High latency on my Wordpress Site - performance

I am trying to reduce the latency on site goldealers.co.uk
The site appears to have a latency of anywhere between 950ms and 1500ms.
I have checked:
RAM usage
HTTP connections
Removing ALL plugins
Removing plugins doesn't make the slightest bit of difference.
The server is a VPS Cloud Server with dedicated 1.5ghz processor and 1GB RAM.
My question:
Is latency a server / programming problem?
Do wordpress sites generally have a high latency?
I have checked the latency on Forbes.com (a wordpress site) - This only has a latency of 151ms!!!
I will soon be working on caching, adding expires headers, possibly using a CDN for images etc... but to be honest, there is no point if it takes over 1 second to even start to return any data.
Any advice that you can provide is much appreciated.

Your analysis and priority are correct - starting with the base page load time first, then later optimizing the remaining front-end components.
In general WordPress sites by default can be a bit slow to deliver the HTML pages. Times in the range you mentioned 1-1.5 seconds are not uncommon. (For comparison, an unoptimized WordPress site I run is in the 1-3 second range.)
I would look into two areas:
Basic speed on that host
Database query speed
It could be that your webhost does not have a very fast connection. You can test this (and eliminate the WordPress part of the equation) by fetching a static file. On your site, for example, I can pull the robots.txt file down in about 0.3 seconds. The speed to serve a static file is about your minimum baseline.
Next I would look at the MySQL database query speed. Is MySQL being served on the same host or a different one? The Debug Queries plugin can show you the exact queries being made and performance for each. If the DB queries appear to be the problem, the DB Cache Reloaded plugin can sometimes be helpful. It adds an additional layer of caching for frequent DB calls.
There are also some good suggestions in the answers to this SO question: How can I figure out why my site pages load so slowly?

Your latency is almost certainly a server-related issue. You said you have a VPS and most VPS installations come with all Apache modules enabled - all of which you DO NOT NEED for Wordpress.
Eliminating all of the modules you don't need reduces how much memory each PHP instance will consume.
I've answered this question here on stack overflow: How can I figure out why my Wordpress pages load so slowly?

When I took a look at your site I saw that a lot of time is being killed on Facebook widgets. Testing from different locations around the world, looks like you are losing 2-3 seconds just for the facebook widgets. Drop those and you will have a much faster site.


No load time difference with and without varnish

I'am trying to cache static files on my server using varnish cache. I configured varnish to cache files with image extensions (.jpg, .png etc.). After that I open my website and debug it with browser developer tools and check load time of all images on my site and there is no difference in load time when I use varnish or not. There is a "HIT" in X-Cache entry in response header so images are available in my cache right? Any idea what can I doing wrong?
Ps. I'm using nginx as a backend server
Varnish shoudln't have a real impact on static files, especially when they're located on a SSD. Very heavy frequented sites may be an exception, particulary when the data is stored on a (slow) HDD. Here you have a huge amout of I/O which can be highly reduced by caching the images in the ram with Varnish. But these might be some special cases where caching of static files make sense. For nginx is also noticeable that this is a very fast webserver which is very good at delivering static files.
The main purpose for Varnish is HTML generated by some server-side backend like PHP, ASP.NET, and other languages which are designed for this task. Compared with serving static files it's very time-sensitive to generate dynamic content: The backend hat to work for example on database-querys which are very common in web-applications today or parsing templates. Wordpress is a widespread CMS and also a good example for this: Several 10k of php-code are executed on a single request and depending on the amout of plugins 100 database-querys and more are no exception.
So there are a lot of things to do for the server - for every request. For you as a site-owner this has the following effects:
The loadtime of the page increases which will result in to problems when its too high:
Visitors are not very patient and they're going to leave your page when they're thinking it's not fast enough. A online-shop which is making $100k per day can be loss up to $2.5 million per year by a delay of 1 second (see https://blog.kissmetrics.com/loading-time/ for more information)
As a result of this its not unexpected that Google is using the loadtime as an indicator for your ranking (see http://www.shoutmeloud.com/google-started-ranking-websites-based-on-load-time-and-speed.html)
Depending on the amount of visitors it can cost you money for more or more powerfull servers
Varnish can store the HTML generated by a backend in the RAM or on a hard drive. Especially with a SSD the latter make sense. Depending of the structure and use of your site, Varnish will at least improve the speed of your page and maybe also save money because less (powerfull) servers will do the job.
When Varnish is used as fronted for dynamic-generated content, you'll notice a noticeable difference. Depending of the application even a big difference. I configured varnish for a vBulletin based forum and could improve the page load time about 5 times.
Summarizing you should focus on caching dynamic pages instead of static stuff like images or clientscript because in most cases the webserver is already good enough to deliver those things. When static content is really slow, this can probably improved by using a CDN. Or maybe your webserver is not well configured for optimal speed. Perhaps there is no lifetime defined for images as example. This can have a negative impact on performance, especially on larger ones. But without further about your application and configuration its not possible to investigate the performance-issue and give concret tipps how this can be enhanced.

Slow joomla site from time to time

The joomla 2.5 site (shared hosting) http://dppumps.eu/home (temporary homepage) from time to time is extremely slow. When visiting after a long time it may take up to 30sec to load, and it has happened to me several times to get 500 internal server error after loading for a long time. When refreshed it takes from 0.5 sec to 4 sec to load. How is it possible to have such a big range in loading time? Maybe a server issue or something in my script? Thank you. (I have created numerous sites with joomla 2.5 hosted in the same hosting company with no problems)
You really do need to do some research before you ask questions like this.
First thing you should always do is run a site speed test using Pingdom or something similar. I've run a test on your and you're initially loading 11.1MB of data.
6.6MB of this data is from 2 flash video files which cannot even be found. You then have to take into consideration that you've most likely not used web compression when saving images for your website.
In addition to this, you may want to consider enabling Joomla's GZip compression in the Global Configuration and enable the System Cache plugin. Should you not want to do this, I would strongly suggest using a caching plugin such as JCH Optimize.
Article upon article has been written regarding slow website so please look around to see what methods suits you the most

Please Help Me Troubleshoot Why My Site Is Loading So Slowly

My website is http://secretpassagesbooks.com/. It runs on the latest version of wordpress and is hosted via GoDaddy on a shared web server.
My website takes at anywhere from ten seconds to one minute to load, and I don't understand why. I have tested in IE, FireFox, and Chrome, and the page speed is the same. I performed several speed tests at various online speed test sites and have an average load time of 5 - 6 seconds. Yet when I click on a link to my URL or enter it directly it takes in excess of 30 seconds (sometimes more than a minute) to load the index page.
Here is what I have done so far to troubleshoot the issue:
I have the YSlow and Page Speed extensions installed in Firebug
Yslow test gives me a "Grade A -Overall performance score 90"
My Page Speed a score is 94/100
I have the W3Cache wordpress plugin installed and am using page, browser, and database object caching
I've tried minimizing as much CSS and JavaScript as possible
The site is using HTTP compression
Is there anything more I can do with this design, or is it case of my shared web server being overloaded? Thanks in advance for all your help.
YSlow, etc detect problems in the HTML, Javascript and CSS parts, and these are probably OK. It looks like your hosting is to blame.
If those plug-in results are correct (and I've no reason to doubt they are), then it's most likely a case of your virtual server simply being overloaded.
I presume you have no such issues running an identical site in a "local" production environment either, although you might want to try this to confirm if you've not already done this.
Incidentally, a tale-tell sign of an overloaded VPS/shared hosting solution is if the first page load is incredibly slow, but subsequent loads are "normal" - a common reason being that your "decicated" sandbox is being awoken from a sleep/low resource state. (This also seems to be the case as far as your site is concerned.) As such, it's possible (I don't know the details of this server, such as whether you have a "guaranteed" resource level for CPU, memory, etc.) that other sites on this particular server are using more than their fair share of bandwidth until your site kicks in.
Based on some tests from a tool that I built (The Performance Grader at JoomlaPerformance.com), wow is it bad...
Notice that the HTML took approximately 21.83 seconds to download (from the initial request, to the last object being downloaded). Not to mention that the page is nearly 300kb (which is fairly large for only having 7 images)...
This is where the issue is. Notice that the connection and DNS phases are fine, but the generation phase is really REALLY slow. That's where your problems are. It's server-side. So, you need to debug why it's slow. Some areas to look at are the SQL queries that are being executed (and if they are slow), any slow plugins, etc. Try disabling things one at a time to see if each makes a measurable difference or not.
My "hunch" is that your database is either overloaded, or your queries are very expensive. So in short, you can try another host to see if that helps (which is the solution more than you'd think)...
As most of you pointed out, the issue seemed to be with the server. I contacted GoDaddy and explained the situation. It turns out that my site was hosted on one of their legacy servers and was most likely overloaded. They switched me over to one of their grid servers (no cost) and now everything is loading quickly. Thanks for all the responses. I spent a lot of time tweaking the design, removing plugins one by one, reducing as many HTTP requests as possible, and generally went crazy trying figure out how to best optimize my site. After a few days and a lot of tests, I could not accept that the problem was client-side, especially after all the optimization test I ran showed my site was ok. So good to have it settled...for now, at least.
GoDaddy's webhosting is the bottleneck to your website, you should probably go for a VPS if you have got an advanced website with loads of lookups!

What kind of performance gain will I get from ditching Apache for NGINX?

What kind of performance gain will I get from ditching Apache for NGINX if I have a very low traffic web site (e.g. 1000 unique visitors a day, approx 5 requests/sec at highest load, and approx 50 MB of traffic per day since lots of photos are being displayed).
Specifically, what gains (if any) would I have for:
Loading speed of the web site from the web user perspective
Server load
Again, this is for a low traffic web site and I'm running on a VPS.
If you have such a low traffic, I am not sure you need to go through the troubles of changing your webserver : kind of looks like "premature optimisation" to me.
Well, at least, if those 1,000 visitors don't visit too many pages, and don't all arrive at exactly the same time.
You'd probably have way better gains for your users (and that's what matter !) by activating gzip compression for JS/CSS/HTML, and/or regrouping JS/CSS files into one instead of several, for instance.
About that, running yslow on your webite, and following some of the advices it'll give you, will probably bring more speed to your users than changing server.
Just to make clear : I don't say that you shouldn't optimize your server -- but that, with such a low traffic, it might be more interesting to display pages faster ; at least, first.
Is your Apache server taking too much CPU or RAM? I switched from Apache to Nginx to save memory, especially to serve static file: I seem to be using about 75% less memory with Nginx.
Like the other comment said, are you sure that Apache is the bottle neck? If you are not swapping, then you have enough memory. I don't think you will save any significant server side latency.

Scalability and Performance of Web Applications, Approaches?

What various methods and technologies have you used to successfully address scalability and performance concerns of a website? I am an ASP.NET web developer exploring .NET remoting with WCF with SQL clustering and am curious as to what other approaches exist (such as the ‘cloud’). In which cases would you apply various approaches (for example method a for roughly x many ‘active’ users).
An example of what I mean, a myspace case study: http://highscalability.com/myspace-architecture
This is a very broad question making it difficult to answer, but I'll try and provide a few general suggestions.
1 - Unless you are doing some things seriously wrong then you'll likely not need to worry about perf or scale until you hit a significant amount of traffic (over 1 million page views a month).
2 - Your biggest performance problems initially are likely to be the page load times from other countries. Try the Gomez Instance Site Test to see the page load times from around the world, and use YSlow as a guide for optimizing.
3 - When you do start hitting performance problems it will first most likely be due to the database work. Use the SQL Server Profiler to examine your SQL traffic looking for long running queries to try optimizing, and also use dm_db_missing_index_details to look for indexes you should add.
4 - If your web servers start becoming the performance bottleneck, use a profiler to (such as the ANTS Profiler) to look for ways to optimize your web pages code.
5 - If your web servers are well optimized and still running too hot, look for more caching opportunities, but you're probably going to need to simply add more web servers.
6 - If your database is well optimized and still running too hot, then look at adding a distributed caching system. This probably won't happen until you're over 10 million page views a month.
7 - If your database is starting to get overwhelmed even with distributed caching, then look at a sharding architecture. This probably won't happen until you're over 100 million page views a month.
I've worked on a few sites that get millions/hits/month. Here are some basics:
Cache, cache, cache. Caching is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce load on your webserver and database. Cache page content, queries, expensive computation, anything that is I/O bound. Memcache is dead simple and effective.
Use multiple servers once you are maxed out. You can have multiple web servers and multiple database servers (with replication).
Reduce overall # of request to your webservers. This entails caching JS, CSS and images using expires headers. You can also move your static content to a CDN, which will speed up your user's experience.
Measure & benchmark. Run Nagios on your production machines and load test on your dev/qa server. You need to know when your server will catch on fire so you can prevent it.
I'd recommend reading Building Scalable Websites, it was written by one of the Flickr engineers and is a great reference.
Check out my blog post about scalability too, it has a lot of links to presentations about scaling with multiple languages and platforms:
There is velocity from MS as well as MEMCache has a port to .NET now and also indeXus.Net
