How do I add a project to a team project? - visual-studio

Some time ago I went to Azure DevOps Services, to create a new Team Project. The name of this Team Project is “Small Apps”.
When I created Small Apps, I created it using Git and Scrum, but didn't add any project a part of the Small Apps team project. Today I had an idea that I wanted to test out. So, I fired up VS 2017 and tried to connect to Small Apps in my Azure DevOps. Nothing doing. Couldn’t find it from VS 2017. I could find other team projects I’ve created in Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) using either TFVC or Git, but I couldn’t find Small Apps.
Why is that?

Where in Visual Studio are you looking for your project? If you created a project but the repo hasn't been created (or cloned in Visual Studio) yet, you won't find it in Visual Studio.
Please (create and) clone the Git repo first, then you will find it on your machine.


Visual Studio 2019 - How do I add a project to Azure DevOps Git?

I've been trying to add a project to Azure Devops for hours now. I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and the "add to source control" only has a Git option and when I use that with my Azure remote URL it doesn't really work.
I've tried everything I can think of...
Visual Studio 2019 - How do I add a project to Azure DevOps Git?
There is no standard process to realize it, as long as it can be finally realized, Just as the word, all roads lead to Rome.
I will simply share some steps I usually use to achieve it, hope give you any help.
1. Create a new project in the Azure Devops reppo and version control select Git:
2. Initialize the repo and add the Visual Studio as gitignore type:
3. Open the Visual Studio and open the team explorer, clone the repo:
4. Add a new project to the repo, select the repo folder in local:
There is a video about it, you can refer it for some more details.

Push to Azure DevOps from Visual Studio with Agile Process as Default

I connected Azure DevOps to Visual Studio and when I press "Publish Git Repo" everything is working fine.
But it always creates a Scrum process Dashboard.
I made Agile as default and disabled all of the others in my organisation.
Now Visual Studio throws this error
VS403119: You cannot add a team project with process Scrum as it is disabled. Either choose a different process, or enable process Scrum and try again.
So it means the setting is somewhere in Visual Studio.
The only thing I found about it is this two years old question.
Do you know the setting or some config file to change the default process board when publishing to the Azure DevOps from Visual Studio?
Visual Studio always specifies Scrum process when creating Azure Devops project via its Team Explorer, as I know there's no VS settings available to manage this behavior.
As a workaround you can create the project with Agile process in web portal first, add local project/solution into source control and choose Target Project(Click Advanced) before publishing the repo:
Actually this behavior is VS-specific cause Azure Devops itself supports specifying process template even by Rest API. So I decide to post a feature request related to your requirements in User Voice forum with VS tag instead of Azure Devops tag. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

Azure WebJobs Deployment with Continuous Integration on Visual Studio Online

I am trying to setup Continuous Integration with Azure WebJobs. I have a Web and a WebJobs project in the solution. I have continuous integration and deployment already setup for the web app in Visual Studio Online (*
I also connected the WebJobs and the Web app using the Visual Studio ASP.Net extensions - Right click the WebSite project in VS 2013 > Add > Existing Azure WebJob project. It created webjobs-list.json file in the website project.
I was expecting that when the Web app deployment happens to Azure Website after the Visual Studio Online build, it will deploy the WebJobs too. But it is not doing so.
How do we automate the WebJobs deployment after Visual Studio Online build in
The WTE team is aware of the TFS publishing issues. I've been personally working on developing a workaround with which I'm comfortable but haven't finalized it yet. My team is working on an improvement to the WebJobs publishing experience from VSO. This item is absolutely on our agenda to repair, and will be included in the next VS update. In the meantime I'm trying to come up with a workaround for the time being; once that workaround is prescriptive enough to post, I'll write a post summarizing the process on our team blog.
This looks like the way to do it with VSTS
Use VS to link your web job to a web app.
Create a new Buildtask that uploads the file.

Share source between TFS & Codeplex TFS

I am wanting to use to link work-items and user stories to source control check-ins for a current project of mine that is hosted on Codeplex.
The project is an open source project and has been hosted on Codeplex for several years. Now that I am doing a re-write, I am wanting to use an Agile process, creating user stories and building it in sprints, while I develop the app. The issue is that Codeplex's hosted TFS does not support this, while Visual Studio online does.
Visual Studio online is geared more towards closed-source projects with team members. It's offered for free, so I'm a bit bummed that they didn't open it up to support Open Source projects. Is there a way for me to have Visual Studio online host my source, and when I am ready to distribute a build, merge my branch in to Codeplex? I assume something along these lines is possible as the Prism team seems to do this with their releases. Since I don't have control over either TFS though, I'm not sure if external parties can do this or not.
If you use git on both projects (you can ask the Codeplex team to convert your project for you) then you can simply set up your git repo with two remotes.
Do you work locally and push to the main VSO git repo whenever you wish. When you've made enough changes that you want to push to Codeplex, just do a separate push to that remote and it'll be good to go.
If you're using TFVC on both then you're out of luck, unless you want to mess with the TFS Integration Platform (which I wouldn't recommend)

Team System - Create a Sharepoint Project Portal for an existing team project

I have an existing Team Project in Team System 2010 which, when I originally created it, I opted not to create a Sharepoint Project Portal website. I now would like a Sharepoint Project Portal website for the Team Project.
How do I do this?
In Visual Studio, I have tried Team->Team Project Settings->Portal Settings... and checking '"Enable team project portal" but I get the error:
TF229003: No response was received from following SharePoint site:
htttp:/. Verify that it is operational, or specify another
It seems that the TFS PowerTools have a command-line utility tfpt which lets you add a Project Portal for an existing Team Project.
tfpt addprojectportal
A blog post with a bit more info:
Edit: another post with examples:
Install TFS PowerTools and in command line you can create the portal.
you have to close visual studio first.
here is the msdn link:
