Best Way to Reduce Bandwidth Usage with Magento eCommerce - magento

Currently I am working on a website that is using the Magento eCommerce platform.
Although the website has only seen about 1,000 visitors over a 30 day period, it is using over 70 GB of bandwidth. The website has Cache enabled to help reduce the amount of resources it takes to load each page, but it does not appear to be helping. I was hoping to find some pro tips on how to reduce the amount of bandwidth usage to avoid costly overage fee's with the hosting provider.
The website is if you would like to review the site. The primary purpose of the website is to sell fantasy football draft boards online, so I would prefer not to remove the large image on the home page. I've used Pingdom speed test, and it claims the site only uses roughly 2.5 MB of bandwidth to load each page. After a pretty in-depth analysis of Google Analytics, Page Views, and the amount of bandwidth it takes to load each page (2.5 mb according to Pingdom), the numbers just do not add up.
Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas for me? Does Magento use a lot more resources and bandwidth than other eCommerce websites?
Thanks in advance,

I ran your site through webpagetest and there are a few recommendations from there. You should certainly compress your transfer. Personally, I would recommend you avoid png files for images unless you really need them (eg for see through effects). Jpegs are much more efficient and compressed.
Go through webpagetest and I'd bet you could knock off at least a megabyte!

I am check your website, but find any problom.
and bandwith is no relation magento system.
maybe your image are other site used or stolen ftp password by cracker,
HTTP_REFERER check in apache config (or .haccess file )


Video (mp4) loading optimization for small web project

I'm currently developing my portfolio website using Nuxt3 in the frontend and Netlify for hosting. The site contains a fair amount of videos and although most mp4 files are not excessively large in size (1.2 - 1.4mb), requesting them directly from my server has taken a strain on the loading times of my site.
Aside from lazy-loading and compressing, what further steps could I take to optimize the loading speed of my videos? I am aware of CDNs such as Amazon Cloudfront and Cloudinary, but uncertain as to which would be most suitable for a small portfolio project.
Since this is quite a general question, any pointers to other techniques and best practices are much appreciated. Thank you for the help!
Like images, video can have a billion things you can optimize and fine tune.
If it's a small portfolio project, just use Cloudinary. It will be super simple, highly optimized for you, will probably fall under a free tier and won't need reading a 400 pages book on how to work with various codes, containers, buffering etc etc...

Slow joomla site from time to time

The joomla 2.5 site (shared hosting) (temporary homepage) from time to time is extremely slow. When visiting after a long time it may take up to 30sec to load, and it has happened to me several times to get 500 internal server error after loading for a long time. When refreshed it takes from 0.5 sec to 4 sec to load. How is it possible to have such a big range in loading time? Maybe a server issue or something in my script? Thank you. (I have created numerous sites with joomla 2.5 hosted in the same hosting company with no problems)
You really do need to do some research before you ask questions like this.
First thing you should always do is run a site speed test using Pingdom or something similar. I've run a test on your and you're initially loading 11.1MB of data.
6.6MB of this data is from 2 flash video files which cannot even be found. You then have to take into consideration that you've most likely not used web compression when saving images for your website.
In addition to this, you may want to consider enabling Joomla's GZip compression in the Global Configuration and enable the System Cache plugin. Should you not want to do this, I would strongly suggest using a caching plugin such as JCH Optimize.
Article upon article has been written regarding slow website so please look around to see what methods suits you the most

performance issue - if server is located in other country does affect speed?

we create a website in Europe, so it is hosted here, but it is an online shop (in magento) that sell just in USA.
can the fact that is located in europe affect athe speed of the website, for US users?
Thanks a lot!
Ping distance from the server will affect the initial load time for new visitors, but should load faster once it has been cached by the user's client. Also be aware that Magento is a fairly hefty framework so will have higher loading times anyway
It have minimal effect on load speed (waiting time) but on downloading speed yes, it can be visible.
You can use this tool it can show a time when the page is loaded from another destinations.
On a biggest projects is it ussualy solved by CDN services

High latency on my Wordpress Site

I am trying to reduce the latency on site
The site appears to have a latency of anywhere between 950ms and 1500ms.
I have checked:
RAM usage
HTTP connections
Removing ALL plugins
Removing plugins doesn't make the slightest bit of difference.
The server is a VPS Cloud Server with dedicated 1.5ghz processor and 1GB RAM.
My question:
Is latency a server / programming problem?
Do wordpress sites generally have a high latency?
I have checked the latency on (a wordpress site) - This only has a latency of 151ms!!!
I will soon be working on caching, adding expires headers, possibly using a CDN for images etc... but to be honest, there is no point if it takes over 1 second to even start to return any data.
Any advice that you can provide is much appreciated.
Your analysis and priority are correct - starting with the base page load time first, then later optimizing the remaining front-end components.
In general WordPress sites by default can be a bit slow to deliver the HTML pages. Times in the range you mentioned 1-1.5 seconds are not uncommon. (For comparison, an unoptimized WordPress site I run is in the 1-3 second range.)
I would look into two areas:
Basic speed on that host
Database query speed
It could be that your webhost does not have a very fast connection. You can test this (and eliminate the WordPress part of the equation) by fetching a static file. On your site, for example, I can pull the robots.txt file down in about 0.3 seconds. The speed to serve a static file is about your minimum baseline.
Next I would look at the MySQL database query speed. Is MySQL being served on the same host or a different one? The Debug Queries plugin can show you the exact queries being made and performance for each. If the DB queries appear to be the problem, the DB Cache Reloaded plugin can sometimes be helpful. It adds an additional layer of caching for frequent DB calls.
There are also some good suggestions in the answers to this SO question: How can I figure out why my site pages load so slowly?
Your latency is almost certainly a server-related issue. You said you have a VPS and most VPS installations come with all Apache modules enabled - all of which you DO NOT NEED for Wordpress.
Eliminating all of the modules you don't need reduces how much memory each PHP instance will consume.
I've answered this question here on stack overflow: How can I figure out why my Wordpress pages load so slowly?
When I took a look at your site I saw that a lot of time is being killed on Facebook widgets. Testing from different locations around the world, looks like you are losing 2-3 seconds just for the facebook widgets. Drop those and you will have a much faster site.

Mid Range Website Performance Metrics

I've been doing a good bit of research into website performance lately and I'd say I've gained a fair amount of knowledge about best practises to improve website performance as well as reduce bandwidth requirements by making such tweaks as GZipping, content caching, and image and script optimization.
My problem is I've found plenty of case studies from hugely popular sites such as Facebook, Google and Amazon but what I really want is some findings and figures for sites a bit smaller say 50-250k visitors a month.
I'm looking for what was gained from investing time into performance optimization e.g. significant speed improvements, reduced bounce rate, reduced running costs, and all the analytics stuff.
For Facebook or Google, a 5% performance tuning improvement can save a lot of money. I have done a lot of performance analysis for clients and they often start with tuning questions. But 90%+ of the time, the greatest performance gain is to look into the application itself. You cannot tune a tanker to run like a porsche. This is some findings I found for Top J2EE Web Application Performance Problems. If the web site is using Drupal or Wordpress, you want to turn on the built in caching before going to the production. Those software package also supply optimization in combining JavaScript and CSS into one file in reducing network round trip time. If you have a site with a lot of content, increase the memory allocated to different buffers in your DB. For a site with very static content, configure the web server like apache to compress the html data. Set the content expiration policy correctly. Try to optimize the image file size. I found images in a lot of web site can be further reduced in size without losing much image quality. Make sure the web server have enough physical memory. Most out of the box server configuration is reasonably optimized. So usually there is only a few things need to do. For the type of web site you are looking at, I don't think you need to worry too much. If you have some files like Flash or PDF that is extremely popular. You can consider putting those files to CDN (cloud) so have other expertise to take care of the bandwidth for you. Those solution become pretty affordable even for small and mid site web site now.
