How to get handle of popup window (WebdriverIO) - windows

I am very very new to automated testing and I am currently completely stuck with the following issue:
I have a webpage open(first window)
In the same test I call a .newWindow(second window) and do some stuff in that window. The last action opens new popup window(popup window).
What I need, is to set the focus on a popup window.
According to WebdriverIO API I can use .switchTab
But to be able to switch to a popup window I have to indicate handle, but I don't understand how to get the handle of a popup window :(
That s my piece of code:
//this is the part where I have already second window open
it('should open email letter', function(done) {
.clickAndWait('[title="Password restore"]', 4000)
.clickAndWait('[title="Restore password"]', 7000) //this is the part where popup window opens
console.log(res, handles)
}) // I have got three handles but i dont know how to use them now
There is a lot of examples in java, but i didnt find anything that would fit mine language.
Please, excuse me my dumbness, I am really a very beginner and I will appreciate if somebody could explain that to me.
Thanks a lot in advance!

we not use getCurrentTabId to remember the handle of the currently open window?
For example:
var main, popup; //your window handles
.getCurrentTabId(function (err, handle) {
main = handle;
.newWindow('http://localhost:9001/') //you are on popup window
.getCurrentTabId(function (err, handle) {
popup = handle;
.switchTab(main) //you are back to main window
.switchTab(popup) //you are on popup again
.close(popup) //extra bonus!

I notice you stated "The last action opens new popup window(popup window). What I need, is to set the focus on a popup window."
I had this issue. But the new window was opened when clicking on login with facebook. This caused an issue on finding the handle for the new window because I could not use .newWindow('http://localhost:9001/'). The API keys and all sorts are added as parameters when using a social login. So one has little control
To handle this I registered each window ID as its opened.
The first background step in my feature is Given I open the url "/a.html"
In the step you can set an empty array as the variable windowID with let let windowID = []
So my step file would look like this
const url = 'http://localhost:8080'
let windowID = []
this.Given(/^I open the url "([^"]*)"$/, (path) => {
.url(url + path)
console.log(`# Navigating to ${url + path}`)
expect(browser.getUrl()).toEqual(url + path)
windowID.main = browser.getTabIds()
During the step after clicking the Facebook button you can then check all the open window ID's and drop the one that matches windowID.main
this.When(/^I authenticate with facebook$/, function (arg1) {
// log the ID of the main window
console.log('Main Window ID' + windowID.main)
.getTabIds().forEach(function (value) {
if (value === windowID.main) {
// we do not need to do anything with windowID.main as it's already set
// if the value does not match windowID.main then we know its the new facebook login window
windowID.facebook = value
// log both of these
console.log('Main Window ID: ' + windowID.main)
console.log('Facebook Window ID: ' + windowID.facebook)
// Do the login
.setValue('input[name="email"]', process.env.FACEBOOK_EMAIL)
.setValue('input[name="pass"]', process.env.FACEBOOK_PASSWORD)
note that I add credentials as an environment variable. This is a good idea, you don't want to commit your personal credentials to the code base. One may think well obviously, but you may not, who knows.
You had your question answered years ago, but I found this post first when trying to find a solution so it seems a sensible place to put this addition.


Protractor : Check pdf document in a new tab

I am trying to automate a scenario where I click on a button and its opens up a pdf document in new tab. When the test fails, a json object is displayed instead of the pdf document.
I use this code :
element('MyButton')).click().then(function () {
browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {
newWindowHandle = handles[1]; // this is your new window
browser.switchTo().window(newWindowHandle).then(function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Waits for the element is not present on the dom.
browser.wait(EC.stalenessOf($('#formattedJson')), 5000);
I can open the new tab but when I dont know how to check the content (pdf or json object).
Some advices would be appreciated.
For instance I have the error :
Failed: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "both angularJS testability and angular testability are undefined. This could be either because this is a non-angular page or because your test involves client-side navigation, which can interfere with Protractor's bootstrapping. See for details"
Thanks in advance.
Probably because the window that is rendering your pdf isn't an angular page. You can tell protractor not to wait for angular by using browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false). You should do this right before your call to switch window. Just remember to turn it back on when you close the window and switch back to your main app window. Check out this documentation for more info.
browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {
newWindowHandle = handles[1]; // this is your new window
browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false); //add this and it should work
browser.switchTo().window(newWindowHandle).then(function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Waits for the element is not present on the dom.
browser.wait(EC.stalenessOf($('#formattedJson')), 5000);

How to get the current tab's history in a Web Extension in Firefox?

Is there an API that makes it possible to get the current tab's history in a Web Extension in Firefox? Just like when clicking and holding on the Back button, a dropdown will appear to show the current tab's history.
No. You cannot ask for the list for a certain tab by default.
You can, however, listen for the tab events onUpdated, onCreated etc. Using the tabId which stays the same, you can keep a list of URLs in a background script (background.js) which is always running if the addon is enabled.
You would do it like this:
let arr=[]; // At the top of background.js
browser.tabs.onCreated.addListener(handleCreated); // Somewhere in background.js
function handleCreated(tab) {
let tabId =;
if(arr[tabId]==null) arr[tabId] = [];
function getHistoryForCurrentTab(){
function currentTabs(tabs) {
// browser.tabs.query returns an array, lets assume the first one (it's safe to assume)
let tab = tabs[0];
// tab.url requires the `tabs` permission (manifest.json)
// We will now log the tab history to the console.
for(let url of arr[]){
function onError(error) {
console.log(`This should not happen: ${error}`);
browser.tabs.query({currentWindow: true, active: true}).then(currentTabs, onError);
The above code is a proof of concept. Some improvements you will need to consider: implement onClosed which resets the tab history for that id (arr[tabId] = null), implement onUpdated (will be needed for sure, same logic as in handleCreated).

Nativescript Android - hide keyboard

In my Nativescript app, the application starts with the login page. On iOS everything looks good, but on android, the username field is focused and the keyboard is showing. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
So far I have tried:
Getting a reference of another element (a label) and calling lbl.focus() in the page's onLoaded event
getting a reference of the username textfield and calling txt.dismissSoftInput() and
None of this worked. Is there another way to hide the keyboard when the page is loaded?
Thank you
I guess the username field is either textview or textfield. If so, try this on loaded callback:
var myTextview = page.getViewById("myTextView");
So I ended up implementing a different solution. This may not be the best approach, but it serves its purpose in my case and I wanted to share it for those of you that face a similar scenario.
in page's loaded event I included this code:
if ( {
var un = page.getViewById('username');
var p = page.getViewById('password');;;
setTimeout(function () {;;
}, 300);
The key here is the setTimeout function (Thanks Emil Oberg for pointing me to the right direction). As far as I understand, here is what is happening:
The page loads and we call setFocusable(false) on the only 2 text fields to prevent Android from setting the focus on them
Then we wait 300ms to allow Android to do its initialization
When the timeout executes, call setFocusableInTouchMode(true) to allow the fields to gain focus.
At this point the page is loaded without any fields to be in focus and with the keyboard hidden. If the user taps any of the fields the keyboard will appear and they can proceed to log in as usual.
As I mentioned, this may not be the best, or correct, approach, but works for me. Hope this can save someone the time to research the issue.
You want to clear the focus of the field in the loaded callback:
var searchBar = page.getViewById('my-search-bar-id');
if ( {;
What about combining both tips above?
onClear(args) {
const searchBar = <SearchBar>args.object;
if (isAndroid && != undefined){//avoid random unpleasant error
setTimeout(() => { // the key here was this timeout;
}, 1)

Firefox add-on triggers code in each open window

I have a Firefox add on that displays a pop-up when it sees a certain response header. This works fine when I have a single window. However, when I have multiple windows open, and one of the tabs in a window triggers the pop-up code in my add-on (due to the presence of said header) I get a pop-up in each of my open windows. For example, if I have 3 windows open, I get 3 different pop ups, one for each windows. Is this the default behavior, and is there an easy in-built way to fix this using their SDK.
I have the following code:
Util.requestBlock(httpChannel) {
/*load response headers here*/
if (responseHeaders.includes("header_xyz"))
alert("show popup");
Util.monitor = function(w) {
this.obsService = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
this.obsService.addObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-response', false);
Util.monitor.prototype = {
'observe': function(subject, topic, data). {
if (topic == 'http-on-examine-response'). {
var channel = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
var block_response = new Util.RequestBlock(channel);
The Util.monitor adds an observer. Whenever a response is received, the "Observe" function is called.
var windows = require("window-utils");
for (window in windows.browserWindowIterator)

DOMContentLoaded events stops getting triggered. Why?

Well, I'm developing a firefox addon that reload a given set of url automatically with some modification. Its not possible to show the whole code. So, I've just copy paste the part of the code which is giving me the error.
The DOMContentLoaded event is suppose to be triggered everything a page is loaded, and it do it properly. The problem is that, if i open a new tab, then DOMContentLoaded event is not triggered in the old tab.
//Any code here runs only for the first time u start the browser
window.addEventListener("load", function() { myExtension.init(); }, false);
var myExtension = {
init: function()
var appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent");
appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myExtension.onPageLoad, true);
onPageLoad: function(aEvent)
var doc = aEvent.originalTarget; // doc is document triggered "onload" event
//execute on one the top page (not on iframes)
if ((aEvent.originalTarget.nodeName == '#document') && (aEvent.originalTarget.defaultView.location.href == gBrowser.currentURI.spec))
{setTimeout(function(){showInError(doc.location='about:home'}, 500);}
I'd like to write the problem in a simple way (sorry for my bad English)
1) i run firefox, and the tab (say tab no.1) is continuously reloaded as i want.
2) the tab no.1 page continues to load repeatedly if i leave the page uninterrupted(that's what it want)
3) if i open a new tab (say tab no. 2), the new tab (tab no. 2) begins to reload continuously as i wanted. However, the tab no. 1 stops reloading.
what i want is to to keep on reloading both tab no 1 and tab no. 2. How to do it? what is wrong is my code?
It looks like you are executing the script only on currently displayed page (active tab).
If you want to execute it on other tabs, you should attach event listeners to new tabs as you open them (and don't forget to remove them when you close the tab). You can get useful snippets for this functionality at this page:
Try using gBrowser instead of document.getElementById("appcontent");
gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myExtension.onPageLoad, true);
