Groovy pass request params between classes - methods

If I want to handle many parameters from for example a web request and pass it between classes (layers) - what is the preferred way?
I know it is easy to pass optional numbers of parameters through the constructor as a map.
I can also pass a map directly and if the keys match the receiving objects property names it should work in a similar way
Or I could just pass the map and then instantiate for example domain classes from that
I could use a special class as data carrier with given number of properties
I have a domain class (not database domain but business domain) that needs data from the user interface.
What is the best way to pass data through the layers and how do I know that all required data is being passed if using a data structure - like a map - with key values? If I would have a more static constructor with a given number of parameters, then I would know that the parameters are being passed. But how do I secure this when using a more dynamic approach? With unit tests?

Well in Grails command objects are an excellent choice. You can pass them up to various layers without issues. They are pretty analogous to domain classes, only without the whole persistence functionality.
Otherwise I would recommend using plain old Groovy classes (POGOs). Groovy allows you to keep your code very short (compared to Java and many other languages as well) and offers very handy transforms for common design patterns you might need (e.g. Canonical, Immutable, IndexedProperty, DelegatesTo...).
Compared to command objects POGOs do require you to write e.g. validation code by yourself, but this can be as simple as
boolean isValid() {
name && lastName && countryCode in ['US', 'CA']
You can keep static factories in a POGO to help you construct them in the various circumstances. Plus you can define more than one class in a file so you can keep the POGO code wherever it makes most sense. I would definitely prefer this approach to simple maps because the code is better encapsulated, POGOs can be unit tested & documented.


Protocol buffers: read only fields?

Is it possible to mark fields as read only in a .proto file such that when the code is generated, these fields do not have setters?
Ultimately, I think the answer here will be "no". There's a good basic guidance rule that applies to DTOs:
DTOs should generally be as simple as possible to convey the data for serialization in a manner well-suited to the specific serializer.
if that basic model is sufficient for you to work with above that layer, then fine
but if not: do not fight the serializer; instead, create a separate domain model above the DTO layer, and simply map between the two models before serialization or after deserialization
Or put another way: the fact that the generator doesn't want to expose read-only members is irrelevant, because if you need something exotic, you shouldn't be using the generated type outside of the code that directly touches serialization. So: in your domain type that mirrors the DTO: make it read-only there.
As for why read-only fields aren't usually a thing in serialization tools: you presumably want to be able to give it a value. Serialization tools usually want to be able to write everything they can read, and read everything they can write.
Minor note for completeness since you mention C#: if you are using a code-first approach with protobuf-net, it'll work fine with {get;}-only auto-props, and with {get;}-only manual props if all public members trivially map to an obvious constructor.

What is the name of the design pattern to avoid chained field access?

There is a pattern or term that is used to avoid codes like
something like this. I forgot what this term is called. Can anyone let me know about it?
It violates the Law of Demeter, which states that code should only access its own local variables, parameters, and instance members.
It could be a case of of feature envy, where a class calls a lot of getters or accesses a lot of data from another class.
If these are really fields, they are poorly encapsulated (i.e., not behind a function), and any change to these fields forces you to modify all code that's using them.
Testing such code becomes hard, as you will have to mock not only fieldA, but also that's fieldB, and in turn that's fieldC.
I think you are trying to create a new object and add certain properties to that object. If that is the case then it's Builder design patten where you seperate the construction and representation.
If you are trying to call a certain field with the above shown code then your design is very poor. An object should store only it's own properties.

Trying to identify if a data injection method has a name already

Lets say we have a class "Car" than has different pieces of data ( maker, model, color, fabrication date, registration date, etc). The class has no method to get data, but it knows to as for it from another object (sent via constructor, let's cal it for short DS).- and the same for when needing to update changes.
A method getColor() would be implemented like this
if(! this->loaded('color')){
this->askDS('color') // this will do the necesarry work to generate a request to DS
return this->information('color');
Nothing too fancy so far. No comes the part i want to find out if it has a name, or if there are libraries / frameworks that do this already.
DS has a list of methods registered dinamically based on the class that needs data. For car we have:
input: car serial number, output: method to use to read the numbers to extract raw values
input: car raw color value, output: color code
input: car color code, manufacturer, year, mode, output:human-readable color (for example navy blue)
Now, DS or any method does not have an ordered list of using command to start from serial number and return the color blue, but if can construct a chain of methods that from one set of data, it can run them in order and get the desired data.
For our example above, DS runs 1,2,3 in that order and injects the data resulted from all methods into the class object that needed it.
Now if the car needs registration info, we have method (4) that gets that from the police database with an api request.
So, given:
- a type of model (class/object)
- a list of methods that take a fixed list of input(object properties) and give out a fixed list of output (object properties)
- a class DS that can glue the methods and run the needed ones for a model to get from property A (serial) to properby B (human readable colour) without the model or DS having a preconfigured way to get this data but finding it as needed.
does this have a name or is it already implemented somewhere ?
I've implemented a very basic prototype and it works very nice and i think this implementation method has useful features:
if you have a set of methods that do sql queries and then your app switches to using an api, you only need to change the methods and don't have to touch any other part of the application
when looking for a chain of methods that resolve the 'need' the object has, you can find a method chain, run it, if it fails keep looking for another list of methods based on the currently available data - so if you have multiple sources for a piece of data, it can try multiple versions
starting from the above paragraph i could start with an app that only has sql queries for data retrieval - when i find out a part of the app overloads the sql server i could add a method to retrieve data from cache with a lower cost than the one from database (or multiple layered caches, each with different costs)
i could probably add business logi in the mix the same ways as cache, and based on the user location / options present different data
this requires less coding overall, and decouples the data source from the object, making each piece easier to mock/test
what is needed to make this fast is a caching solution for the discovered method chains, since matching hundreds of thousands of methods per model type would be time-consuming but I don't think this is very hard to do - just store all found chains in memory as you find them and some metadata to be able to resume a search from any point in time - when you update the methods, just clear the cache, take a performance hit for the first requests
Thank you for your time
What you describe sounds like a somewhat roundabout way of doing Dependency Injection. Quote:
"Passing the service to the client, rather than allowing a client to
build or find the service, is the fundamental requirement of the
Depending on what language you're using, there should be several Dependency Injection frameworks/libraries available.

What features does mogenerator provide?

I've been using mogenerator for a while now, and while there is a reasonable Getting Started Guide and a Stack Exchange article on the command line options, I haven't found a good guide for all of the functionality it provides.
In short: what, above and beyond the classes that Core Data provides for you, what does mogenerator actually generate?
(Frankly, I kept finding little pleasant surprises in the headers/implementations that I didn't realize were in there and I decided to step through the mogenerator templates and code and document what I found in a Stack Exchange Q&A. I'd love to see additional answers and edits, however. )
In addition to its core feature of a two class system, mogenerator helps you by automatically implementing a number of best practices regarding Core Data in your machine header and implementation files.
Property Accessors
Methods to access the attributes of your Entities are the core of what mogenerator generates. But there are some nice features implemented in the accessors above and beyond what the out of the box Xcode class generator provides to you.
Scalar Accessors
Xcode's built in generator gives you the option of "use scalar properties for primitive data types". This option gives you choice of having Xcode create properties with NSTimeIntervals instead of NSDates for date types, BOOLs instead of NSNumbers for boolean types, and int16_t (or similar) rather than NSNumbers.
I find this infuriating because most of the time I prefer the primitive types, but not for NSDates which are much more useful than a NSTimeInterval. So Core Data is giving me the choice of objects, in which case I will be constantly unboxing stuff and making stupid mistakes like if(myBooleanAttribute) (which is always YES because myBooleanAttribute is a NSNumber, not a BOOL). Or I can have scalars, but in that case, I get NSTimeIntervals that I'll always have to convert to NSDates. Or I can hand edit all of the generated files by hand to give me my desired mix of NSDates and BOOLs.
On the other hand, mogenerator provides you with both options. For example, you will get both a myBooleanAttribute getter that gives you an NSNumber (for easy storage in an NSArray) and a myBooleanAttributeValue getter that gives you an actual BOOL. Same with integers and floats. (Mogenerator does not generate NSTimeInterval accessors: only NSDates.)
Typed Transformable Properties
If you have a transformable property, you can set a specific UserInfo key ( attributeValueClassName ) in the attribute that will specify the class that your property will return/accept. (And it will properly forward declare the class etc.) The only place I found this documented was on Verious.
In contrast, the Xcode code generator will only type these transformable attributes as id types.
Validation Declaration
While mogenerator does not automatically generate any validation methods, it does include the proper signature as a comment in the machine h file. The seems to largely be for historical reasons, but it does mean that it is easy to copy and paste the signature if you decide to implement it in your human file implementation. (I wouldn't actually uncomment the declaration as you aren't supposed to call validation directly.)
Primitive Accessors
Core Data already provides you these accessors to the primitive values, but for some reason doesn't include them in its Xcode generated headers. Having mogenerator include them in its header files makes it much easier to access a primitive value.
Fetched Properties
mogenerator will generate accessors for fetched properties. As far as I can tell there is no way to have the Xcode generator do this.
Helper methods
Automatic NSFetchedResultsController generation
If you have a to many relationship in your Entity and you pass --template-var frc=true into mogenerator, mogenerator will automatically generate a method to create a fetch request for the child objects associated with a parent object. It even automatically generates a unique cache name, and isolates everything inside an #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE preprocessor macro.
Even if this doesn't fit your particular needs, it is a great example of how the templates can be extended.
If you like defining your fetch requests in the model, this is a lot better way to retrieve them than hardcoded strings.
Mogenerator uses the magic of KVC to give you a NSMutableSet proxy into your relationships.
Need to provide a entity name to a NSFetchRequest or other Core Data method? It's easy to avoid hard coded strings by using this simple method that returns the name of the entity as an NSString.
+insertInManagedObjectContext: and entityInManagedObjectContext:
Another way to avoid hardcoding entity names is to use these helper methods.
Typed object ids
Each of your headers and implementations also includes a MyEntityID class. They are empty interfaces and implementations that merely subclass the NSManagedObjectID class. Also, each model class has a helper method called objectID that overrides the standard objectID method in NSManagedObject. The helper method does nothing but cast the superclass's return value to the MyEntityID type.
The net result: the compiler can catch your mistakes if you ever accidentally interchange your object ids from different entities.
Subclassing a Custom Superclass
One of the command line options is --base-class: which allows you to specify a base class that all of your generated classes will inherit from. This is very useful, either so that you can have a base class where you define convenience methods (which, given Core Data, you probably should) or so you can use an off the shelf Core Data toolkit like SSDataKit (or both).
A simple little thing, but if you specify a --includem argument, mogenerator will generate a header file that includes all of your model header files. Convenient if you want to include all of your headers in a PCH, or something some other standard header you include.
Const Definitions of All Attributes, Relationships, Fetched Properties
An extern declaration of a struct is included in the header that has an NSString defined for every attribute and relationship defined in your Entity. This allows you to define predicates and other parameters, without baking the names of your entities into your strings. For example,
req.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
#"(%K == YES) AND (%K <= %#)",MyObject.favorite, MyObject.availableDate, [NSDate date]];
(This type of struct used for "namespaced" constants is described My Mike Ash on his blog
const Definitions of User Info Keys/Values
Similarly an extern declaration of a struct is defined in the header that includes the keys as members of the struct, and the values as a values. i.e.
NSLog(#"User info for key my key is %#",MyObjectInfo.mykey) //will log "myvalue"
Alternate Templates
One of the interesting things about mogenerator is that in building mogenerator its author (Wolf Rentzsch) has basically built a generic parser and templating engine for the xcdatamodel files produced by Xcode. So you don't need to use the mogenerator templates. You can provide your own with a simple command line argument. There are lots of user contributed templates on the GitHub site.
In fact, you don't even have to use Core Data. Many of the contributed templates allow you to generate a series of ordinary NSObject model classes based on the data model. (So called PONSOs: "plain old nsobjects"). Want to use the data modeler in Xcode, but some other persistence mechanism? mogenerator can help you there.
You don't even need to generate objects at all: another interesting submitted template just provides a diff of two different model versions.

Language-Dependent DAO (i18n)

I created DAOs for my database tables. In SAP ABAP you can have additional text-tables which contain the language-dependent texts (language-code is part of the key).
Currently I create DAO-instances right at the beginning of the program (Dependency Injection) and pass them a language-key which effectively binds the DAO to a specific language and let's the DAO read texts only from that specific lagnuage.
However later in the program I am required to get texts from another language. How do I cope with this?
Explicitly include the language-key in the DAO's crud and find-by methods? This would require any client of the DAO to also expose the language-key it its methods and to properly pass it on to the DAOs, which smells. e.g. method read(id, languageCode) returns <thing>. Additionally I want domain-objects to know nothing of DAO/infrastructure-crap.
Give the DAO itself a language-aware interface that allows me to create another instance of the DAO that is bound to a different language (factory). This requires me to explicitly access the DAO, which are otherwise hidden, smells too. e.g. method createWithLang(langCode) returns <DAO>
Make the domain objects language-aware which means language-dependent methods explicitly expose the language-code. But then the domain objects already need to know all texts in all languages to return the proper one or they need direct access to some DAO to reload the proper text. Then, doing this lazily is an additional challenge (regarding ABAP OO).
Every advice greatly appreciated
I would probably add a parameter to the getter and setter methods that deal with language-dependent texts and set its default value to SY-LANGU. This way, l_foo = lr_bar->get_baz_text( ) will implicitly get the text in the language the user logged on with, and l_foo = lr_bar->get_baz_text( l_target_language ) will retrieve the text in any other language. You might want to pre-fetch the text in the current language when creating the object and use a hashed table to store the language-dependent texts.
In SAP, the selected language is part of the session. Your program could also have a globally available 'session' singleton where you store the user language choice.
