Xpages ExtLib - dynamic content - themes

When using dynamic content from extlib:
<xe:dynamicContent id="dynamicContent1" defaultFacet="key2" useHash="true" disableTheme="false" themeId="Dc">
<xc:cc_searchTemplate xp:key="key1" />
<xc:cc_vseZadeveTemplate xp:key="key2" />
with theme
<property mode="override">
Theme is not applied to dynamic content div. Also, why doing partial refresh on dynamic content (switch CC) doesnt load resources from custom control?

Simply put, this control does not have support for styleClass attribute. This can be found on github -> extlib -> dynamiccontent, dynamiccontrol renderer. Also in xsp config files.
Ive extended control and renderer and added style. Class is hardcoded atm.


Pinterest share button functionality not working using react-share library

<PinterestShareButton url={localHostShareUrl}> <PinterestIcon size={35} round={true} /> </PinterestShareButton>
I use this component to share blogs.I use facebook,twitter,linkedin and pininterst components using react-share.But when i click on pininterest button it doesn't popup share box but other platforms work smoothly.Anyone help me to figure this issue.Is this the problem with the package?
You'll need to include both "url" and "media" parameters in the PinterestShareButton to create the pop up.
<PinterestShareButton url={url} media={url} description="">
<PinterestIcon />

Start workflow popup menu is empty in OpenKM web interface

I've created a simple workflow in jBoss studio and deployed it on OpenKM, every things is OK and my workflow will be shown in administration panel but in desktop panel there is no files in /okm:root/ and when I want to start my workflow the workflow lists in 'workflow start' dialog is empty, Did not have any entry.
Can any one please help me with how can I start my workflow?
As a note, I uses Firefox 30 and Java plug-in is disable on it
You must enable available workflow list from profiles ( administration -> profiles -> first tab). Also to start any workflow you need to doing it selecting a document.
In addition if your problem is that you're not showing th form just when you start workflow then take in consideration, there's an special task name in forms.xml if you want to be shown the form at the moment you're registering. You can see example in this form with task called task="run_config":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE workflow-forms PUBLIC "-//OpenKM//DTD Workflow Forms 2.1//EN"
<workflow-form task="run_config">
<input label="number" name="number" />
<button name="submit" label="Submit" />
<workflow-form task="task">
<input label="number" name="number" data="modified" />
<button name="submit" label="Submit" />
Here you can find some examples http://wiki.openkm.com/index.php/File:Course_workflows.zip, also I suggest take a look on it. Hope this could be useful for you

Change joomla 2.5 default editor in custom component

I am using jce editor in my joomla and it's my default editor.
now I want use tinymce editor in my custom component at frontend Without changing the default editor. I get editor by this code:
$editor = JFactory::getEditor();
echo $editor->display('content', $this->content, '550', '400', '60', '20', false);
but it's only show my default editor. I want only use tinymce in my custom component fronted.
First of all getEditor() is deprecated and you should not be using it for new code. Please review the docblocks and as instructed use JEditor instead.
If you read the docblocks you will see that the name of the editor is a property of the editor object. By default the constructor uses 'none' but you can put what you want.
However, more importantly, in your xml form (as illustrated in com_templates) you can specify the editor
filter="raw" />
Make sure you check that the editor is present and enabled, otherwise fall back to none.

How to define default preferences (prefpane)

I've successuflly created a custom prefpane for my application (in thunderbird) and defined some preferences.
At the moment, the values in my prefpane are empty by default. However, when I do enter/select and save them, everything is good and they get written into the default database.
<preference id="myextension.settings.autosync_time"
<preference id="myextension.settings.autosync_server"
How can I predefine values to my preferences (eg. autosync_time = int(60) and autosync_server = string(dlc://mydlc.com) for my application ?
If you are packaging an extension, you put a JavaScript file with default preferences into the defaults/preferences directory:
pref("myextension.settings.autosync_time", 60);
pref("myextension.settings.autosync_server", "dlc://mydlc.com");
If you are packaging a XULRunner application or changing Thunderbird the same file goes into the defaults/prefs directory of the application.

How to display custom Entity under 'Extensions' tab on workplace?

I have created a new custom entity called Sports Leagues.
Now i am wondering how to display/ accessible this under 'Extensions' tab on workplace?
On the screen where you customize the new entity there's a section on the General tab called 'Areas that display this entity' - check the 'Workplace' checkbox.
Export Site Map, look for Area with Id="Workplace". Look for the Extensions group, or add:
<Group Id="Extensions" ResourceId="Group_Extensions">
<SubArea Id="sportsleagues" Entity="new_sportsleagues" />
Import the SiteMap back into the system. (Settings then Customization)
did you remember to publish the new entity? ticking the workplace box and publishing the entity should be all you need to do.
