Jhipster Deployment to Cloud Foundary throwing UnexpectedLiquibaseException - spring-boot

I am trying to deploy my Jhipster app to Cloud Foundry. After the cf push of the war file the status goes to flaps. This error is in the log:
ERR Caused by: liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException: java.net.UnknownServiceException: protocol doesn't support input
Google told me this problem is reported and solved here
But it doesnt tell me how to implement any resolution.
Thanks in advance.

Yes, this is a bug with CloudFoundry/Spring Boot/Liquibase.
This is solved in our latest version.


With Mule runtime 4.3.0 we are facing below issue while deploying ,however everything is working fine with 4.2.2 and 4.3.0-20210119 Verstion

Facing below error with Mule Runtime Version 4.3.0-20210319 While deploying the application in to couldhud,But same application Working fine with 4.3.0-20210119 and 4.2.2 Version,
Your application has failed with exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: com.mulesoft.ch.services.agent.muleAgent.MuleAgentException: {"errorType":"class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "errorMessage":"There was an error on the Mule Runtime while deploying the application . Error: Failed to deploy artifact []. ConfigurationException: In operation 'pgpEncryptBinary', the following parameters cannot be set at the same time: [pgpKeyInfo, keyId]" }
Please help me out here
This is a bug in mulesoft and has been acknowledged by them. a fix is expected to come out in july.
I have an enterprise support case 00289069 with Mulesoft. ETA for the solution is early July. I talk to their account rep regularly and they confirmed the bug and date. Please keep an eye out for mule patch release notes in July for this fix.

Deploy a Ninjaframework application on openshift

Apologies for the vagueness of this question.
Is it possible or, how can a ninjaframework application be deployed on Openshift.
Basically, I have a Ninjaframework application running locally in superdev mode. I can even build a war file. However, when I push it to an Openshift git repository it simply doesn't work. Specifically, I get a vague "Oops. That's an internal server error and all we know." page when I try to access the site.
TBH, I'm not surprised. I need to somehow specify to Openshift how to build the application. I'm hoping this can be done by some Maven configurations etc. but I haven't the faintest idea how?
Any help or pointers very much appreciated.
Yep, cool, thanks guys. I'm afraid i was so clueless on how to do this that logs would only tell me what I already knew; that simply git committing a NinjaFramework application configured to build as a fat jar (by default per the archetype) was never going to work in a Tomcat application server. Apologies if that didn't come across in the question.
I expected some elaborate Maven stuff would be required but luckily I was wrong. It turns out that a simple Maven change was all that was required to have the application deployable in OpenShift (Tomcat 7).
I've outlined the steps here in tutorial form: http://outbottle.com/deploying-a-ninjaframework-application-on-openshift/

How can I deploy a Camel Route on JBoss Fuse?

I've developed a camel route in a Fuse Project using blueprint, now I would like to deploy the route in the Fuse Server.
I'm not sure if this is a problem but the blueprint.xml returns me this error
White spaces are required between publicId and systemId at line 1
I've tried deploying the project following some guides online: tried to use drag and drop function in jboss dev studio dragging the project folder into server window but nothing happened.
Also tried use maven building and deploying as a maven project via osgi:install but it returns me this error :
Error executing command: Error installing bundles: Unable to start bundle file:/home/pajarittu/jboss_workspace/prova_sub/target/camel-subscribe-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar: Unresolved constraint in bundle camel-subscribe [293]: Unable to resolve 293.0: missing requirement [293.0] osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=org.json)`
Do you know how to solve this problems or different ways to deploy the service? thanks in advance for the the answers.
First of all I recommend looking at this blog post:
I described there how the deployment works now in tooling.
Then you should also make sure that if you choose Fuse 6.1 you can't use Java 8 to run it. I think the last error you posted exactly is caused by this. (I could be wrong though ;) )
Finally Claus is right. If you want to run Camel on Fuse runtime you should make sure you installed all the needed features / camel components in order to sucessfully run your routes.
Hope that helps,
You can take a look at an example which used camel , REST and camel route is deployed on JBOSS fuse 6.1

usergrid 2.0 database setup error

I am trying to get usergrid 2.0 running.
I built the sources and deployed to tomcat. the status shows usergrid is running
when i try to setup database (http://localhost:8080/system/database/setup) it results in an error. "Error migrating Core Persistence"
{"error":"runtime","timestamp":1234567890,"duration":0,"error_description":"Error migrating Core Persistence","exception":"java.lang.RuntimeException"}
How to resolve this ?
you must be running cassandra 1.2.1* and Elastic Search current version. Also you cannot upgrade from a 1.0 cluster.
There could be a variety of things wrong. Maybe your Cassandra and ElasticSearch instances are not available, maybe you have specified the wrong hostnames/ports for them in your usergrid-deployment.properties file, maybe your properties file is not in the Tomcat classpath (or maybe there you are hitting a bug in Usergrid).
Since you see a RuntimeException, there is probably a stack trace in Tomcat's catalina.out log file that could provide information to help you diagnose the problem.

Web services deployment in IBM Web sphere

Good Morning all,
I have problem while deploying my web app in IBM WAS.
I have spring ws and during the deployment, I get the below error,
Caused by: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Unable to create SAAJ meta-factorycom.ibm.ws.webservices.engine.soap.SAAJMetaFactoryImpl incompatible with javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory
at javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj.SaajSoapMessageFactory.afterPropertiesSet(SaajSoapMessageFactory.java:145)
I have packaged the saaj-api 1.3 and saaj impl 1.3 jars in my application and i can see them in the lib folder.
I have set the class loading properties in the WAS to parent last.
Any clue or Where am I going wrong?
I'm using WAS version
I added this entry to the MANIFEST file to solve this issue,
DisableIBMJAXWSEngine: true
Hope this helps some one.
