wkhtmltopdf issue with specific Wingdings character - wkhtmltopdf

I am facing issue with Wingdings character. Few unicode characters are not coming properly in the PDF output. Below two characters are present in Wingdings font, but it is not coming when I use wkhtmltopdf.
ý U+00FD
þ U+00FE
Any help is appreciated!


Xcode font not printing letters with accent marks correctly

I'm using the font Apple SD Gothic Neo. The letters print fine except when I have one with an accent mark, like ú:
This is not a custom font, and it happens on all font weights. If it makes a difference, I'm pulling the string from Firebase.
Why is this happening and what can I do?
Use a different font.
When a font lacks a glyph, that glyph is substituted from another font, resulting in a typographical mismatch. That’s what’s happening here. You are using a font that is very Unicode-incomplete for Latin alphabet characters. It is intended for Korean! Use a more appropriate font.

ZPL fieldblock ^FB for unicode fonts

I am using ZQ520, its already supports Unicode and I am loading the font as follows:
I can use the font to print Arabic as follows:
It works fine but when I use ^FB with ^FO, the Arabic letters get messed up and gets separated (In Arabic, they are connected), here an example:
^FO100,50^FB200,,,R,^CI28^AZN,0,25^FD ARABIC TEXT HERE^FS
so it seems that ^FB does not support the Unicode font. on page 187 of the manual its mention this
The ^FB command does not support complex text. For complex text
support, use ^TB.
And 179
The Field Block (^FB) command cannot support the large TrueType fonts.
Is there a way around this? Because Arabic is right to left, so I am trying to make the text right aligned and multi-line as some strings are long.
I managed to print out word wrapping Arabic text using ^TB using the following code. It may be useful to adapt for your own purposes.
arabic text here
Useful links:
TB command (some extra info compared to below link): https://support.zebra.com/cpws/docs/zpl/TB_Command.pdf
Please note that it states the ^TB command must be issued after any ^Ax (font selection) command
ZPL Manual: https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra/manuals/en-us/software/zpl-zbi2-pm-en.pdf

Arabic-English Transliteration using unsupported font

I am working on language transliteration for Ar and En text.
Here is the link which displays character by character replacement : https://github.com/Shnoulle/Ar-PHP/blob/master/Arabic/data/Transliteration.xml
Now issue is:
I am dealing with font style robert_bold.ttf and robert_regular_0.ttf which has some typical characters with underline and overline as in this snap
I have .ttf file so I can see this fonts on my system. But in my application or in above Transliteration.xml characters are considered as junk like [, } [ etc.
How can I add support of this unsupported characters in Transliteration.xml file?
<replace>^</replace> // Here is one of the character s_ (s with underscore not supported)
It seems that the font is not Unicode encoded but contains the underlined letters at some arbitrarily assigned codes. While this works up to a point, it does not work across applications, of course. It works only when that specific font is used.
The proper way is to use correct Unicode characters such as U+1E0F LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH LINE BELOW “ḏ” and, for rendering, try to find fonts containing it.
An alternative is to use just basic Latin letters with some markup, say <u>d</u>. This means that the text must not be treated as plain text in later processing, and in rendering, the markup should be interpreted as requesting for a line under the letter(s).

Display Chinese Japanese characters in WebPage

I was developing MVC3 application. In my Application, there will be a number of Chinese and Japanese characters. When showing those characters on the webpage I was getting some weird characters appears on the screen instead of Chinese or Japanese characters. Can anyone tell me how can i show above mentioned language characters without any issue on the page.
I have Tried the below way
font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; // But this way didn't help me out.
If you're using ISO character sets, you need to use the right one for these languages
Character Sets
Or you can just simply set character set to UTF-8 and not worry about the language on the page it self. If you're still seeing weird characters, might be that you somehow overwrite the encoding, or perhaps have a malformed HTML code.

Does Google Chart support UTF-8 Characters?

I have title and labels with unicode labels in Google Chart, but they are not being displayed properly.
Here's an example: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=300x225&cht=p3&chco=344566,C4C4C4&chds=0,90&chma=70,70&choe=UTF-8&chtt=Test&chd=t:27933485,20611682,34172068&chl=Un%E9%A7%85xbr%E1%83%A6cker|Test1|Test2
Characters do not appear right as you see.
Is there a way to make google charts display utf-8 characters properly? I've tried many things but nothing worked for me.
The problem appears to be the unicode codepoints (E9A785 -> 99C5 and E183A6 -> 10E6) that you are providing. These characters do not appear to be displayed in a google chart. Experiments with other codepoints (specifying them as UTF-8 in the same format as your query) appear to work fine.
The particular characters in your example (the first is from the CJK Unified Ideograms and the second from Georgian) are a little strange. You might want to double check that they are correct.
