Syntax directed definition (count number of pairs of parentheses) - syntax

given the following grammar I have to find the appropriate semantic actions to calculate, for each string of the language, the number of pairs of parentheses in the string.
S -> (L)
S -> a
L -> L, S
L -> S
Usually, to perform this type of exercise, I build a derivation tree of a sample string and then I add the attributes. After that it is easier to find the semantic rules.
So I built this derivation tree for the string "((a, (a), a))", but I can't proceed with the resolution of the exercise. How do I count the pairs of parentheses? I'am not able to do that...
I do't want the solution but I'd like someone to help me with the reasoning to be made in these cases.
(I'm sorry for the bad tree...)

The OP wrote:
These might be the correct semantic actions for this grammar?
S -> (L) {S.p = counter + 1}
S -> a {do nothing}
L -> L, S {L.p = S.p}
L -> S {L.p = S.p}
.p is a synthesized attribute.

S-> (S) { S.count =S.count + 1}
S-> SS{ S.count = S.count + S.count}
S-> ϵ{S.count = 0}
This should make things clear


Having troubles implementing Dijkstra algorithm in OCaml

I'm trying to implement Dijkstra's algorithm in OCaml, this is the pseudo-code I'm following :
So far, I've written those functions, putting everything in it would be too long and maybe not necessary at this point. But I'll give their type.
(* init_dist build the distances (distance Map) between the nodes given a nodes list. *)
let init_dist nodes source
val init_dist : node list -> node -> float DistMap.t = <fun>
(* min_elt_and_key return a (node,float) tuple, by finding the minimum key and returning its key with it. *)
let min_elt_and_key map ~compare_element
val min_elt_and_key : 'a DistMap.t -> compare_element:('a -> 'a -> int) -> node * 'a = <fun>
(* update_distances updates dMap and prevMap based on n1 and n2, returns a tuple of Map *)
let update_distances n1 n2 dMap prevMap
(* find_minimum returns the minimum node based on the distance map. *)
let find_minimum nodes_Q first_node map
val find_minimum : node list -> node -> float DistMap.t -> node = <fun>
And here's where I am at.
let dijkstra graph source target =
let nodes = Graph.nodes in
let distanceMap = init_dist nodes source in
let prevMap = DistMap.empty in
let nodes_Q = Graph.nodes in
let rec dijkstra_aux dMap pMap nodes_Q target =
(Graph.nodes has type node list)
My trouble here is that I don't know how I would be able to look for the minimum by going through nodes_Q, remove it, and keep going. Loops have unit type in OCaml so doing imperative programming here would be quit hard, plus the end goal is to return a tuple of map (dist and prev). Plus another problem would be raised, how could I code something for the for loop in the while ? I basically wrote every function necessary to write the algorithm, but assembling them isn't an easy task.
I've seen this link :
However, I've only started coding in OCaml a few months back and my data structures seems fairly different than the ones I have.
What would you recommend me to achieve that?
The way to think about an imperative loop in a functional language is to re-imagine the body of the loop as a function. Any values manipulated in the loop are parameters of the function. To do the next iteration of the loop, the function calls itself recursively with new values of the parameters.
The values manipulated in your case are Q, dist, and prev. So you can imagine the final loop in your pseudo-code as something like this:
let rec dijkstra_aux q dist prev =
if empty q then
(dist, prev)
let min_elt = smallest_element_of q in
let q' = remove_element q min_elt in
let (dist', prev') = update_neighbors q dist prev in
dijkstra_aux q' dist' prev'

Functional programming with OCAML

I'm new to functional programming and I'm trying to implement a basic algorithm using OCAML for course that I'm following currently.
I'm trying to implement the following algorithm :
Entries :
- E : a non-empty set of integers
- s : an integer
- d : a positive float different of 0
Output :
- T : a set of integers included into E
m <- min(E)
T <- {m}
FOR EACH e ∈ sort_ascending(E \ {m}) DO
IF e > (1+d)m AND e <= s THEN
T <- T U {e}
m <- e
let f = fun (l: int list) (s: int) (d: float) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if ... then (list_union acc [x]) else acc)
[(list_min l)] (list_sort_ascending l) ;;
So far, this is what I have, but I don't know how to handle the modification of the "m" variable mentioned in the algorithm... So I need help to understand what is the best way to implement the algorithm, maybe I'm not gone in the right direction.
Thanks by advance to anyone who will take time to help me !
The basic trick of functional programming is that although you can't modify the values of any variables, you can call a function with different arguments. In the initial stages of switching away from imperative ways of thinking, you can imagine making every variable you want to modify into the parameters of your function. To modify the variables, you call the function recursively with the desired new values.
This technique will work for "modifying" the variable m. Think of m as a function parameter instead.
You are already using this technique with acc. Each call inside the fold gets the old value of acc and returns the new value, which is then passed to the function again. You might imagine having both acc and m as parameters of this inner function.
Assuming list_min is defined you should think the problem methodically. Let's say you represent a set with a list. Your function takes this set and some arguments and returns a subset of the original set, given the elements meet certain conditions.
Now, when I read this for the first time, List.filter automatically came to my mind.
List.filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
But you wanted to modify the m so this wouldn't be useful. It's important to know when you can use library functions and when you really need to create your own functions from scratch. You could clearly use filter while handling m as a reference but it wouldn't be the functional way.
First let's focus on your predicate:
fun s d m e -> (float e) > (1. +. d)*.(float m) && (e <= s)
Note that +. and *. are the plus and product functions for floats, and float is a function that casts an int to float.
Let's say the function predicate is that predicate I just mentioned.
Now, this is also a matter of opinion. In my experience I wouldn't use fold_left just because it's just complicated and not necessary.
So let's begin with my idea of the code:
let m = list_min l;;
So this is the initial m
Then I will define an auxiliary function that reads the m as an argument, with l as your original set, and s, d and m the variables you used in your original imperative code.
let rec f' l s d m =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> if (predicate s d m x) then begin
x :: (f' xs s d x)
f' xs s d m in
f' l s d m
Then for each element of your set, you check if it satisfies the predicate, and if it does, you call the function again but you replace the value of m with x.
Finally you could just call f' from a function f:
let f (l: int list) (s: int) (d: float) =
let m = list_min l in
f' l s d m
Be careful when creating a function like your list_min, what would happen if the list was empty? Normally you would use the Option type to handle those cases but you assumed you're dealing with a non-empty set so that's great.
When doing functional programming it's important to think functional. Pattern matching is super recommended, while pointers/references should be minimal. I hope this is useful. Contact me if you any other doubt or recommendation.

sort a list of numbers by their 'visual similarity'

consider a function, which rates the level of 'visual similarity' between two numbers: 666666 and 666166 would be very similar, unlike 666666 and 111111
type N = Int
type Rate = Int
similar :: N -> N -> Rate
similar a b = length . filter id . zipWith (==) a' $ b'
where a' = show a
b' = show b
similar 666666 666166
--> 5
-- high rate : very similar
similar 666666 111111
--> 0
-- low rate : not similar
There will be more sophisticated implementations for this, however this serves the purpose.
The intention is to find a function that sorts a given list of N's, so that each item is the most similar one to it's preceding item. Since the first item does not have a predecessor, there must be a given first N.
similarSort :: N -> [N] -> [N]
Let's look at some sample data: They don't need to have the same arity but it makes it easier to reason about it.
sample :: [N]
sample = [2234, 8881, 1222, 8888, 8822, 2221, 5428]
one could be tempted to implement the function like so:
similarSortWrong x xs = reverse . sortWith (similar x) $ xs
but this would lead to a wrong result:
similarSortWrong 2222 sample
--> [2221,1222,8822,2234,5428,8888,8881]
In the beginning it looks correct, but it's obvious that 8822 should rather be followed by 8881, since it's more similar that 2234.
So here's the implementation I came up with:
similarSort _ [] = []
similarSort x xs = x : similarSort a as
where (a:as) = reverse . sortWith (similar x) $ xs
similarSort 2222 sample
--> [2222,2221,2234,1222,8822,8888,8881]
It seems to work. but it also seems to do lot more more work than necessary. Every step the whole rest is sorted again, just to pick up the first element. Usually lazyness should allow this, but reverse might break this again. I'd be keen to hear, if someone know if there's a common abstraction for this problem.
It's relatively straightforward to implement the greedy algorithm you ask for. Let's start with some boilerplate; we'll use the these package for a zip-like that hands us the "unused" tail ends of zipped-together lists:
import Data.Align
import Data.These
sampleStart = "2222"
sampleNeighbors = ["2234", "8881", "1222", "8888", "8822", "2221", "5428"]
Instead of using numbers, I'll use lists of digits -- just so we don't have to litter the code with conversions between the form that's convenient for the user and the form that's convenient for the algorithm. You've been a bit fuzzy about how to rate the similarity of two digit strings, so let's make it as concrete as possible: any digits that differ cost 1, and if the digit strings vary in length we have to pay 1 for each extension to the right. Thus:
distance :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
distance l r = sum $ alignWith elemDistance l r where
elemDistance (These l r) | l == r = 0
elemDistance _ = 1
A handy helper function will pick the smallest element of some list (by a user-specified measure) and return the rest of the list in some implementation-defined order.
minRestOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
minRestOn f [] = Nothing
minRestOn f (x:xs) = Just (go x [] xs) where
go min rest [] = (min, rest)
go min rest (x:xs) = if f x < f min
then go x (min:rest) xs
else go min (x:rest) xs
Now the greedy algorithm almost writes itself:
greedy :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
greedy here neighbors = here : case minRestOn (distance here) neighbors of
Nothing -> []
Just (min, rest) -> greedy min rest
We can try it out on your sample:
> greedy sampleStart sampleNeighbors
Just eyeballing it, that seems to do okay. However, as with many greedy algorithms, this one only minimizes the local cost of each edge in the path. If you want to minimize the total cost of the path found, you need to use another algorithm. For example, we can pull in the astar package. For simplicity, I'm going to do everything in a very inefficient way, but it's not too hard to do it "right". We'll need a fair chunk more imports:
import Data.Graph.AStar
import Data.Hashable
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
Unlike before, where we only wanted the nearest neighbor, we'll now want all the neighbors. (Actually, we could probably implement the previous use of minRestOn using the following function and minimumOn or something. Give it a try if you're interested!)
neighbors :: (a, [a]) -> [(a, [a])]
neighbors (_, xs) = go [] xs where
go ls [] = []
go ls (r:rs) = (r, ls ++ rs) : go (r:ls) rs
We can now call the aStar search method with appropriate parameters. We'll use ([a], [[a]]) -- representing the current list of digits and the remaining lists that we can choose from -- as our node type. The arguments to aStar are then, in order: the function for finding neighboring nodes, the function for computing distance between neighboring nodes, the heuristic for how far we have left to go (we'll just say 1 for each unique element in the list), whether we've reached a goal node, and the initial node to start the search from. We'll call fromJust, but it should be okay: all nodes have at least one path to a goal node, just by choosing the remaining lists of digits in order.
optimal :: (Eq a, Ord a, Hashable a) => [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
optimal here elsewhere = (here:) . map fst . fromJust $ aStar
(HS.fromList . neighbors)
(\(x, _) (y, _) -> distance x y)
(\(x, xs) -> HS.size (HS.fromList (x:xs)) - 1)
(\(_, xs) -> null xs)
(here, elsewhere)
Let's see it run in ghci:
> optimal sampleStart sampleNeighbors
We can see that it's done better this time by adding a pathLength function that computes all the distances between neighbors in a result.
pathLength :: Eq a => [[a]] -> Int
pathLength xs = sum [distance x y | x:y:_ <- tails xs]
In ghci:
> pathLength (greedy sampleStart sampleNeighbors)
> pathLength (optimal sampleStart sampleNeighbors)
In this particular example, I think the greedy algorithm could have found the optimal path if it had made the "right" choices whenever there were ties for minimal next step; but I expect it is not too hard to cook up an example where the greedy algorithm is forced into bad early choices.

Breaking lists at index

I have a performance question today.
I am making a (Haskell) program and, when profiling, I saw that most of the time is spent in the function you can find below. Its purpose is to take the nth element of a list and return the list without it besides the element itself. My current (slow) definition is as follows:
breakOn :: Int -> [a] -> (a,[a])
breakOn 1 (x:xs) = (x,xs)
breakOn n (x:xs) = (y,x:ys)
(y,ys) = breakOn (n-1) xs
The Int argument is known to be in the range 1..n where n is the length of the (never null) list (x:xs), so the function never arises an error.
However, I got a poor performance here. My first guess is that I should change lists for another structure. But, before start picking different structures and testing code (which will take me lot of time) I wanted to ask here for a third person opinion. Also, I'm pretty sure that I'm not doing it in the best way. Any pointers are welcome!
Please, note that the type a may not be an instance of Eq.
I adapted my code tu use Sequences from the Data.Sequence module. The result is here:
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
breakOn :: Int -> Seq a -> (a,Seq a)
breakOn n xs = (S.index zs 0, ys <> (S.drop 1 zs))
(ys,zs) = S.splitAt (n-1) xs
However, I still accept further suggestions of improvement!
Yes, this is inefficient. You can do a bit better by using splitAt (which unboxes the number during the recursive bit), a lot better by using a data structure with efficient splitting, e.g. a fingertree, and best by massaging the context to avoid needing this operation. If you post a bit more context, it may be possible to give more targeted advice.
Prelude functions are generally pretty efficient. You could rewrite your function using splitAt, as so:
breakOn :: Int -> [a] -> (a,[a])
breakOn n xs = (z,ys++zs)
(ys,z:zs) = splitAt (n-1) xs

Can I always convert mutable-only algorithms to single-assignment and still be efficient?

The Context
The context of this question is that I want to play around with Gene Expression Programming (GEP), a form of evolutionary algorithm, using Erlang. GEP makes use of a string based DSL called 'Karva notation'. Karva notation is easily translated into expression parse trees, but the translation algorithm assumes an implementation having mutable objects: incomplete sub-expressions are created early-on the translation process and their own sub-expressions are filled-in later-on with values that were not known at the time they were created.
The purpose of Karva notation is that it guarantees syntactically correct expressions are created without any expensive encoding techniques or corrections of genetic code. The problem is that with a single-assignment programming language like Erlang, I have to recreate the expression tree continually as each sub expression gets filled in. This takes an inexpensive - O(n)? - update operation and converts it into one that would complete in exponential time (unless I'm mistaken). If I can't find an efficient functional algorithm to convert K-expressions into expression trees, then one of the compelling features of GEP is lost.
The Question
I appreciate that the K-expression translation problem is pretty obscure, so what I want is advice on how to convert an inherently-non-functional algorithm (alg that exploits mutable data structures) into one that does not. How do pure functional programming languages adapt many of the algorithms and data structures that were produced in the early days of computer science that depend on mutability to get the performance characteristics they need?
Carefully designed immutability avoids unecessary updating
Immutable data structures are only an efficiency problem if they're constantly changing, or you build them up the wrong way. For example, continually appending more to the end of a growing list is quadratic, whereas concatenating a list of lists is linear. If you think carefully, you can usually build up your structure in a sensible way, and lazy evaluation is your friend - hand out a promise to work it out and stop worrying.
Blindly trying to replicate an imperative algorithm can be ineffecient, but you're mistaken in your assertion that functional programming has to be asymptotically bad here.
Case study: pure functional GEP: Karva notation in linear time
I'll stick with your case study of parsing Karva notation for GEP. (
I've played with this solution more fully in this answer.)
Here's a fairly clean pure functional solution to the problem. I'll take the opportunity to name drop some good general recursion schemes along the way.
(Importing Data.Tree supplies data Tree a = Node {rootLabel :: a, subForest :: Forest a} where type Forest a = [Tree a].)
import Data.Tree
import Data.Tree.Pretty -- from the pretty-tree package for visualising trees
arity :: Char -> Int
arity c
| c `elem` "+*-/" = 2
| c `elem` "Q" = 1
| otherwise = 0
A hylomorphism is the composition of an anamorphism (build up, unfoldr) and a catamorphism (combine, foldr).
These terms are introduced to the FP community in the seminal paper Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses and Barbed wire.
We're going to pull the levels out (ana/unfold) and combine them back together (cata/fold).
hylomorphism :: b -> (a -> b -> b) -> (c -> (a, c)) -> (c -> Bool) -> c -> b
hylomorphism base combine pullout stop seed = hylo seed where
hylo s | stop s = base
| otherwise = combine new (hylo s')
where (new,s') = pullout s
To pull out a level, we use the total arity from the previous level to find where to split off this new level, and pass on the total arity for this one ready for next time:
pullLevel :: (Int,String) -> (String,(Int,String))
pullLevel (n,cs) = (level,(total, cs')) where
(level, cs') = splitAt n cs
total = sum $ map arity level
To combine a level (as a String) with the level below (that's already a Forest), we just pull off the number of trees that each character needs.
combineLevel :: String -> Forest Char -> Forest Char
combineLevel "" [] = []
combineLevel (c:cs) levelBelow = Node c subforest : combineLevel cs theRest
where (subforest,theRest) = splitAt (arity c) levelBelow
Now we can parse the Karva using a hylomorphism. Note that we seed it with a total arity from outside the string of 1, since there's only one node at the root level. Correspondingly we apply head to the result to get this singleton back out after the hylomorphism.
karvaToTree :: String -> Tree Char
karvaToTree cs = let
zero (n,_) = n == 0
in head $ hylomorphism [] combineLevel pullLevel zero (1,cs)
Linear Time
There's no exponential blowup, nor repeated O(log(n)) lookups or expensive modifications, so we shouldn't be in too much trouble.
arity is O(1)
splitAt part is O(part)
pullLevel (part,cs) is O(part) for grab using splitAt to get level, plus O(part) for the map arity level, so O(part)
combineLevel (c:cs) is O(arity c) for the splitAt, and O(sum $ map arity cs) for the recursive call
hylomorphism [] combineLevel pullLevel zero (1,cs)
makes a pullLevel call for each level, so the total pullLevel cost is O(sum parts) = O(n)
makes a combineLevel call for each level, so the total combineLevel cost is O(sum $ map arity levels) = O(n), since the total arity of the entire input is bound by n for valid strings.
makes O(#levels) calls to zero (which is O(1)), and #levels is bound by n, so that's below O(n) too
Hence karvaToTree is linear in the length of the input.
I think that puts to rest the assertion that you needed to use mutability to get a linear algorithm here.
Let's have a draw of the results (because Tree is so full of syntax it's hard to read the output!). You have to cabal install pretty-tree to get Data.Tree.Pretty.
see :: Tree Char -> IO ()
see = putStrLn.drawVerticalTree.fmap (:"")
ghci> karvaToTree "Q/a*+b-cbabaccbac"
Node {rootLabel = 'Q', subForest = [Node {rootLabel = '/', subForest = [Node {rootLabel = 'a', subForest = []},Node {rootLabel = '*', subForest = [Node {rootLabel = '+', subForest = [Node {rootLabel = '-', subForest = [Node {rootLabel = 'b', subForest = []},Node {rootLabel = 'a', subForest = []}]},Node {rootLabel = 'c', subForest = []}]},Node {rootLabel = 'b', subForest = []}]}]}]}
ghci> see $ karvaToTree "Q/a*+b-cbabaccbac"
/ \
a *
/ \
+ b
/ \
- c
/ \
b a
which matches the output expected from this tutorial where I found the example:
There isn't a single way to do this, it really has to be attempted case-by-case. I typically try to break them down into simpler operations using fold and unfold and then optimize from there. Karva decoding case is a breadth-first tree unfold as others have noted, so I started with treeUnfoldM_BF. Perhaps there are similar functions in Erlang.
If the decoding operation is unreasonably expensive, you could memoize the decoding and share/reuse subtrees... though it probably wouldn't fit into a generic tree unfolder and you'd need to write specialized function to do so. If the fitness function is slow enough, it may be fine to use a naive decoder like the one I have listed below. It will fully rebuild the tree each invocation.
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Tree
type MaxArity = Int
type NodeType = Char
treeify :: MaxArity -> [Char] -> Tree NodeType
treeify maxArity (x:xs) = evalState (unfoldTreeM_BF (step maxArity) x) xs
treeify _ [] = fail "empty list"
step :: MaxArity -> NodeType -> State [Char] (NodeType, [NodeType])
step maxArity node = do
xs <- get
-- figure out the actual child node count and use it instead of maxArity
let (children, ys) = splitAt maxArity xs
put ys
return (node, children)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let x = treeify 3 "0138513580135135135"
putStr $ drawTree . fmap (:[]) $ x
return ()
There are a couple of solutions when mutable state in functional programming is required.
Use a different algorithm that solves the same problem. E.g. quicksort is generally regarded as mutable and may therefore be less useful in a functional setting, but mergesort is generally better suited for a functional setting. I can't tell if this option is possible or makes sense in your case.
Even functional programming languages usually provide some way to mutate state. (This blog post seems to show how to do it in Erlang.) For some algorithms and data structures this is indeed the only available option (there's active research on the topic, I think); for example hash tables in functional programming languages are generally implemented with mutable state.
In your case, I'm not so sure immutability really leads to a performance bottleneck. You are right, the (sub)tree will be recreated on update, but the Erlang implementation will probably reuse all the subtrees that haven't changed, leading to O(log n) complexity per update instead of O(1) with mutable state. Also, the nodes of the trees won't be copied but instead the references to the nodes, which should be relatively efficient. You can read about tree updates in a functional setting in e.g. the thesis from Okasaki or in his book "Purely Functional Data Structures" based on the thesis. I'd try implementing the algorithm with an immutable data structure and switch to a mutable one if you have a performance problem.
Also see some relevant SO questions here and here.
I think I figured out how to solve your particular problem with the K trees, (the general problem is too hard :P). My solution is presented in some horrible sort of hybrid Python-like psudocode (I am very slow on my FP today) but it doesn't change a node after you create one (the trick is building the tree bottom-up)
First, we need to find which nodes belong to which level:
levels currsize nodes =
this_level , rest = take currsize from nodes, whats left
next_size = sum of the arities of the nodes
return [this_level | levels next_size rest]
(initial currsize is 1)
So in the +/*abcd, example, this should give you [+, /*, abcd]. Now you can convert this into a tree bottom up:
curr_trees = last level
for level in reverse(levels except the last)
next_trees = []
for root in level:
n = arity of root
trees, curr_trees = take n from curr_trees, whats left
next_trees.append( Node(root, trees) )
curr_trees = next_trees
curr_trees should be a list with the single root node now.
I am pretty sure we can convert this into single assignment Erlang/Haskell very easily now.
