What is the name of the design pattern to avoid chained field access? - algorithm

There is a pattern or term that is used to avoid codes like
something like this. I forgot what this term is called. Can anyone let me know about it?

It violates the Law of Demeter, which states that code should only access its own local variables, parameters, and instance members.
It could be a case of of feature envy, where a class calls a lot of getters or accesses a lot of data from another class.
If these are really fields, they are poorly encapsulated (i.e., not behind a function), and any change to these fields forces you to modify all code that's using them.
Testing such code becomes hard, as you will have to mock not only fieldA, but also that's fieldB, and in turn that's fieldC.

I think you are trying to create a new object and add certain properties to that object. If that is the case then it's Builder design patten where you seperate the construction and representation.
If you are trying to call a certain field with the above shown code then your design is very poor. An object should store only it's own properties.


TDD - Tests for introducing fields

I have some entity in my application called Offer. It has some fields like price, description and 3-4 more. As I'm learning TDD at the moment I don't want to introduce those fields without tests requiring them. The problem is field like title does not have any business meaning I can require so the test would be:
user creates offer with title "xyz"
assert that offer has title xyz
Is there any other way to introduce this kind of field. Should I even bother writing test for such case?
In TDD you write tests for functionality. In your case the field itself is not important. You want that an instance keeps an specific value. A test for this could be:
assertThat(sut.getProperty(), is(value)
But i would not write tests for this since there is no real functionality in it. You should have other tests which uses those properties and cover getter/setter for it. Exception is when getter/setter contains some kind of logic for example that a value has a upper limit.
The core aspect here: good OOP focuses on behavior not, on state. In other words: at least when talking about object oriented languages, you prefer to not expose fields to the outside of your class.
Instead you think in terms of behavior - aka methods. In that sense, the other answer is correct; you would rather create getter/setters and verify those.
One disclaimer here: if possible, avoid setters. Rather make sure that your fields are assigned exactly once (by the constructor). In other words: strive to write immutable classes.
Coming back to my initial point: how a "field" is implemented is an internal implementation detail. That is something that you do not want the outside world to know about - so that you are free to change the implementation if required!

Best practices when writing glue code

I asked this question to get some opinions on the subject of glue code.
For example, imagine you have a class (pseudocode):
class MyClass
int attribute a
string attribute b
And to represent that data model, you have BOTH a slider and a text box to represent a, and a text box and say... the window label to represent b.
Obviously, when one of these view objects is changed, you want to update the others. However, updating the entire view is obviously inefficient.
method onSomethingHappened(uiObject)
model.appropriateAttribute = uiObject.value
The question is, what is your opinion on what to do next? Should the model object implement a callback that notifies a listener when the value has been changed, allowing one to write glue code like:
method modelChangedCallback(model, attribute)
uiObject1.value = model.a
uiObject2.value = model.a
Where you might examine what the attribute that changed is, and respond accordingly? This is the model in Objective-C and Cocoa on Mac, for the most part.
OR, would you rather have the responsibility lie completely in the glue code?
method onSomethingHappened(uiObject)
model.appropriateAttribute = uiObject.value
Both of these approaches can get pretty hairy (as is the problem with glue code) when your project gets large. Maybe there are other approaches. What do you think?
Thanks for any input!
For me I think it comes down to where the behavior is needed. In the situation you describe, the fact that you are binding multiple controls to a property is what is driving the requirement, so it doesn't make sense to add code to the model to support that.
In a web-based model I would probably put the logic in the web page since that can be done rather cheaply using Javascript. If I don't have that luxury (i.e. I'm dealing with a "dumb" view), then it would probably make sense to do it in the controller, or model glue code. If this sort of thing becomes common enough, I may go as far as creating some form of generic helper to reduce the amount of boiler-plate code I have to deal with.

Philosophy Object/Properties Parameter Query

I'm looking at some code I've written and thinking "should I be passing that object into the method or just some of its properties?".
Let me explain:
This object has about 15 properties - user inputs. I then have about 10 methods that use upto 5 of these inputs. Now, the interface looks a lot cleaner, if each method has 1 parameter - the "user inputs object". But each method does not need all of these properties. I could just pass the properties that each method needs.
The fact I'm asking this question indicates I accept I may be doing things wrong.
EDIT: To add calrity:
From a web page a user enters details about their house and garden. Number of doors, number of rooms and other properties of this nature (15 in total).
These details are stored on a "HouseDetails" object as simple integer properties.
An instance of "HouseDetails" is passed into "HouseRequirementsCalculator". This class has 10 private methods like "calculate area of carpet", "caclulateExtensionPotential" etc.
For an example of my query, let's use "CalculateAreaOfCarpet" method.
should I pass the "HouseDetails" object
or should I pass "HouseDetails.MainRoomArea, HouseDetails.KitchenArea, HouseDetails.BathroomArea" etc
Based on my answer above and related to your edit:
a) You should pass the "HouseDetails"
Other thoughts:
Thinking more about your question and especially the added detail i'm left wondering why you would not just include those calculation methods as part of your HouseDetails object. After all, they are calculations that are specific to that object only. Why create an interface and another class to manage the calculations separately?
Older text:
Each method should and will know what part of the passed-in object it needs to reference to get its job done. You don't/shouldn't need to enforce this knowledge by creating fine-grained overloads in your interface. The passed-in object is your model and your contract.
Also, imagine how much code will be affected if you add and remove a property from this object. Keep it simple.
Passing individual properties - and different in each case - seems pretty messy. I'd rather pass whole objects.
Mind that you gave not enough insight into your situation. Perhaps try to describe the actual usage of this things? What is this object with 15 properties?, are those "10 methods that use upto 5 of these input" on the same object, or some other one?
After the question been edited
I should definitely go with passing the whole object and do the necessary calculations in the Calculator class.
On the other hand you may find Domain Driven Design an attractive alternative (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-driven_design). With regard to that principles you could add methods from calculator to the HouseDetails class. Domain Driven Design is quite nice style of writing apps, just depends how clean this way is for you.

How to validate in domain layer

I often see people validating domain objects by creating rule objects which take in a delegate to perform the validation. Such as this example": http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/DelegateBusinessObjects.aspx
What I don't understand is how is this advantageous to say just making a method?
For example, in that particular article there is a method which creates delegates to check if the string is empty.
But is that not the same as simply having something like:
Bool validate()
Result = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name);
Why go through the trouble of making an object to hold the rule and defining the rule in a delegate when these rules are context sensitive and will likely not be shared. the exact same can be achieved with methods.
There are several reasons:
SRP - Single Responsibility Principle. An object should not be responsible for its own validation, it has its own responsibility and reasons to exist.
Additionally, when it comes to complex business rules, having them explicitly stated makes validation code easier to write and understand.
Business rules also tend to change quite a lot, more so than other domain objects, so separating them out helps with isolating the changes.
The example you have posted is too simple to benefit from a fully fledged validation object, but it is very handy one systems get large and validation rules become complex.
The obvious example here is a webapp: You fill in a form and click "submit". Some of your data is wrong. What happens?
Something throws an exception. Something (probably higher up) catches the exception and prints it (maybe you only catch UserInputInvalidExceptions, on the assumption that other exceptions should just be logged). You see the first thing that was wrong.
You write a validate() function. It says "no". What do you display to the user?
You write a validate() function which returns (or throws an exception with, or appends to) a list of messages. You display the messages... but wouldn't it be nice to group by field? Or to display it beside the field that was wrong? Do you use a list of tuple or a tuple of lists? How many lines do you want a rule to take up?
Encapsulating rules into an object lets you easily iterate over the rules and return the rules that were broken. You don't have to write boilerplate append-message-to-list code for every rule. You can stick broken rules next to the field that broke them.

Java design: too many getters

After writing a few lesser programs when learning Java the way I've designed the programs is with Model-View-Control. With using MVC I have a plethora of getter methods in the model for the view to use.
It feels that while I gain on using MVC, for every new value added I have to add two new methods in the model which quickly get all cluttered with getter & setters.
So I was thinking, maybe I should use the notifyObserver method that takes an argument. But wouldn't feel very smart to send every value by itself either so I figured, maybe if I send a kind of container with all the values, preferably only those that actually changed.
What this would accomplish would be that instead of having a whole lot of getter methods I could just have one method in the model which put all relevant values in the container.
Then in the view I would have a method called from the update which extracted the values from the container and assigning them to the correct fields.
I have two questions concerning this.
First: is this actually a viable way to do this. Would you recommend me doing something along these lines?
Secondly: if I do use this plan and I don't want to keep sending fields that didn't actually change. How would I handle that without having to have if statements to check if the value is not null for every single value?
I've more familiar with the MVP paradigm, but hopefully they're similar enough to comment. While getters (and setters) in and of themselves are not necessarily evil, they are sometimes a sign that your subsystems are too strongly coupled. One really great way to decouple this is to use an event bus: see Best practices for architecting GWT apps. This allows the view to just shoot off events for the controller to listen for whenever something important happens, and the view can listen for events whenever something changes in the model that corresponds to updating the view. Ideally you wouldn't even need to ever pass the model to the view, if you can break up any changes into incremental pieces and just tell the view to change this part and then this other part.
If you feel you have too many getters (and setters) in your model class, maybe you have too many fields altogether. Is it possible that there are several distinct classes hiding within your model? If you extract these into separate classes, it may make your model more manageable.
OTOH the associated container you are thinking about could also be viable - but then why duplicate all data? You could instead use the associated container directly in the model to store all properties you can think of. And you can also pass this around for observers to get updates (preferably wrapped into an unmodifiable container, of course) - although in this setup you wouldn't need to.
In general, Java is a verbose language which expects you to put all those getters and setters (and a lot more) in place. However, any decent IDE can generate those for you with a few keypresses. Note also that you need to write them only once, and you will read and call them many many more times. Verbose also means easily readable.
If you have too many getter it's ok. But you shouldn't need the setter. The view is supposed to only read/query the model.
The MVC pattern should promote something that is asymmetric: the control update the model by calling methods in the model that embed the logic and update the sate accordingly; this respects encapsulation. The view reads/queries the model via the getters. This goes a bit against information hiding, but that's how MVC works.
I wouldn't personally pass all information in the events. It sounds complicated to me: either you end up with something that is not statically typed (e.g. you pass hashmaps), or with a plethora of typed events. I would stick with something simple, and have (possibly many) getter in the model.
