know how to check if a file is added to a directory, listening for when a file is saved is now dirt simple, thanks to Guard for ruby.
If I were faced with this, I would use something like git or bzr to handle the version checking and just call add then commit from your script and monitor which files have changed (and therefore need to be uploaded).
This adds the benefit of full version control over files and it's mostly cross platform (if you include binaries for each platform).
Note this doesn't handle your listening problem, just what you do when you know something has changed. You could schedule the task (via various routes) but I still like the idea of a proper VCS under the hood.
I just found this:
You'd need to read over it as I can't vouch for its efficiency or reliability. It appears to use SQLite, so it might be better just to manually check once every 10 seconds (or something along those lines).
Ruby doesn't include a built-in way to "listen" for updates to files. If you want to stick to pure Ruby, your best bet would be to perform the upload on a fixed schedule (say every 5 minutes) regardless of when the file is saved.
If this isn't an acceptable alternative, you could try writing the app (or at least certain parts of it) in Java, which does support this type of thing. Take a look at JRuby for integrating the Ruby and Java portions of your app.
Here is a pure ruby gem:
I don't know the correct way of doing this, but a simple hack would be to have a script running in the background which checks the contents of a bunch of folders every n minutes and uses the associated timestamps to determine if the file was modified in that span of time
You would definitely need some native OS code here, to write the monitoring service/client. I'd select C++ if you want it to be cross platform. If you decide to go with .Net, for example, you can use the FileSystemWatcher class to achieve what you need (documentation and here's a related article).
Kind of an old thread, but I am faced with doing something similar and wanted to throw in my thoughts. The route I'm going is to have a ruby script that watches a given directory and checks the timestamps. Once all files have been uploaded, the script saves the latest timestamp and then polls the directory again, checking if any files/folders have been added. If files are found, then the script uploads them and updates the global timestamp, etc...
The downside is that setting up a ruby script to run continually (or as a service) is somewhat painful. But it's not an overwhelming task, just needs to be thought out properly.
Also depends on if your users are competent enough to have ruby installed or if you have to package everything up into a one-click installer as well. That, to me, is the hardest part to figure out.
