C++11 implicit copy constructor while implementing explicitly a constructor - c++11

I ran into a problem. I implemented a constructor for a class, but why are implicitly generated the other constructors, like the copy one?
I thought, that if I define a constructor explicitly, then the compiler doesn't generates implicitly other ones. I'm really hoping, that this a VC++ specific thing, and that this code doesn't conforms to ISO:IEC C++11:
class Foo
int bar;
Foo(int&& arg) : bar(arg) { cout << "RConstruction" << endl; }
int main(int, const char*[])
Foo f = Foo(42);
/* Create unused temporary on the stack */
Foo::Foo(f); /* calling Foo::Foo(const Foo&): this shouldn't work... */
return (0);
Please keep in mind, that this is a sample code, created exactly for this situation, for demonstration purposes, I expect answers only that strictly relate to this question.

That's not a move constructor, so it doesn't suppress any implicit ones.
Just like Foo(const int&) isn't a copy constructor, Foo(int&&) isn't a move constructor, it's just a constructor taking an rvalue reference.
A move constructor looks like one of:
Foo(const Foo&&)
Foo(volatile Foo&&)
Foo(const volatile Foo&&)
I thought, that if I define a constructor explicitly, then the compiler doesn't generates implicitly other ones.
If you define any constructor the compiler doesn't generate the default constructor, but it still generates the others. Define the as deleted if you don't want them:
Foo(const Foo&) = delete;
Foo& operator=(const Foo&) = delete;

You did not declare a move constructor, but a regular constructor : no implicit constructor will be deleted.
A move constructor would be of the form Foo(Foo&& arg) (with any cv-qualifier on the argument)
Also note that this statement is not valid C++ :
Maybe you meant :
Foo g = Foo(f);


Why is private move constructor allowed while initalizing via static method?

Simplified code snippet is:
class A {
static A create();
A() = default;
A(A&&) = default;
NonCopyable n;
A A::create() {
A a;
return a;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
auto a = A::create();
return 0;
Please also see my live example (which shows different compilers' behavior).
In the end, I'm wondering why does auto a = A::create(); compile without errors using newer compilers [gcc >= 7.1] (which part of the C++17 standard is relevant here?), given that:
We have a non-copyable member NonCopyable n;, so default copy constructor would be ill-formed.
It's an NRVO here since A a; return a; so copy elision is not guaranteed by the standard.
Move constructor A(A&&) is marked private.
Optimizations were off -O0 for testing.
My suspicion is that move constructor is being "validated" by the compiler at return a;; since this is a member function of A it passes the validation. Even if the suspicion is correct, I'm not sure if this is standard-compliant.
I believe this is a consequence of P0135: Wording for guaranteed copy elision through simplified value categories, specifically the change to [dcl.init]:
If the initializer expression is a prvalue and the cv-unqualified version of the source type is the same class as the class of the destination, the initializer expression is used to initialize the destination object.
[Example: T x = T(T(T())); calls the T default constructor to initialize x. — end example]
As a result, this behavior is not dependent on copy elision of return values or the availability of move constructors.

Why does making this virtual destructor inline fix a linker issue?

If I have a pure virtual class InterfaceA that consists solely of a pure virtual destructor, why do I have to define the destructor as inline? I I don't I get an error when I try to link it.
Below is an admittedly contrived example, however it illustrates the point. The point does not compile for me using cmake and g++. However, if I change the InterfaceA destructor definition as follows - inline InterfaceA::~InterfaceA(){}; then it compiles.
Why is this? What does the inline keyword do?
// InterfaceA.h, include guards ommitted for clarity
class InterfaceA
virtual ~InterfaceA() = 0;
// A.h, include guards ommitted for clarity
#include "InterfaceA.h"
class A : public InterfaceA
A(int val)
: myVal(val){};
int myVal;
// AUser.h, include guards ommitted for clarity
#include "InterfaceA.h"
class AUser
AUser(InterfaceA& anA)
: myA(anA){};
int getVal() const;
InterfaceA& myA;
// AUser.cpp
#include "AUser.h"
#include "A.h"
int AUser::getVal() const
A& anA = static_cast<A&>(myA);
return anA.myVal;
// main.cpp
#include "AUser.h"
#include "A.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(){
A anA(1);
AUser user(anA);
std::cout << "value = " << user.getVal() << std::endl;
return 0;
You have to use the inline keyword when defining functions in header files. If you do not, and the file is included in more than one translation unit, the function will be defined twice (or more times).
The linker error is probably something like "Symbol ... is multiply defined" right?
If you defined the member function in the body of the class, it would be implicitly inline and it would also work.
See this answer
To answer the question "What does the inline keyword do?":
In the old days it would be used to ask the compiler to inline functions i.e. insert the code whenever the function is used instead of adding a function call. Eventually it turned into a simple suggestion since compiler optimizers became more knowledgeable about which functions were inline candidates. These days it is used almost exclusively to define functions in header files that must have external linkage.
inline means that compiler is allowed to add code directly to where the function was called. It also removes function from external linkage, so both your compile units would have local version of.. pure destructor.
// InterfaceA.h, include guards ommitted for clarity
class InterfaceA
virtual ~InterfaceA() = 0;
You declare destructor virtual, so compiler almost never would make it inline. Why? because virtual functions are called through vtable - a internal working of virtual functions system, vtable most likely implemented as an array of pointers to member functions. If function is inlined, it would have no address, no legal pointer. If attempt to get address of function is taken, then compiler silently disregards inline keyword. The other effect will be still in place: inlined destructor stops to be visible to linker.
It may look like declaring pure virtual destructor looks like oxymoron , but it isn't. The pure destructor is kind of destructor that would be always called without causing UB. Its presence would make class abstract, but the implicit call in sequence of destructor calls would still happen. If you didn't declare destructor body, it would lead to an UB, e.g. purecall exception on Windows.
If you don't need an abstract base class, then inline definition will suffice:
class InterfaceA
virtual ~InterfaceA() {}
that is treated by compiler as inline as well, but mixing inline definition and pure member declaration is not allowed.

std::map of non-movable objects [duplicate]

The following code will not compile on gcc 4.8.2.
The problem is that this code will attempt to copy construct an std::pair<int, A> which can't happen due to struct A missing copy and move constructors.
Is gcc failing here or am I missing something?
#include <map>
struct A
int bla;
A(int blub):bla(blub){}
A(A&&) = delete;
A(const A&) = delete;
A& operator=(A&&) = delete;
A& operator=(const A&) = delete;
int main()
std::map<int, A> map;
map.emplace(1, 2); // doesn't work
); // works like a charm
return 0;
As far as I can tell, the issue isn't caused by map::emplace, but by pair's constructors:
#include <map>
struct A
A(int) {}
A(A&&) = delete;
A(A const&) = delete;
int main()
std::pair<int, A> x(1, 4); // error
This code example doesn't compile, neither with coliru's g++4.8.1 nor with clang++3.5, which are both using libstdc++, as far as I can tell.
The issue is rooted in the fact that although we can construct
A t(4);
that is, std::is_constructible<A, int>::value == true, we cannot implicitly convert an int to an A [conv]/3
An expression e can be implicitly converted to a type T if and only if the declaration T t=e; is well-formed,
for some invented temporary variable t.
Note the copy-initialization (the =). This creates a temporary A and initializes t from this temporary, [dcl.init]/17. This initialization from a temporary tries to call the deleted move ctor of A, which makes the conversion ill-formed.
As we cannot convert from an int to an A, the constructor of pair that one would expect to be called is rejected by SFINAE. This behaviour is surprising, N4387 - Improving pair and tuple analyses and tries to improve the situation, by making the constructor explicit instead of rejecting it. N4387 has been voted into C++1z at the Lenexa meeting.
The following describes the C++11 rules.
The constructor I had expected to be called is described in [pairs.pair]/7-9
template<class U, class V> constexpr pair(U&& x, V&& y);
7 Requires: is_constructible<first_type, U&&>::value is true and
is_constructible<second_type, V&&>::value is true.
8 Effects: The
constructor initializes first with std::forward<U>(x) and second with
9 Remarks: If U is not implicitly convertible to
first_type or V is not implicitly convertible to second_type this
constructor shall not participate in overload resolution.
Note the difference between is_constructible in the Requires section, and "is not implicitly convertible" in the Remarks section. The requirements are fulfilled to call this constructor, but it may not participate in overload resolution (= has to be rejected via SFINAE).
Therefore, overload resolution needs to select a "worse match", namely one whose second parameter is a A const&. A temporary is created from the int argument and bound to this reference, and the reference is used to initialize the pair data member (.second). The initialization tries to call the deleted copy ctor of A, and the construction of the pair is ill-formed.
libstdc++ has (as an extension) some nonstandard ctors. In the latest doxygen (and in 4.8.2), the constructor of pair that I had expected to be called (being surprised by the rules required by the Standard) is:
template<class _U1, class _U2,
class = typename enable_if<__and_<is_convertible<_U1, _T1>,
is_convertible<_U2, _T2>
constexpr pair(_U1&& __x, _U2&& __y)
: first(std::forward<_U1>(__x)), second(std::forward<_U2>(__y)) { }
and the one that is actually called is the non-standard:
// DR 811.
template<class _U1,
class = typename enable_if<is_convertible<_U1, _T1>::value>::type>
constexpr pair(_U1&& __x, const _T2& __y)
: first(std::forward<_U1>(__x)), second(__y) { }
The program is ill-formed according to the Standard, it is not merely rejected by this non-standard ctor.
As a final remark, here's the specification of is_constructible and is_convertible.
is_constructible [meta.rel]/4
Given the following function prototype:
template <class T>
typename add_rvalue_reference<T>::type create();
the predicate condition for a template specialization is_constructible<T, Args...> shall be satisfied if and only if the following variable definition would be well-formed for some invented variable t:
T t(create<Args>()...);
[Note: These tokens are never interpreted as a function declaration. β€” end note] Access checking is performed as if in a context unrelated to T and any of the Args. Only the validity of the immediate context of the variable initialization is considered.
is_convertible [meta.unary.prop]/6:
Given the following function prototype:
template <class T>
typename add_rvalue_reference<T>::type create();
the predicate condition for a template specialization is_convertible<From, To> shall be satisfied if and
only if the return expression in the following code would be well-formed, including any implicit conversions
to the return type of the function:
To test() {
return create<From>();
[Note: This requirement gives well defined results for reference types, void types, array types, and function types. β€” end note] Access checking is performed as if in a context unrelated to To and From. Only
the validity of the immediate context of the expression of the return-statement (including conversions to
the return type) is considered.
For your type A,
A t(create<int>());
is well-formed; however
A test() {
return create<int>();
creates a temporary of type A and tries to move that into the return-value (copy-initialization). That selects the deleted ctor A(A&&) and is therefore ill-formed.

Preferred way of class member initialization?

class A { public: int x[100]; };
Declaring A a will not initialize the object (to be seen by garbage values in the field x).
The following will trigger initialization: A a{} or auto a = A() or auto a = A{}.
Should any particular one of the three be preferred?
Next, let us make it a member of another class:
class B { public: A a; };
The default constructor of B appears to take care of initialization of a.
However, if using a custom constructor, I have to take care of it.
The following two options work:
class B { public: A a; B() : a() { } };
class B { public: A a{}; B() { } };
Should any particular one of the two be preferred?
class A { public: int x[100]; };
Declaring A a will not initialize the object (to be seen by garbage
values in the field x).
Correct A a is defined without an initializer and does not fulfill any of the requirements for default initialization.
1) The following will trigger initialization:
A a{};
a{} performs list initialization which
becomes value initialization if {} is empty, or could be aggregate initialization if A is an aggregate.
Works even if the default constructor is deleted. e.g. A() = delete; (If 'A' is still considered an aggregate)
Will warn of narrowing conversion.
2) The following will trigger initialization:
auto a = A();
This is copy initialization where a prvalue temporary is constructed with direct initialization () which
uses value initialization if the () is empty.
No hope of aggregate initialization.
The prvalue temporary is then used to direct-initialize the object.
Copy elision may be, and normally is employed, to optimize out the copy and construct A in place.
Side effects of skipping copy/move constructors are allowed.
Move constructor may not be deleted. e.g A(A&&) = delete;
If copy constructor is deleted then move constructor must be present. e.g. A(const A&) = delete; A(A&&) = default;
Will not warn of narrowing conversion.
3) The following will trigger initialization:
auto a = A{}
This is copy initialization where a prvalue temporary is constructed with list initialization {} which
uses value initialization if {} is empty, or could be aggregate initialization if A is an aggregate.
The prvalue temporary is then used to direct-initialize the object.
Copy elision may be, and normally is employed, to optimize out the copy and construct A in place.
Side effects of skipping copy/move constructors are allowed.
Move constructor may not be deleted. e.g A(A&&) = delete;
If copy constructor is deleted then move constructor must be present. e.g. A(const A&) = delete; A(A&&) = default;
Will warn of narrowing conversion.
Works even if the default constructor is deleted. e.g. A() = delete; (If 'A' is still considered an aggregate)
Should any particular one of the three be preferred?
Clearly you should prefer A a{}.
Member Initialization
Next, let us make it a member of another class:
class B { public: A a; };
The default constructor of B appears to take care of initialization
of a.
No this is not correct.
the implicitly-defined default constructor of 'B' will call the default constructor of A, but will not initialize the members. No direct or list initialization will be triggered. Statement B b; for this example will call the default constructor, but leaves indeterminate values of A's array.
1) However, if using a custom constructor, I have to take care of it. The
following two options work:
class B { public: A a; B() : a() { } };
This will work;
: a() is a constructor initializer and a() is a member initializer as part of the member initializer list.
Uses direct initialization () or, if () is empty, value initialization.
No hope of using aggregate initialization.
Will not warn of narrowing conversion.
2) or:
class B { public: A a{}; B() { } };
This will work;
a now has a non-static data member initializer, which may require a constructor to initialize it if you are using aggregate initialization and the compiler is not fully C++14 compliant.
The member initializer uses list initialization {} which
may become either value initialization if {} is empty or aggregate initialization if A is an aggregate.
If a is the only member then the default constructor does not have to be defined and the default constructor will be implicitly defined.
Clearly you should prefer the second option.
Personally, I prefer using braces everywhere, with some exceptions for auto and cases where a constructor could mistake it for std::initializer_list:
class B { public: A a{}; };
A std::vector constructor will behave differently for std::vector<int> v1(5,10) and std::vector<int> v1{5,10}. with (5,10) you get 5 elements with the value 10 in each one, but with {5,10} you get two elements containing 5 and 10 respectively because std::initializer_list is strongly preferred if you use braces. This is explained very nicely in item 7 of Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers.
Specifically for member initializer lists, two formats may be considered:
Direct initialization a() which becomes value initialization if the () is empty.
List initialization a{} which also becomes value initialization if {} is empty.
In member initializer lists, fortunately, there is no risk of the most vexing parse. Outside of the initializer list, as a statement on its own, A a() would have declared a function vs. A a{} which would have been clear. Also, list initialization has the benefit of preventing narrowing conversions.
So, in summary the answer to this question is that it depends on what you want to be sure of and that will determine the form you select. For empty initializers the rules are more forgiving.

Correct way of initializing a unique_ptr

Working on learning how to use smart pointers and C++ in general... Assume that I have the following class:
template<typename T>
class MyClass {
MyClass(const T& def_val)
std::unique_ptr<T> default_val;
What is the idiomatic way of implementing the constructor if I would only like to store a pointer to an object of type T with the value given in the default_val class member? My understanding is also that I don't have to define a destructor at all, since the unique_ptr will automatically taking care of cleaning up itself?
The way you have written your code, MyClass can only store a unique pointer to a copy of the constructor parameter:
MyClass::MyClass(const T& def_val)
: default_val(new T(def_val))
This means that T must be copy constructible.
My understanding is also that I don't have to define a destructor at all, since the unique_ptr will automatically taking care of cleaning up itself?
Correct. That is 1 of 2 main purposes for unique_ptr, the 2nd being the guarantee that it has only one owner.
If you're using C++11 you could add also a constructor that accepts an rvalue ref
template<typename T>
class MyClass {
MyClass(T&& def_val) : default_val(new T(std::move(def_val))) {}
MyClass::MyClass(const T& def_val) : default_val(new T(def_val)) {}
std::unique_ptr<T> default_val;
now you accept both const ref, generating a copy, or temporaries
