ASM program to get the sum of integers 1 to 10 in R16 [closed] - avr

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Closed 8 years ago.
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develop an ASM program to get the sum of integers 1 to 10 in R16..
hope someone can help total newbie

since the task does not require to actual calculate the sum the answer may be pretty easy:
LDI R16, 55


A pseudocode for any positive integer (decimal ) and will display it as binary output [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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Want a appropriate pseudocode
Write a pseudocode for any positive integer(decimal ) and display it as binary output .

Calculate % of number in Scala programming [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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How to do 50% of 120 in scala code..need proper syntax ,& runnable code for same.
Eg :
int k = (int)(120*(50.0f/100.0f));
This is in java need scala code for same.
The answer would be:

Suppose you have a decimal -12 what is the signed 4 bit representaion of it [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Suppose you have decimal -12 what is the signed 4 bit representaion of it.
basically -12 = 1 0100 how can i convert this to 4 bit
4-bit twos-complement integers range from -8 (1000) to +7 (0111); there is no representation of -12. You need 5 or more bits for that.

Get round number from rand [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How I can get always round number from Ruby rand method between the interval rand(1..99999999).
For Example I want to get as a result for example 1000 or 100000
Randomize the power of 10:
10 ** rand(1..9)
Why not this:
('1' + '0' * (0..10).sample).to_i

Come up with an algorithm [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Using only five 3s and valid mathematical operations, how to get answer 31? Only digit 3 should be there and you can use 5 times (no more or less) to get the answer.
Would this work?
33 - 3 + 3/3
You can get to 31 with…
