Slickgrid Auto rendering - slickgrid

I have implemented slickgrid into my application. But the preblem is when i edit the values in particular row and scroll down it, the values has been reset. Could you please help me how to stop auto rendering in slickgrid
Thanks in Advance,


Issues with tabbing between Filter Fields with Horizontal scrolling - scrolling out of sync

We have a wide grid with horizontal scrolling, with 2 frozen columns. It is very wide (over 20 columns), so the horizontal scrolling is always needed.
We are using the Filter Row option to allow the user to filter. Works well, but if the user tabs between the filter fields, an issue arises. If the user tabs to a hidden field (hidden as in having to scroll to see it), then the header will scroll to accomodate, but the body will not. Likewise, if the user is scrolled all the way to the right and tabs out of the last frozen column, the scrolling again gets out of sync.
See the following Dojo example to experience the issue yourself.​
If anyone has any clue as to how to fix this issue, I'd appreciate it very much!
I had a simular problem, just without angluar implementation. For me the jQuery scrollLeft() method solved the problem, see (Grid data isn't align with Grid header when tabbing through header columns).
$("#example .k-grid-content").scrollLeft($("#example .k-grid-header-wrap").scrollLeft())
With that line of code I got it working in the developer console of your Dojo example to adjust the grid content to the position of the header. But the scroll event, as I implemented it on my problem, didn't work on your example. Maybe this helps you and you can adjust it with the scroll event in angular.

Kendo Grid Drag and Drop - Can I drag a complete row

I am trying to achieve the functionality of drag and drop in a grid. I am so far successful in dragging a specific column However the UI requirements are that, I should be able to drag a complete row. Is this possible? If Yes, how?
I don't have enough points to comment, but if you are looking to drag and drop rows within a grid, that is possible through the Sortable integration to the Grid:

SlickGrid column headers not synched when in Full Screen mode

We have a serious problem with SlickGrid in an application.
The problem doesn't seem to have anything to do with the way we implement/built the Grid since the behavior is reproducable on every SlickGrid I've seen.
Here's the problem:
If the User is viewing a grid on less than FullScreen mode and scolls the grid horizontally, then snaps the browser to fullScreen, the column headers are out of sync with the column contents. This wouldn't be a problem if the Horz scrollbar was retained (scrolling even 1px resynch's columns/contents) but if the grid fits inside the window, there is no Horz scrollbar and no way to resynch the columns with the content.
What we need is a method to repaint the column Headers without repainting the entire grid or a patch from someone who has already solved this.
These have no effect:
Try the fix submitted in (get the latest code at

SlickGrid drag and sort on same cell

My question is if it is possible or someone has a good tutorial for making a SlickGrid row able to drag and drop somewhere but at the same be able to sort the grid aswell. Something like how 2 jquery connected sortables work.
SlickGrid gtihub has a perfectly good example here.

Mouse hover event in MVC

I am working in MVC and I want to show my data in an asp GridView and I also want to change the row backcolor whenever mouse hover that particular row. Please let me know how can I do that.
Thanks in advance,
Use Javascript (JQUERY!) and have an on hover event for the row. So when hovered over, you switch the previously highlighted row go back to normal and change the colour of the current row.
You could easily do it with Jquery and by having a row css class and a highlighted row css class.
