GEt Steam or CSGO backpack/inventory using steam API - steam-web-api

Is this possible to get Steam(753) or CsGo(730) full backpack/inventory using steam API?
I found an API where I get the full backpack/inventory of Dota2(570) TF2(440)
Here is the API :
URL :{api_key}
When I put steam or csgo appid , this API return 'NOT FOUND'. Further , I search for many API regarding this but not found any which should help me to get all the items.
I found many API regarding this which should give me the CSGO backpack of a particular user.
Here is the one API.
URL :{api_key}&SteamID={steam_id64}
From this api I can get any steam user's backpack except steam (753).I also searched many APi regarding this , but the result is same.
I know that there are no official api to get CSGO items but then where from many websites show full csgo backpack on there website for trade and bet.
If anyone know how to get this please reply to my question.

You can construct the API URL using this statement:
string.Format("{0}/inventory/json/{1}/{2}/", steamid.ConvertToUInt64(), appid, contextId)
However, if you're using SteamBot, there's no need to do this manually. The GenericInventory class handles making and parsing the request for you automatically.


My Google API keeps returning a limit reached error, when I am sure I am under the limit

I am currently building a NodeJS backend app that is querying the Google Calendar API. I have setup a new project on Google Cloud API platform and have generated all the required credentials. As stated by the google calendar API page, the allowed queries per day is 1,000,000. Since I am only querying for testing purposes at the moment, I am sure that I haven't even hit a 100. Yet whenever I try to query the API it returns the error:
"The API returned an error: Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Also I have noticed that the dev console has generated a API key for me. Where am I supposed to put that?
My initial thinking is that Google API requires me to perform an additional signup using some CLI tools or something along those lines to signup. If not, where am I supposed to sign up?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I already have all the information from the cloud platform such as client_id, client_secret, project_id.
In "Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded", they key word is Unauthenticated. Your request to the Calendar API is missing an OAuth Access Token. You will need to research Google OAuth.
This question has been answered many times. Please learn how to search SO for similar questions whenever you post a new question.
To anyone who comes across this post in the future. I fixed the issue by using the project generated by Google Calendar API site ( by clicked the big blue "Enable the google calendar api" and then changing the name of the quickstart project that was generated. I don't know why it works now but it does and it's been working quite stably so far. Lets see how to goes.

Activities API call not returning correct results

The below api call used to return a feed of results that would have been on my homepage.
In the past day or so the feed I get has changed to be only videos from some channel called "Popular on YouTube".
Does anyone know why this API call changed? Is it a bug? Is there a different way to get an authenticated user's activity feed?
It turns out the home parameter for the activities api endpoint has been deprecated.
Sounds like you must have been using a shared API key.
Either case, "Popular on Youtube" is a Youtube channel by Youtube. Something has broken functionality and I believe it is referrer issue. With that, I suggest getting a new API Key.
You can learn more about and getting a free personal API Key, if you haven't done so.

Do I need to get API Key for Google Book search

I am little bit confused interpreting the Google Book API terms. In this page it is written that
Note: Performing a search does not require authentication, so you do
not have to provide the Authorization HTTP header with the GET
request. However, if the call is made with authentication, each Volume
will include user-specific information, such as purchased status.
Does that mean I don't need to use an API key for searching book info or linking cover from google books (to be used in Android App)?
For searching only the informations about books (author, title, etc..) you can write code without have any API key. But probably for the payment service or other (write a book and insert that in google book api) you should have an API Key (with sign up).
Bye bye
For searching only the informations about books (author, title, etc..) you can write code without have any API key. But sometimes google books API gives back HTTP 403. HTTP Status Code 403: The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. So it is advisable you use the API key generated and also try to mention your country code in it. As sometimes it fails to recognize where the request is coming from so it gives you access denied (403) error.${bookTitle}&key=${googleKey}&country=${countryName}
This query was used by me in a React application as sometimes without key or country name i got HTTP 403 error. countryName is of the form US or UK, etc.

Google Plus API & photos?

As I understand, there's no official G+ API for getting photos from albums.
But I've figured out from here that Google Plus uses Picasa internally.
My questions are:
Is it possible to figure out only via G+ API Picasa userId?
If yes, how can I do it with G+ API if I only have the Google Plus page URL(something like this: - or - ?
Thanks in advance.
The link you "figured it out from" tells what you need to know. That first big number in the page URL is the UserID. From there you can call something like:
and it will give you a list of the albums available. Drill down from there.
Downside? Sometime soon Google is no doubt going to change all this by implementing a real G+ API for photos.

Google places Api Key

I have searched through here for other questions related to the same topic and cannot find a definite answer.
My problem seems the same as many others in that I cannot get a response from Google Places Api.
I am trying from within an iphone app, yes the code is correct , I have checked and in desperation just resorted to wiping out the code to just make a request using the examples provided by the Docs on Google Places.
Tried putting the url into a browser, always the same response, whichever browser.
"html_attributions" : [],
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST DENIED"
I have tried making new keys, same result and yes the identifer for the app is also listed.
Is there a time frame before being able to use the key.
Here how I've done this
1)You need to login with your google account
2)Google APi Console will Appear
3)Look out at Screenshot
4)you will find Services over there ,click on it where you can have choose API you would like to use
5)then go to API Access as shown in you can get your Google API Key.
Advice -use your own Google API key
You probably need 'sensor' parameter in your request URL, I guess.
Just set 'sensor=false&' in the URL and try it.
In order to use the google place API, you need to do the following steps on
You need to go your project.
1: Activate Google places API depending upon your clients: iOS, Android or web.
2: Then go to the Credentials section on the left.
3: Generate a SERVER key.
Insert that key into your google place api call. Example:,151.1957362&radius=500&types=food&name=cruise&key=SERVERKEY
Its a simple GET Rest call.
instead of this
The url:,40.714623&radius=5000&types=bar|police&name=&sensor=false&key=Api_key
use this
The url:
%20 is for space
