How to decorate a function in C++ - c++11

I would like to achieve the following
#include <iostream>
unsigned foo(int i) {return i;};
unsigned bar(unsigned(*p)()) {/*Do important work*/return p();};
int main(void){
int integer = 42;
auto lambda = [integer] () -> unsigned {return foo(integer);};
unsigned number = bar(lambda);
std::cout << number << std::endl;
That is, bar is expecting a pointer to function with no arguments and returning unsigned. I can easily write a wrapper unsigned baz() {return foo(42);};and pass that one to bar(), but this has two drawbacks
it's a separate function, while I would prefer to construct the wrapper inline
I have to write a new wrapper for each expected value of `integer.
The idea is that bar() is doing some work, in the process invoking the function, that was passed to it. I have a suitable function, but it has an extra argument. That extra argument, however, is known at the point of passing the function to bar().
Is there a way to pull this off, or should I forget this approach and use templates? I have control over changing the interface (e.g. change the function pointer argument to std::function).`


Can ‘auto’ be used in a function declaration?

I found this handy random number generator and wanted to make a header file for it:
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(1,6);
auto dice = std::bind ( distribution, generator );
int wisdom = dice()+dice()+dice();
However, in C++11, a function declaration with return type ‘auto’ requires a trailing return type so the compiler can decide what the type is.
auto foo(int a, int b) -> decltype(a*b);
It appears like my header would need to be almost as long as the function itself to determine the type:
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(1,6);
auto roll() -> decltype(distribution(generator));
Is there a way around determining the full return type for a function declaration (in a header) that uses the ‘auto’ type?
If not, what should my dice() header look like?
Since you use int as the template type for std::uniform_int_distribution, the return type of distribution(generator) is int. Unless the real code is templated as well, then the return type could be hard-coded to int.
And if the real code is templated then you can use the result_type member of std::uniform_int_distribution:
template<typename T>
typename std::uniform_int_distribution<T>::result_type roll();
Or simply the template type itself:
template<typename T>
T roll();

casting void* to std::function

I have an issue. I'm trying to convert a void* to std::function.
This is just a simple example, any suggestions will be appreciated
#.h file
class Example {
int foo(void* hi);
int fooFunc(std::function<int(int, int)> const& arg, int x, int y) {
foo(<void*>(), x, y);
return 2;
#.cpp file
Example::Example() {
int Example::foo(void * func, int x, int y)
//cast back to std::function
func(x, y);
std::cout << "running in foo: " << a << "\n";
return a;
Every casting i tried did not work.
I know i can send a std::function in this example, but it's for something bigger and i'm working on an example to make it work here.
The whole meaning of void*, is for sometimes to use it, in these situations, when you don't know what you will receive, and then cast it to the specific usage you need.
You can't.
You can cast a data pointer to void* and then back to the same pointer type you have started with. std::function is not a pointer type, so the cast is statically invalid, and it's not the same thing you have started with. You have started with a .target of type void(*)() but it's not a data pointer, it's a function pointer, so casting it to void* and back is implementation-defined.
You can:
Ignore the issue and cast to void(*)() anyway. Will work on most (but not all) platforms.
Use void(*)() instead of void* as a universal function pointer (you can cast it to other function types).
Use whatever tools C++ offers to avoid the cast altogether.

std::function still requires parameters when no place holders are coded in

I wanted to know what I might be doing wrong here. This is my code sample. Its just a rough code sample depicting the use of function pointers.In the following example the fuunction pointer takes in a parameter.However that parameter was already assigned during function pointer assignment.Now in order to invoke the function pointer i still need to provide a parameter value although that value is nver used (unless i used std::placeholder). My question is how do i invoke a function pointer that requires a parameter and whose parameter has already been assigned without passing in a parameter.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
std::function<std::string(std::string)> fptr;
std::string foo()
return fptr(); //--->statement A - I need to invoke this funct ptr without passing a parameter as a parameter has already been assigned in statement B
std::string bar(std::string p)
return p;
int main()
fptr = std::bind(&bar,"Hello"); --->statement B
std::cout << foo();
Notice in std::bind I did not use any placeholders and "Hello" is the parameter to the function bar. My question is why does
return fptr();
not work. If i do the following
return fptr("Bye");
It works and returns "Hello" . (No point of passing parameter during fptr call) Why does it not work without a parameter ?
The result of std::bind allows you passing more arguments than it needed, and ignore these extra arguments. In your case, std::bind(&bar, "Hello") can be called without arguments, or, declared by fptr, with one std::string argument.
The solution to your problem is easy, just change the type of fptr to std::function<std::string()>, which accept no arguments and return a string.

Writing the types of a function applied to parameter pack

Short version:
I need to pass a template class a parameter pack, which is the result of applying a function to another parameter pack. This needs to work within a using statement.
As a challenge, I'm writing a generic C++11 version of python's zip(). In order to do so, I have written a generic zipIterator template class which can be used to iterate over many iterators simultaneously, yielding a tuples of their values. For example:
#include "zip.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
int main(){
std::vector<int> vec = {0,1,2,3};
char arr[] = {'a','b', 'c'};
zipIterator<decltype(vec.begin()), char*, decltype(vec.rbegin())>
itr(vec.begin(), std::begin(arr), vec.rbegin());
zipIterator<decltype(vec.begin()), char*, decltype(vec.rbegin())>
end(vec.end(), std::end(arr), vec.rend());
for(; itr!=end; ++itr){
std::cout << "(" << std::get<0>(*itr) << ", " << std::get<1>(*itr)
<< ", " << std::get<2>(*itr) << ")" << std::endl;
//(0, a, 3)
//(1, b, 2)
//(2, c, 1)
The Problem
I would like to make a zip container class which can be passed containers, and which zips over them by calling std::begin() and std::end() on each one. So far I have this:
template<typename... Containers>
class zip{
using iterator = zipIterator<???>;
zip(Containers... cs) : begin_(iterator(std::begin(cs)...)),
iterator begin() {return begin_;}
iterator end() {return end_;}
iterator begin_;
iterator end_;
My question is: what goes in the place of ??? to make this work? So far I have tried
and many more variations on this.
Sorry if this is a repeat. I read the following Stack Overflow answers and they all seem to be related, but I don't think they are quite what I am looking for:
C++11 call member function on template parameter pack of base classes if present
How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function?
Calling a function for each variadic template argument and an array
using iterator = zipIterator<decltype(std::begin(std::declval<Containers&>()))...>;
The basic idea is that ... expands the pattern on its left. Here, the pattern is decltype(std::begin(std::declval<Containers&>())) - the type of the return value of std::begin when called on an lvalue of type Containers.

Use C++11 lambdas as callbacks in GObject library

C++11 lambdas that does not capture anything can be stored in a function pointer. One just need to ensure that lambda accepts and returns the same parameters as the function pointer.
In GObject library all callbacks has type void(*GCallback) (void). This definition does not anyhow affect signature of the callback though:
The type used for callback functions in structure definitions and
function signatures. This doesn't mean that all callback functions
must take no parameters and return void. The required signature of a
callback function is determined by the context in which is used (e.g.
the signal to which it is connected). Use G_CALLBACK() to cast the
callback function to a GCallback.
In other words, one can pass function like this:
int my_function(int a, char b) {}
by casting its type (that's what G_CALLBACK do):
Unfortunately typecasting does not work with C++11 lambdas:
do_something(G_CALLBACK([](int a, char b) -> int {...});
// Cannot cast from type lambda to pointer type GCallback
Is it possible to use C++ lambdas of arbitrary type in place of GCallback?
Just to clarify, I know that lambda can be casted to a function pointer if their signatures match. My question is in another dimension.
The ISO C standard guarantees that function can be casted forth and back without loosing any precision. In other words one the following expression is valid:
int f(int a){...}
void (*void_f)() = (void (*)())f;
int (*restored_f)(int) = (int (*)(int))void_f;
My question is whether the following expression is also valid according to C++11:
int (*f)(int) = [](int a) -> int {};
void (*void_f)() = (void (*)())f;
int (*restored_f)(int) = (int (*)(int))void_f;
The following code compiles and works for me (MSVC 2013):
auto lambdaFunc = [](int a, char b) -> int { return 0; };
typedef int (*LambdaType)(int, char);
GCallback fnTest1 = G_CALLBACK((LambdaType)lambdaFunc);
GCallback fnTest2 = G_CALLBACK((LambdaType) [](int a, char b) -> int { return 0; });
Lambdas without a capture are implicitly convertible to a pointer to a function by the standard. Though not all compilers support this feature at the moment (
Then you can explicitly cast a function pointer to GCallback.
