usergrid 2.0 database setup error - installation

I am trying to get usergrid 2.0 running.
I built the sources and deployed to tomcat. the status shows usergrid is running
when i try to setup database (http://localhost:8080/system/database/setup) it results in an error. "Error migrating Core Persistence"
{"error":"runtime","timestamp":1234567890,"duration":0,"error_description":"Error migrating Core Persistence","exception":"java.lang.RuntimeException"}
How to resolve this ?

you must be running cassandra 1.2.1* and Elastic Search current version. Also you cannot upgrade from a 1.0 cluster.

There could be a variety of things wrong. Maybe your Cassandra and ElasticSearch instances are not available, maybe you have specified the wrong hostnames/ports for them in your file, maybe your properties file is not in the Tomcat classpath (or maybe there you are hitting a bug in Usergrid).
Since you see a RuntimeException, there is probably a stack trace in Tomcat's catalina.out log file that could provide information to help you diagnose the problem.


Can't get Netbeans Project to acknowledge existing Tomcat or Glassfish Server

I haven't been able to figure out what I'm missing here.
I've installed Tomcat and can spin it up fine. (Glassfish too, in my efforts, but I had removed it when I took the screenshot.)
So now I want to hook my project up to the Tomcat instance so I can have Netbeans deploy it for me automatically.
I right-click on my project, go down to Properties. In Project Properties I select 'Run' and go to the drop down to select my server. Only, there's no servers.
Why is it not showing up here? Am I going about this all wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Other potentially useful notes:
* Using Gradle (for my first time)
* Using Spring Boot (for my first time)
* On Windows 10 (don't hate me, I don't love it either)
I was chasing the wrong problem. Spring-boot provides an embedded server so I had no need to install and provide my own.
My real problem was that I had dependencies declared for jpa, postgresql, etc. that I hadn't configured in When I tried to run, I'd get an error saying "a problem occurred starting process /path/to/my/jdk/java.exe". I couldn't figure what was going on and, looking around, I saw the issue mentioned in my question about the server.
The solution was to simply comment out the dependencies in my build.gradle until I was ready for them. After I got my PostgreSQL DB set up and added the configureation to, I was able to un-comment them and it's working great.

How can I deploy a Camel Route on JBoss Fuse?

I've developed a camel route in a Fuse Project using blueprint, now I would like to deploy the route in the Fuse Server.
I'm not sure if this is a problem but the blueprint.xml returns me this error
White spaces are required between publicId and systemId at line 1
I've tried deploying the project following some guides online: tried to use drag and drop function in jboss dev studio dragging the project folder into server window but nothing happened.
Also tried use maven building and deploying as a maven project via osgi:install but it returns me this error :
Error executing command: Error installing bundles: Unable to start bundle file:/home/pajarittu/jboss_workspace/prova_sub/target/camel-subscribe-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar: Unresolved constraint in bundle camel-subscribe [293]: Unable to resolve 293.0: missing requirement [293.0] osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=org.json)`
Do you know how to solve this problems or different ways to deploy the service? thanks in advance for the the answers.
First of all I recommend looking at this blog post:
I described there how the deployment works now in tooling.
Then you should also make sure that if you choose Fuse 6.1 you can't use Java 8 to run it. I think the last error you posted exactly is caused by this. (I could be wrong though ;) )
Finally Claus is right. If you want to run Camel on Fuse runtime you should make sure you installed all the needed features / camel components in order to sucessfully run your routes.
Hope that helps,
You can take a look at an example which used camel , REST and camel route is deployed on JBOSS fuse 6.1

HBase client does not work under JBoss AS 7.1

i am having a JBoss application which needs to talk remotely with an HBase server. When using the simple console project the HBase client works perfectly but when deployed in the JBoss server looks like the server is not loading the class org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.web.resources.UserProvider.
Can anyone help with an workaround or with a fix ? ?
Your replies are much appreciated.
Error message
ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/HFPlatformWeb]] (http-- StandardWrapper.Throwable: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.web.resources.UserProvider from ...
List of jars
At least one clue should be in exception trace. It is strange you need hdfs.web.resources at all. Please look at your exception stack from one side and on cloudra JARs from another to see where this class 'lives'.
Do you really have loaded hadoop-hdfs? As far as I remember it is not 'fixed' dependency but rather implementation of some mechanics to handle HDFS scheme.
I'd recommend to upgrade Cloudera cluster to Cloudera 5 environment. Rather big step starting from HBase 0.96.x and Hadoop 2.3.x which is really serious advantage. For me another difference was YARN infrastructure as default MR handler. This seem not to fix your issue but if you don't do it now, you will get this upgrade complexity soon. It starts from HBase being split on sub-components rather than hbase.jar for CDH4. Dependencies look really different.
WARNING: Last point is just my recommendation based on my own experience if your cluster is yet in experimental phase.

SOAPElementImpl has not setTextContent method

Strange error in weblogic 10.3.3:
I'm running a SpringIntegration system on weblogic 10.3.3. My problem is that my Node gets the type weblogic.xml.saaj.SOAPElementImpl under runtime and that the method setTextContent fails with "UNIMPLEMENTED" when I run my services from SOAPUi. I added this to the startWeblogic.cmd file to get it to run with apache implementation instead of weblogic but doesn't seem to help:
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConnectionImpl -Djavax.xml.soap.MessageFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl -Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory=org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPFactoryImpl
Anyone experienced this?
I changed my implementation from SOAPElement.setTextContent() to SOAPElement.setValue(). That seems to have done the trick.

WebLogic 10.5.3 + Seam 2.2.1: Application does not start

we have a WAR packaged web application which works on a development machine. It consists of Java EE 5 + Seam 2.2.1 + Hibernate 3.3.1. It uses an Oracle 10g XE database and runs on the latest Tomcat 6 using JDK 1.6.0_24. The system is a 64bit Windows 7 Pro and uses Firefox 6.
Now, we tried to migrate the application to Oracle WebLogic 10.3.5. We followed the Seam manual for specifying the datasource, deploying the JSF lib and configuring the necessary xml-Files. In parallel to that, we verified that a newly seam-gen generated application using the same datasource and having the xml files configured as stated works fine.
But if we try our own application on WebLogic, allthough the deployment works fine, when trying to open the web application in the browser, it shows that endless redirection occured. We don't see any stacktrace or log error, even when configuring log4j in WebLogic. When analyzing the request with Firebug, we see the get request to "login.seam" and then 20 times a get request for "error.seam" (or "debug.seam when setting debug mode) with the response "302 Moved Temporarily".
I worked on that all week now, trying to compare all configurations and couldn't solve it - so I hope to get any ideas what could cause that problem and how to solve it!
I could pin down the problem to starting a transaction on the JTA persistence context.
I still don't understand why I didn't see any log message or stacktrace and why this also happens on the debug/error page (that's why the endless redirect occured).
I ended up using RESOURCE_LOCAL so far, but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do.
The alternative is disabling the seam transaction setting, but then it didn't work together with the development build which still runs on Tomcat.
