Application disappears on Mac OS X without any crash report message - macos

I recently noticed some frustrating issues on mac. my program simply, silently quits, without any error message and crash report.
I think the crash reporter is enabled, as I can still see it with some other access violation bug. I don't know how to debug this issue without a call stack dump. I had to put logs everywhere and I then realized that the program doesn't always quit at the same place.
the issue seems to be related to sockets, I'm not sure. I kinda think this is an OS bug, because if it is really my program that crashes, I should see the crash reporter. Also, I couldn't reproduce this issue with mac 10.8.5, but I could reproduce it with 10.9 and 10.10.
are you aware of an OS bug that may related to this? how am I suppose to approach this issue?


Debugging hanging app on OSX

This question involves Unity3d, but it's not specifically about it.
I'm building a Unity project for OSX; as a result, I get complete .app that I can run — without xcode project in between, as on iOS. Everything goes OK, but my app hangs up from time to time, forcing me to kill it.
What OS X tools can I use to help with debugging such a situation? May be there's something in xcode instruments that can help me?
You'll want to get the crashlogs, which will give you the callstack, and therefore the location in the code of the crash.
Here's some info on how to find the crash logs:
And here's some info about what to do with them once you have them:
How to symbolicate Mac OSX crash reports issued by Apple?

Should I worry about a "scoped bookmarks agent connection interrupted" log message?

I'm sandboxing my Mac app, and am using the Security-Scoped Bookmarks feature of OS X 10.7.3 to persist references to files outside of the app's sandbox. All my code appears to function correctly, but I end up with the following message repeated hundreds of times in the app's output (for a relatively brief operation).
scoped bookmarks agent connection interrupted
Is this a problem? It makes me think I'm doing something the wrong way, but I'm not sure what that might be.
No, you shouldn't worry. At least according to Apple employees.
If you have an Mac Dev Center membership, see this thread on the forums for details.
If you don't, probably nobody is allowed to tell you the details, because the thread is in the NDA section of the forum. (Even though it's a Lion feature, and this question is specifically about 10.7.3, the Application Sandboxing forum is part of the Mountain Lion section…)
EDIT: As Dov pointed out, Mountain Lion has been public for quite some time, so the thread is no longer in the NDA section of the forum. (The Application Sandboxing forum has been moved into the Deployment forum, which I believe anyone can access.) You should be able to just follow the link for more details.
But the relevant part, from Apple employee Aerie, is:
This is harmless. The agent aggressively idle exits, interrupting idle connections. Since you're holding your process frozen in the debugger, the connection to the agent is idle.
It's unexpected, but yes, still harmless. We'll take a look at what might be causing the output so frequently.
I don't know whether or not there have been any fixes. I personally haven't noticed it as often under 10.8.2 and 10.8.3 beta as I did under 10.7.3 and the 10.8 PRs… but then I'm not developing the same code, and probably not paying as much attention.

Lion Osx Crash all Applications sometimes when i launch iphone simulator

it happened for me a lot but it's not happening every time ..
some times when i launch iphone application from xCode 4.1 in lion osx it closes all application and can't reopen them again unless i restart the machine.. what the wrong
is this happen to me alone?
File a bug at and hopefully the issue can be triaged.
The more info you provide in a bug, the better chance there is to figure out the cause.

Idea IntelliJ crash issue on Mac Snow Leopard

I recently installed Idea IntelliJ 10.0.3 on my Mac Snow Leopard. Whenever I try opening a project, IntelliJ starts indexing and in the process crashes!! It happens everytime.
I have Java 1.6.0_15 on my machine. I am not sure if this happens due to specific version of Java or due to a problem with my settings on IntelliJ.
Anybody experienced this before? Any fixes?
JDK 1.6.0_15 is known to crash because of GC bug, installing Apple Java Update is known to resolve this problem (current version is 1.6.0_26). Hardware problem mentioned by #xbit is also possible, but less likely.
I had this issue as well. It turned out to be bad memory in my case. Run Memtest if you are experiencing frequent crashes. Turn computer off, then hold down Command-S while turning on. This will boot you to single user mode. Then run "memtest all 2".

XCode 3.2.4 buggy debugger?

i'm developing iPhone apps. Yesterday i updated leopard to snow leopard. Alongside i made the jump from XCode 3.1.4 to 3.2.4
I was always quite happy with XCode - working most of the time under windows, I really appreciate how well the XCode toolchain works together.
however - i'm not happy with 3.2.4 at all. i experience a lot of flaws, mainly with debugging. When an error arises, the debugger often stops at another place than the actual error happened. Sometimes the debugger does not trap into breakpoints at all and i get after some time a Error from Debugger: mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack - whatever that means. And also I get invisible breakpoints which i can't remove anymore.
Does anyone experience similar things with XCode 3.2.4? if so, which is the newest release that works well?
Usually the problem is to do with level of debug symbols or some compiler optimization (which shouldn't be applied in debug builds). Maybe the information here will help.
Also try a complete clean (delete the build folder, remove the app from the device/simulator) & rebuild. Ensure you're working with the Debug configuration.
