Azure WebJobs Deployment with Continuous Integration on Visual Studio Online - continuous-integration

I am trying to setup Continuous Integration with Azure WebJobs. I have a Web and a WebJobs project in the solution. I have continuous integration and deployment already setup for the web app in Visual Studio Online (*
I also connected the WebJobs and the Web app using the Visual Studio ASP.Net extensions - Right click the WebSite project in VS 2013 > Add > Existing Azure WebJob project. It created webjobs-list.json file in the website project.
I was expecting that when the Web app deployment happens to Azure Website after the Visual Studio Online build, it will deploy the WebJobs too. But it is not doing so.
How do we automate the WebJobs deployment after Visual Studio Online build in

The WTE team is aware of the TFS publishing issues. I've been personally working on developing a workaround with which I'm comfortable but haven't finalized it yet. My team is working on an improvement to the WebJobs publishing experience from VSO. This item is absolutely on our agenda to repair, and will be included in the next VS update. In the meantime I'm trying to come up with a workaround for the time being; once that workaround is prescriptive enough to post, I'll write a post summarizing the process on our team blog.

This looks like the way to do it with VSTS
Use VS to link your web job to a web app.
Create a new Buildtask that uploads the file.


Push to Azure DevOps from Visual Studio with Agile Process as Default

I connected Azure DevOps to Visual Studio and when I press "Publish Git Repo" everything is working fine.
But it always creates a Scrum process Dashboard.
I made Agile as default and disabled all of the others in my organisation.
Now Visual Studio throws this error
VS403119: You cannot add a team project with process Scrum as it is disabled. Either choose a different process, or enable process Scrum and try again.
So it means the setting is somewhere in Visual Studio.
The only thing I found about it is this two years old question.
Do you know the setting or some config file to change the default process board when publishing to the Azure DevOps from Visual Studio?
Visual Studio always specifies Scrum process when creating Azure Devops project via its Team Explorer, as I know there's no VS settings available to manage this behavior.
As a workaround you can create the project with Agile process in web portal first, add local project/solution into source control and choose Target Project(Click Advanced) before publishing the repo:
Actually this behavior is VS-specific cause Azure Devops itself supports specifying process template even by Rest API. So I decide to post a feature request related to your requirements in User Voice forum with VS tag instead of Azure Devops tag. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

How do I add a project to a team project?

Some time ago I went to Azure DevOps Services, to create a new Team Project. The name of this Team Project is “Small Apps”.
When I created Small Apps, I created it using Git and Scrum, but didn't add any project a part of the Small Apps team project. Today I had an idea that I wanted to test out. So, I fired up VS 2017 and tried to connect to Small Apps in my Azure DevOps. Nothing doing. Couldn’t find it from VS 2017. I could find other team projects I’ve created in Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) using either TFVC or Git, but I couldn’t find Small Apps.
Why is that?
Where in Visual Studio are you looking for your project? If you created a project but the repo hasn't been created (or cloned in Visual Studio) yet, you won't find it in Visual Studio.
Please (create and) clone the Git repo first, then you will find it on your machine.

How to Deploy to Azure websites using Visual Studio Online and TFS?

I have an MVC 5 application with Entity Framework. I was hoping to setup a continuous delivery using Visual Studio Online and TFS to Azure websites.
At first, it looked like i succeeded in setting up my application for continuous delivery, as when i check in the project, the build started and succeeded. Then i went to browse the website, there was nothing. I went into Visual Studio Online to check my builds, i noticed that under "Completed" tab, all builds completed successfully, but when i click on "Deployed" tab none were deployed "No builds have been deployed today by anyone"
I followed Continuous delivery to Azure using Visual Studio Online and i was under the impression that all i need is to check in my code and it would deploy to azure.
Could someone please help me with this problem?

Continuous Integration from TFS to Azure Inconsistent to Visual Studio Deployment

We are working to migrate to Azure Cloud Services (not Web Site) for our Web Application. We are wanting to start using the Team Foundation Service with 'Continuous Integration' publishing like we currently use between AppHarbor and GitHub.
We are running into challenges when using TFS's 'Continuous Integration' feature. The builds are inconsistent when comparing Visual Studio to Azure Cloud Service to TFS to Azure Cloud Service. When we publish to Azure Cloud Service using the TFS's 'Continuous Integration', our static pages work fine but for the pages that have an *.cs extension are not able to find the controls we have placed on those pages. However, when we publish using Visual Studio 2010 to Azure Cloud Service, these pages operate correctly.
Can you offer any insight to why Team Foundation Service's Continuous Integration to Azure Cloud Service would result in pages with an *.cs extension not being able to find the controls we have placed on those pages while a build and deployment using the same exact code from Visual Studio 2010 to Azure Cloud Service works perfect?
Make sure all the referred assemblies that include the custom controls are "NOT" referred from GAC. Ideally put those in a folder (call it libs or references etc to easily identify). Then refer the assemblies from that location in your project, also don't forget to mark them Copy Local = True.
Anything that is not part of the framework should be included like this.

How to run an ASP.NET Application on Another System?

I have developed an ASP.NET web application in visual studio 2008. I want to run the same application on another system, but Visual Studio is not installed on that system. Is there a way I can run without visual studio?
I heard about deploying, but I don't know much about it.
You can publish your site from Visual Studio to a server that's running IIS, more info here:
How to: Publish Web Application Projects
You can use the built-in deployment features of Visual Studio (right click on the web project, select publish and follow the prompts) or you can simply copy all the dlls plus your content files from the web project to the IIS folder you want to deploy to (known as xcopy deployment). You could also deploy via a setup project, which will create an MSI package, but that's a bit more work. Here's a couple of links that might help, but you can do a search for the options described above and you will find plenty of resources:
Deploying ASP.NET Applications - Part 1
Deploying ASP.NET Applications - Part 2
