How to do POST request to Grape REST API using params block compatible with Swagger - ruby

I am using grape to build a REST API, I am having some trouble with params options.
This is how I do a POST request:
# Curl Request
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" 0:9292/v1/articles -d '{"title":"hello","body":"world"}'
# {"error":"article is missing"}
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" 0:9292/v1/articles -d '{"article":{title":"hello","body":"world"}}'
# {"error":"article is invalid"}
As you can see if I omit article it fails article missing, If i put article and it fails article invalid.
This is the code, I am using grape-entity.
# Entity
module API
module Entities
class Article < Grape::Entity
expose :title, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Title' }
expose :body, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Body' }
desc "Create an article"
params do
requires :article, type: API::Entities::Article, documentation: { eg: "aklsdfj" }
post '/articles' do
puts params
article = Article.create(params(:title, :body))
represent(article, env)
# Add Swagger Docs
add_swagger_documentation mount_path: 'api/doc',
api_version: 'v1',
markdown: GrapeSwagger::Markdown::KramdownAdapter,
hide_documentation_path: true,
base_path: Application.config.base_path,
models: [API::Entities::Article]
Specifically the problem is caused by params block, it requires an :article of type API:Entities::Article.
Also note that, I am using add-swagger-documentation, and this code
produces correct swagger documentation, so the solution have to be
fully compatible with swagger. What is the correct usage of params
block without offending the swagger.

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. I guess you want to change your post method in a way that it accepts a JSON like this:
{ attribute1: value, attribute2: value }
instead of
{ article: { attribute1: value, attribute2: value } }
In this case, you have to change your params block to something like this
params do
requires :attribute1, type: String, documentation: { eg: "aklsdfj" }
requires :attribute2, type: String, documentation: { eg: "aklsdfj" }
instead of
params do
requires :article, type: API::Entities::Article, documentation: { eg: "aklsdfj" }
The params block above is expecting a JSON containing an article attribute composed by every attribute defined in the entity API::Entities::Article.
In fact, Grape doesn't accept entity objects as a type for a parameter.


Sending Array of string in grape API

Using grape api, I try to send an array of string but I always have the response error, codes is not valid
In my model, I expose my field like this :
expose :code, documentation: { type: Array[String]}
And when I make my test, I pass
"code": [
"037ffdb5-6901-404c-b152-8321a32aa397", "1762005c-8cf0-427d-b090-d354d6255eba"
When I check in my console, I have an array of string passed in my params :
=> ["037ffdb5-6901-404c-b152-8321a32aa397", "1762005c-8cf0-427d-b090-d354d6255eba"]
Is anyone having a clue why my params are not valid ?

How do I accept field arguments for a nested query in Graphql Ruby?

I'm getting this error in GraphQl (Apollo JS/ Graphql Ruby):
Error Error: GraphQL error: Field 'pagination' doesn't accept argument 'pagination' GraphQL error: Variable $pagination is declared by Clients but not used. Reload the page and try again.
I have this query:
query Clients($pagination: PaginationInput) {
clients {
data {
pagination(pagination: $pagination) {
And I have this as my input type:
class PaginatedClientsType < Types::BaseObject
field :data, ...
field :pagination, PaginationType ... do
argument :pagination, PaginationInput, required: false
And this in my query_type.rb file:
field :clients, ::Types::Paginated::ClientsType, null: false do
argument :pagination, PaginationInput, required: false
def clients(pagination:)
// and i've added to no avail:
field :pagination ... do
argument :pagination, PaginationInput, required: false
def pagination(pagination:)
Any ideas on how I can pass the argument to something other than this top level client?
I've read docs here but can't figure it out.

ActiveModel serializer ignores root key when posts or post is empty or nil

I am using active model serializer V0.10.0 with Rails 5 api only application. During implementation I noticed the AMS is completely ignoring the root key when the posts/post is empty or nil respectively. This behavior actually breaks my mobile app as it always expects root key data in all response.
So what I want to achieve here is no matter what I always want data as root element of my Rails app response for all requests.
Response for SHOW API when the post is empty
SHOW render json: #post, root: 'data'
"data": {}
Response for INDEX API when the posts are empty
INDEX render json: #posts, root: 'data'
"data": []
"posts": []
class ApplicationSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
ActiveModelSerializers.config.adapter = :json
def host
class PostSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
attributes :id
has_many :comments

Why is an Array in my payload being flattened in Sinatra / Rack::Test?

I'm trying to test a small Sinatra app using rspec. I want to pass a rather complex payload and am running into issues i do not understand: my payload contains an array of hashes. When I run the actual application this will work as expected, yet when I use the post helper to run my tests, the array will contain a merged hash:
sessionId: "test-session-#{session_counter}",
result: {
contexts: [
{ some: 'fixture' },
{ name: 'generic', parameters: { facebook_sender_id: 'zuck-so-cool' } }
In the sinatra handler I use params to access this payload:
post '/:bot/webhook' do |bot|
When I now look at the structure of params when running the test suite, I will see the following structure:
[{"some" => "fixture", "name" => "generic", "parameters" => {"facebook_sender_id" => "zuck-so-cool"}}]
which I do not really understand. Is this a syntax issue (me being a ruby noob), am I using params wrong, or is this a bug?
EDIT: So i found out this is an "issue" with the way that Rack::Test will serialize the given payload when not specifying how to (i.e. as form data). If I pass JSON and pass the correct headers it will do what I expect it to do:
sessionId: "test-session-#{session_counter}",
result: {
contexts: [
{ some: 'fixture' },
{ name: 'generic', parameters: { facebook_sender_id: 'zuck-so-cool' } }
{ 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/json', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json' }
Still I am unsure of this is an issue with the passed data structure not being possible to be serialized into form data or if this is a bug in the way that Rack::Test serializes data.
Looking at the relevant portion of the specs it looks like this is is expected behavior.

How to fetch a document by its ID in elasticsearch rails

I see in the elasticsearch docs you can fetch a document by its ID. Is there any equivalent in elasticsearch rails? I'm feeding by API with "as_indexed_json" and it's a somewhat expensive query, I'd like to return ths JSON straight out of elasticsearch in my API.
You can fetch a particular document from a given index by id with the get method on Elasticsearch::Transport::Client. The get method expects a single hash argument with keys for the index you want to fetch from and the id of the document you want to fetch.
So, all together you need 3 things:
A client object
The name of the index
The id of the document (i.e. your model id)
client = YourModel.__elasticsearch__.client
document = client.get({ index: YourModel.index_name, id: id_to_find })
Here how you can accomplish it.
This is from controller action and works well for me.
def show
client = host:'', log: true
response = index: 'example', body: {query: { match: {_id: params[:id]} } }
#example = response['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.js # show.js.erb
format.json { render json: #example }
#records =['name']).per(12).results
