how fetch recent unfollowers from instagram api? - nofollow have a system for show recent instagram followers and unfollowers ,
instagram api just give me followers and following informations but we cant access
for relations date info for each user ( follow and un follow ) by instagram api .
now my question is , how work ?


how to get attendances Track from the Google API?

We are using the API of google calendar to create events and we have some invites to that, the problem is that we want to get the Attendance, we know that calendar has the feature Attendance Tracking, and that works perfectly, but we need to get that information from the google API. for now it sends me a email at the end of the meet with an excel with that information. but I need to get it from the API cos, we have a lot of meeting and need to update this information automaticly.
thanks a lot if you give some route or some idea to reach it!!!
I am triging to get this information from the caelndar API V3 following this doc but I just get the event info and attendees, but I need to get the Attendance.

Get access to data for campaigns created by expert outside my company using Google Ads API

I have a company which does music promotion and we are working with Google Ads experts to run campaigns for us on some Youtube Videos.
We are currently tracking all the Youtube stats like comments, views, likes and etc... using the Youtube API.
But we would also like to track data from the Google Ads API like campaign_budget, click_views etc...
What would be the best way to do so.
Should I create a manager account and invite the google ads expert
Should he invite me as a client ?
In this case how could he give me a token that only works for my campaigns and not for the campaigns of other of its clients ?
He should be running your campaigns in it's own account (if not then there's something dodgy going on!)
If that's the case he'll be able to invite you to the account, and then you'll be able to authorise the api access with your own Google account

400 error - Instagram API - Fetching media items based on Hashtags in Sandbox mode

I try to fetch photos based on hashtags using Instagram API(Sandbox mode). Using below API<My Access token>
I am getting the error
> {"meta": {"code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthPermissionsException",
> "error_message": "This client has not been approved to access this
> resource."}}
But if I use<My Access Token>
then its returning recent 20 media items.
In my sandbox I have authenticated 1 more user but I am not getting any media items other than mine.
I am following the official documentation of Instagram API.
Please provide your inputs for this behavior.
/tags endpoints requires public_content scope enabled for your app. Without it you will not be able to use this endpoint. To be honest right now it is not possible to submit your app for review if you want to have public_content permission. Old Instagram API accepts apps for review only for basic scope. You should try to switch to Facebook Graph API, but please keep in mind that right now it supports only Instagram Business Accounts.
You can try to filter out media that does not contain the tag you wish in response from /self/media/recent endpoint. I know, not the best solution:/

How to set Student Post Permissions from Google Classroom API

The Google Classroom API (with the google-php-api-client) allows a web application to create courses, and enroll Students in that course. However, the Google Classroom web site, under the Students tab, has a select with the following options:
From the post and comment list, choose a permission level:
Students can post and comment
Students can only comment
Only teacher can post or comment
How can I set this post permission with the Google Classroom API?
I think this kind of option is not executable with the Classroom API itself. As of now, you need to manually set up this in the Google Classroom website itself.
If you check the Google Classroom API documentation reference, there is no method or request that is specific for the students permission or can do these things involving the students.
I found here a related topic that asking about permission setting through API. The only workaround of the user that ask this question is by manually set the permissions with the Google Classroom UI and not through the API.
For more information, check this Manage Teachers and Students part of the documentation.

GEt Steam or CSGO backpack/inventory using steam API

Is this possible to get Steam(753) or CsGo(730) full backpack/inventory using steam API?
I found an API where I get the full backpack/inventory of Dota2(570) TF2(440)
Here is the API :
URL :{api_key}
When I put steam or csgo appid , this API return 'NOT FOUND'. Further , I search for many API regarding this but not found any which should help me to get all the items.
I found many API regarding this which should give me the CSGO backpack of a particular user.
Here is the one API.
URL :{api_key}&SteamID={steam_id64}
From this api I can get any steam user's backpack except steam (753).I also searched many APi regarding this , but the result is same.
I know that there are no official api to get CSGO items but then where from many websites show full csgo backpack on there website for trade and bet.
If anyone know how to get this please reply to my question.
You can construct the API URL using this statement:
string.Format("{0}/inventory/json/{1}/{2}/", steamid.ConvertToUInt64(), appid, contextId)
However, if you're using SteamBot, there's no need to do this manually. The GenericInventory class handles making and parsing the request for you automatically.
