Tag name in CSS selector (e.g. div#id): how is it read? (Left to right or right to left?) [duplicate] - performance

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In which direction do selector engines read, exactly?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
So I came across a couple of articles on CSS optimization:
Apparently CSS is read from right to left. That means that div table a is read like: first all a elements on the page are retrieved, then all table elements that have an a in them (right?), then all div elements with both of those in them (right?).
My question, which I couldn't find an answer to anywhere, is: how is a CSS rule like div#div_id parsed? Do first all elements with the id "div_id" get parsed, and is a filter then applied to fetch from that bunch of #div_id elements all div elements? Or are first all div elements parsed, and is a filter then applied to fetch everything with the id "div_id"?
The first article I mentioned says that the recommended order of efficiency in CSS is: #id > > .class > tag > rest. But what about tag#id?
To clarify: I like to type div#div_id just to have it clear for myself that #div_id applies to a div element without having to look up the HTML to find out which element's styling I'm looking at, but I wouldn't want to use it that way if it costs me much of my website's performance .What would be the recommended way of writing the rule then? Should I drop the tags in my selectors? Is it really that expensive?
The answer
The answer would be, as jbutler483 says: leaving the tag name out is faster. If you want to have clarification on what element you're styling, don't use div#my_id but #div_my_id. If you don't care that much about performance, you could still go with the div#my_id, but it will be a bit slower (but you can ask yourself if it will really impact your application that much).

Ok, I think you've gotten a little confused.
In your example, you use:
div table a
So i'll use that.
Pretty much, that could look like this in your html
//styling applied here
or something else like
<th>hi there</th>
<a>i'm an a tag!</a>
So, looking at that:
div table a
will be
div table a
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | a child
| |
| parent
This means that you'll be styling any 'a' element that is a child/descendant of a table, which, in turn, is a descendant of a div element
so, in your other example:
you would be styling all id's of div_id in which have a div as a parent.
BTW looking at your example, I would like to point out that (in case you didn't know):
the id attribute should be unique
an <a> attribute shouldn't be used directly within a <table> element (instead nest it within a th or td tag)
If you wish to style multiple elements (of varying types), it would be more efficient to create a class, and use that instead
Answer after Clarification:
In HTML, since the id is meant to be unique, it will look up 'all id's' with the specified id.
It will then check if it is a div element.
This seems to be a bad example, as obviously some (older) browsers will only look for the first id, and return it instead of checking the whole webpage for any 'duplicate' id's.
With your id's being unique, you could then drop your tag as it will be left redundant/ no use
So, an example of this extended conversation in the comments:
if I wanted to style a single div (and still know it was a div that i was adding styling to), i would use the naming convention of:
<div id="my-div-to-style">
[the word 'div' here could be anything]
in my css i would write:
_ this word must match the
/ id i used above
If i wanted to add the same styling to multiple div elements (with the scope to add it to others), i would instead use a class:
<div class="myDivStyle">
and then use:
in this last example, I would not be restricted to just styling divs, so i wouldn't include this in my naming:
<div class="myStyle">
<a class="myStyle">
<table class="myStyle">
//styling for any element I want

As you say, rules are parsed right to left, the same applies here.
Although duplicate id values are not valid, it is up to the browser to decide whether to accept and parse them, the below (in Chrome) for example, renders the first and last elements with red text.
Demo Fiddle
div#test {
<div id='test'>text</div>
<span id='test'>
<div id='test'>text</div>
In modern browsers you may want to be less mindful of selector resolution performance and instead look to obtain valid CSS adhering to best practices, keeping selectors as short and concise as possible.

What about tag#id? The second link you mention contains the answer.
Don’t qualify ID rules with tag names or classes
If a rule has an ID selector as its key selector, don’t add the tag
name to the rule. Since IDs are unique, adding a tag name would slow
down the matching process needlessly.
Don’t qualify class rules with tag names
The previous concept also applies here. Though classes can be used
many times on the same page, they are still more unique than a tag.

You may learn more about your question here: css-tricks => efficiently rendering html
There are four kinds of key selectors: ID, class, tag, and universal. It is that same order in how efficient they are.
#main-navigation { } /* ID (Fastest) */
body.home #page-wrap { } /* ID */
.main-navigation { } /* Class */
ul li a.current { } /* Class *
ul { } /* Tag */
ul li a { } /* Tag */
* { } /* Universal (Slowest) */
#content [title='home'] /* Universal */
When we combine this right-to-left idea, and the key selector idea, we can see that this selector isn't very efficient:
#main-nav > li { } /* Slower than it might seem */
Even though that feels weirdly counter-intuitive... Since ID's are so efficient we would think the browser could just find that ID quickly and then find the li children quickly. But in reality, the relatively slow li tag selector is run first.


How to prevent Xpath recursion

Given I have this (unknown) document structure, how do I write xpath to select div1 and div2, i.e. all divs, but not recursivelly (no divs, contained anywhere within another divs)?
I couldn't find any documentation that would point me in this direction, all I could manage is to select ALL divs, i.e. div1, div2 and div3 (with //div expression), but I want to exclude div2 here as it is the descendant div of another one.
(I need a generic solution to select tags not recursivelly, the ids here are for explanatory purposes only.)
...some unknown structure with no divs...
<div id="1">
...some unknown structure with no divs...
<div id="2"></div>
...some unknown structure with no divs...
...some unknown structure with no divs...
<div id="3"></div>
...some unknown structure with no divs...
If you select //div[not(ancestor::div)] you select all div elements that don't have any ancestor also being a div.
If you have access to XPath 3.1 or 3.0 you can also use the outermost function https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-outermost as it "returns every node within the sequence that does not have another node within the sequence as an ancestor" so "the expression outermost(//div) returns those div elements that are not contained within further div elements".

What XPATH I need to extract the text inside SPAN that is preceded by a specific label inside a STRONG, both inside a P?

What XPATH I need to extract the text inside SPAN that is preceded by a specific label inside a STRONG, both inside a P?
For example to extract website and email addresses from a page that looks like this:
<strong>Contact email:</strong>
This shall do:
//p/span[preceding::*[1][self::strong and . = 'Contact email:']]
Here, you are selecting all p/span elements with first preceding element strong, where label is Contact email:
//p/span[preceding::strong[1]/text()='Contact email:']
It is also important to note that, by using preceding axes as shown in the other two answers, the XPath will mistakenly return span element that is formed like the following :
You can use preceding-sibling axes instead to avoid the mistake mentioned above :
//p/span[preceding-sibling::*[1][self::strong and . = 'Website:']]
preceding-sibling axes only consider elements that is located before context element (the span in this case), and is sibling (share the same parent) of the context element.

Find element which has no style

In a table, there are rows like this:
<tr id="filtersJob_intrinsicTable_row6" class="evenRow" style="display: none;">some stuff here<tr>
<tr id="filtersJob_intrinsicTable_row7" class="evenRow">some stuff here<tr>
How do i use watir to get the rows which are to be displayed, i.e the rows which do NOT have style="display: none; ?
You have a number of ways of collecting elements without the style attribute:
Using a :css locator:
browser.trs(css: 'tr:not([style])')
Using a :xpath locator:
browser.trs(xpath: '//tr[not(#style)]')
You could also check the attribute value:
browser.trs.select { |tr| tr.attribute_value('style').nil? }
Note that you should be cautious about using the style attribute as an indicator of the row being displayed. Someone could add some other unrelated style property and then all of the tests will fail. Instead, I would suggest that you look for rows that are present:
I think that this also makes the purpose of the code more obvious and readable.
Using xpath:
[not(#style)] meaning having no style attribute.

Capybara::ElementNotFound Exception when the element is constructed dynamically

In cases when we have a dynamic content population in a span tag,
for e.g.,
%label Sku:
%span.#sku.detail= #deal.sku
When the deal in the above example doesn't have sku associated, the span element in the html will be as below
without any content in it.
<div class="detail">
<span id="sku" class="detail"></span>
If the SitePrism element is defined to look for this for e.g.,
element :sku, "#sku"
and if "#sample_page" is reference to my Site Prism page, and I refer sku as
we will get Capybara::ElementNotFound Exception
To avoid this we can check as below
and if the element is available then proceed with the actions as required.
This will omit Capybara::ElementNotFound Exception
When the span has no content it is not visible and thus not found. If you still want to find it, change your element to something like:
element :sku, "#sku", visible: false

How to read id value of a DIV element using Selenium WebDriver?

<div id="ctl00_ContentHolder_vs_ValidationSummary" class="errorblock">
<p><strong>The following errors were found:</strong></p>
<ul><input type="hidden" Name="SummaryErrorCmsIds" Value="E024|E012|E014" />
<li>Please select a title.</li>
<li>Please key in your first name.</li>
<li>Please key in your last name.</li>
here is my snippet for example. i want to get the value of ID i.e., ct100_contentHolder_vs_ValidationSummary. using selenium web driver. h
You can try this :
String id=driver.findElementByXpath("//div[#class='errorblock']").getAttribute("id"));
But in this case the class of this division should be unique.
Use following code to extract id of first div:
WebElement div = driver.findElement(By.tagName("div"));
This is the code for all div available on the page:
List<WebElement> div = driver.findElements(By.tagName("div"));
for ( WebElement e : div ) {
I know this answer is really late but I wanted to put this here for those who come later. Searching by XPath should be avoided unless absolutely necessary because it is more complicated, more error prone, and slower. In this case you can easily do what the accepted answer did without having to use XPaths:
String id = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.errorblock")).getAttribute("id");
Some explanation... this line finds the first element (.findElement vs .findElements) using a CSS Selector. The CSS Selector, div.errorblock, locates all div elements with the class (symbolized by the period .) errorblock. Once it is located, we get the ID using .getAttribute().
CSS Selectors are a great tool that all automators should have in their toolbox. There's a great CSS Selector reference here: http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#selectors.
