SlickGrid drag and sort on same cell - slickgrid

My question is if it is possible or someone has a good tutorial for making a SlickGrid row able to drag and drop somewhere but at the same be able to sort the grid aswell. Something like how 2 jquery connected sortables work.

SlickGrid gtihub has a perfectly good example here.


Kendo Grid Drag and Drop - Can I drag a complete row

I am trying to achieve the functionality of drag and drop in a grid. I am so far successful in dragging a specific column However the UI requirements are that, I should be able to drag a complete row. Is this possible? If Yes, how?
I don't have enough points to comment, but if you are looking to drag and drop rows within a grid, that is possible through the Sortable integration to the Grid:

Single cell selection NSTableView

There are a few google results for this question but they are ancient and didn't really help. So I'm asking again for modern uses, how can I set up selection for a single row and column. Like the Numbers app. So the row/column its self is not highlighted but the focus ring is drawn for the row, column that was selected.
I'm open to Cell based or View based implementation. I have tried doing things inside the
- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
but haven't been able to get things working or looking nice.
Has anyone done this, is there a better view architecture for this?

JqGrid: have a dropped row stay where it was dropped

I am playing with JQGrid and its drag ad drop.
There are good examples here:
I want to drag a row and dropped it in the same grid. Here is how I achieved this:
The problem is that in the above setting, a dropped row is always placed in the top of the grid (the first row). I want to a dropped row stay where it was dropped. How can I do this? If a jsfiddle is needed, please let me know.
You should use sortableRows method instead of gridDnD to reorder rows in the grid.

How to Animate Items being Added to a ListBox

In extension of the first question I asked here How to Scroll to the Bottom of a ListBox when Items are Added where I discovered how to scroll a ListBox to the most recently added item, I'd like to be able to take this one step further and add in some sort of slide in animation to newly added items. How might this be possible? Any starting points would be of great help.
I use Telerik's DataBoundListBox, it supports add/remove animations in a easy declarative way.

Using a table to add objects/images to a view

First off this is Xcode 4 iOS 5.0. Here is what I want to do. I have one view, we will call it view1, which has a button and when that button is pressed a different view with a table appears called tableView. I have multiple images I want to be in this table and when the image is selected, it would appear in view1. I have already researched all of this and just can not find the right material. The button and table are already working together and I can add the objects to the table, but getting those objects that I select to appear on view1 is what I am not understanding. I can not get the two nib files to work together, or Im going at it wrong.
Second question, guess this is similar, view1 displays an image that is selected from the photo library BUT is there a way to open the photo library, select the photo, and have it appear in a DIFFERENT nib view? Again this is getting the NIBs to work together. I would appreciate all the help I can get. (photo library and selection of photo already works so that code is not needed). Thank you for the help!
I have used this example to get what you have described in the above question. But with some tweak in the delegate methods and hop you will get some direction for your problems, too.
Good Luck!
Happy Codding! :)
And need any help just ask for it, don't hesitate.
It is possible from delegates in other class.
