Having troubles implementing Dijkstra algorithm in OCaml - algorithm

I'm trying to implement Dijkstra's algorithm in OCaml, this is the pseudo-code I'm following :
So far, I've written those functions, putting everything in it would be too long and maybe not necessary at this point. But I'll give their type.
(* init_dist build the distances (distance Map) between the nodes given a nodes list. *)
let init_dist nodes source
val init_dist : node list -> node -> float DistMap.t = <fun>
(* min_elt_and_key return a (node,float) tuple, by finding the minimum key and returning its key with it. *)
let min_elt_and_key map ~compare_element
val min_elt_and_key : 'a DistMap.t -> compare_element:('a -> 'a -> int) -> node * 'a = <fun>
(* update_distances updates dMap and prevMap based on n1 and n2, returns a tuple of Map *)
let update_distances n1 n2 dMap prevMap
(* find_minimum returns the minimum node based on the distance map. *)
let find_minimum nodes_Q first_node map
val find_minimum : node list -> node -> float DistMap.t -> node = <fun>
And here's where I am at.
let dijkstra graph source target =
let nodes = Graph.nodes in
let distanceMap = init_dist nodes source in
let prevMap = DistMap.empty in
let nodes_Q = Graph.nodes in
let rec dijkstra_aux dMap pMap nodes_Q target =
(Graph.nodes has type node list)
My trouble here is that I don't know how I would be able to look for the minimum by going through nodes_Q, remove it, and keep going. Loops have unit type in OCaml so doing imperative programming here would be quit hard, plus the end goal is to return a tuple of map (dist and prev). Plus another problem would be raised, how could I code something for the for loop in the while ? I basically wrote every function necessary to write the algorithm, but assembling them isn't an easy task.
I've seen this link : http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm#OCaml
However, I've only started coding in OCaml a few months back and my data structures seems fairly different than the ones I have.
What would you recommend me to achieve that?

The way to think about an imperative loop in a functional language is to re-imagine the body of the loop as a function. Any values manipulated in the loop are parameters of the function. To do the next iteration of the loop, the function calls itself recursively with new values of the parameters.
The values manipulated in your case are Q, dist, and prev. So you can imagine the final loop in your pseudo-code as something like this:
let rec dijkstra_aux q dist prev =
if empty q then
(dist, prev)
let min_elt = smallest_element_of q in
let q' = remove_element q min_elt in
let (dist', prev') = update_neighbors q dist prev in
dijkstra_aux q' dist' prev'


Copying a matrix into another matrix ocaml

I am trying to copy a the values of the first matrix to the second element by element. I don't understand why "<-" doesn't work for me when I want to set a new value. Here's the code:
let y=[|[|"true";"true";"false";"false"|];
let fill_array =
let l=Array.length x in
for i=0 to l-1 do
for j=0 to l-1 do
I get the following-Error: This expression has type string array array
This is not a function; it cannot be applied.
Ideally this would be a bool array but I wanted to try string first.
You are missing a dot. In
x.(i).(j)<- y(i).(j)
y(i) is a function application whereas you wanted y.(i)
x.(i).(j)<- y.(i).(j)
Note that for an element-by-element copy, another option would be to use higher-order functions rather than low-level loops:
let copy x y =
Array.iteri (fun i xi ->
Array.iteri (fun j x -> y.(i).(j) <- x) xi
) x
In OCaml parlance, to copy means to create a copy of something. And for the process of filling the contents of one data structure with another, we use the word blit. It is rather OCaml-specific, and probably confusing but it is good to know as it will help you navigate the OCaml documentation. It is always good to know what is the name of a thing that you search :)
To copy a matrix just do Array.(map copy), e.g.,
let xs = Array.make 10 10 0
let ys = Array.(map copy) xs
let () =
ys.(0).(0) <- 1;
assert (xs.(0).(0) = 0)
Here, Array.(map copy) is using the local open feature of OCaml and is the same as Array.map Array.copy. The Array.map function creates a new array that faps each element of the original array using the provided function, in our case it is Array.copy. To copy a 3d matrix you can do Array.(map##map copy) and so on.
If you want to copy your matrix into an existing matrix then the most efficient way would be to use Array.blit, e.g.,
let blit_matrix ~dst ~src =
Array.iteri (fun row dst ->
Array.blit src.(row) 0 dst 0 (Array.length src.(row))) dst

Optimising manipulation of large vectors

This is a follow up to my previous question about processing a Vector representation of a 5.1m edge directed graph. I am trying to implement Kosaraju's graph algorithm and thus need to rearrange my Vector in the order of the finishing times of a depth first search (DFS) on the edges reversed. I have code that runs on small data sets but that fails to return in 10 minutes on the full data set. (I can't exclude that a loop arises from the big graph, but there are no signs of that on my test data.)
DFS needs to avoid revisiting nodes, so I need some sort of 'state' for the search (currently a tuple, should I use a State Monad?). The first search should return a reordered Vector, but I am keeping things simple at present by returning a list of the reordered Node indexes so that I can process the Vector in one go subsequently.
I presume the issue lies in dfsInner. The code below 'remembers' the nodes visited updating the explored field of each node (third guard). Although I tried to make it tail recursive, the code seems to grow memory use fairly fast. Do I need to enforce some strictness and if so, how? (I have another version that I use on a single search search, which checks for previous visits by looking at the start nodes of the unexplored edges on the stack and the list of nodes that have been completed. This does not grow so quickly, but does not return for any well connected node.)
However, it could also be the foldr', but how can I detect that?
This is supposedly Coursera homework, but I'm no longer sure I can tick the honour code button! Learning is more important though, so I don't really want a copy/paste answer. What I have is not very elegant - it has an imperative feel to it too, which is driven by the issue with keeping some sort of state - see third guard. I'd welcome comments on design patterns.
type NodeName = Int
type Edges = [NodeName]
type Explored = Bool
type Stack = [(Int, Int)]
data Node = Node NodeName Explored Edges Edges deriving (Eq, Show)
type Graph = Vector Node
main = do
edges <- V.fromList `fmap` getEdges "SCC.txt"
maxIndex = fst $ V.last edges
gr = createGraph maxIndex edges
res = dfsOuter gr
--return gr
putStrLn $ show res
dfsOuter gr =
let tmp = V.foldr' callInner (gr,[]) gr
in snd tmp
callInner :: Node -> (Graph, Stack) -> (Graph, Stack)
callInner (Node idx _ fwd bwd) (gr,acc) =
let (Node _ explored _ _) = gr V.! idx
in case explored of
True -> (gr, acc)
False ->
initialStack = map (\l -> (idx, l)) bwd
gr' = gr V.// [(idx, Node idx True fwd bwd)]
(gr'', newScc) = dfsInner idx initialStack (length acc) (gr', [])
in (gr'', newScc++acc)
dfsInner :: NodeName -> Stack -> Int -> (Graph, [(Int, Int)]) -> (Graph, [(Int, Int)])
dfsInner start [] finishCounter (gr, acc) = (gr, (start, finishCounter):acc)
dfsInner start stack finishCounter (gr, acc)
| nextStart /= start = -- no more places to go from this node
dfsInner nextStart stack (finishCounter + 1) $ (gr, (start, finishCounter):acc)
| nextExplored =
-- nextExplored || any (\(y,_) -> y == stack0Head) stack || any (\(x,_) -> x == stack0Head) acc =
dfsInner start (tail stack) finishCounter (gr, acc)
| otherwise =
dfsInner nextEnd (add2Stack++stack) finishCounter (gr V.// [(nextEnd, Node idx True nextLHS nextRHS)], acc)
-- dfsInner gr stack0Head (add2Stack++stack) finishCounter acc
(nextStart, nextEnd) = head stack
(Node idx nextExplored nextLHS nextRHS) = gr V.! nextEnd
add2Stack = map (\l -> (nextEnd, l)) nextRHS
In a nutshell:
Know the time complexities.
There are a lot of fine points to optimization, a large subset of which being not very important in everyday programming, but fail to know the asymptotic complexities and programs will often just not work at all.
Haskell libraries usually document the complexities, especially when it's not obvious or not effective (linear of worse). In particular, all the complexities relevant to this question can be found in Data.List and Data.Vector.
The performance is killed by V.// here. Vectors are boxed or unboxed immutable contiguous arrays in memory. Hence, modifying them requires copying the entire vector. Since we have O(N) such modifications, the whole algorithm is O(n^2), so we have to copy about 2 terabytes with N = 500000. So, there isn't much use for marking visited nodes inside the vector. Instead, build an IntSet of indices as needed.
initialStack (length acc) also looks really bad. It's almost never a good idea to use length on large lists, because it's also O(n). It's probably not as nearly as bad as // in your code, since it sits in a relatively rarely occurring branch, but it'd still leave the performance crippled after we've corrected the vector issue.
Also, the search implementation seems rather unclear and overcomplicated to me. Aiming for a literal-minded translation of the pseudocode on the Wiki page should be a good start. Also, it's unnecessary to store the indices in nodes, since they can be determined from vector positions and the adjacency lists.
Based on #andras gist, I rewrote my code as below. I did not use Arrow functions as I am unfamiliar with them, and my second depth first search is stylistically the same as the first one (instead of #Andras filterM approach). The end result is that it completes in 20% of the time of Andras' code (21s instead of 114s).
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
--import Criterion.Main
--getEdges :: String -> IO [(Int, Int)]
getEdges file = do
lines <- (map BS.words . BS.lines) `fmap` BS.readFile file
pairs = (map . map) (maybe (error "can't read Int") fst . BS.readInt) lines
pairs' = [(a, b) | [a, b] <- pairs] -- adds 9 seconds
maxIndex = fst $ last pairs'
graph = createGraph maxIndex pairs'
return graph
main = do
graph <- getEdges "SCC.txt"
--maxIndex = fst $ V.last edges
fts = bwdLoop graph
leaders = fst $ execState (fwdLoop graph fts) ([], IS.empty)
print $ length leaders
type Connections = [Int]
data Node = Node {fwd, bwd :: Connections} deriving (Show)
type Graph = V.Vector Node
type Visited = IS.IntSet
type FinishTime = Int
type FinishTimes = [FinishTime]
type Leaders = [Int]
createGraph :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Graph
createGraph maxIndex pairs =
graph = V.replicate (maxIndex+1) (Node [] [])
graph' = V.accum (\(Node f b) x -> Node (x:f) b) graph pairs
in V.accum (\(Node f b) x -> Node f (x:b)) graph' $ map (\(a,b) -> (b,a)) pairs
bwdLoop :: Graph -> FinishTimes
bwdLoop g = fst $ execState (mapM_ go $ reverse [0 .. V.length g - 1]) ([], IS.empty) where
go :: Int -> State (FinishTimes, Visited) ()
go i = do
(fTimes, vs) <- get
let visited = IS.member i vs
if not visited then do
put (fTimes, IS.insert i vs)
mapM_ go $ bwd $ g V.! i
-- get state again after changes from mapM_
(fTimes', vs') <- get
put (i : fTimes', vs')
else return ()
fwdLoop :: Graph -> FinishTimes -> State (Leaders, Visited) ()
fwdLoop _ [] = return ()
fwdLoop g (i:fts) = do
(ls, vs) <- get
let visited = IS.member i vs
if not visited then do
put (i:ls, IS.insert i vs)
mapM_ go $ fwd $ g V.! i
else return ()
fwdLoop g fts
go :: Int -> State (Leaders, Visited) ()
go i = do
(ls, vs) <- get
let visited = IS.member i vs
if not visited then do
put (ls, IS.insert i vs)
mapM_ go $ fwd $ g V.! i
else return ()

Haskell foldl' not saving the space it was expected to

Trying to implement the straightforward dynamic programming algorithm for the Knapsack problem. Obviously this approach uses a lot of memory and so I am trying to optimize the memory utilized. I am simply trying to store only the previous row of my table in memory just long enough to compute the next row, and so on. At first I thought my implementation was solid, but it still ran out of memory as an implementation designed to store the whole table. So next I thought maybe I need foldl' instead of foldr, but it did not make any difference. My program continues to eat memory until my system runs out.
So I have 2 specific questions:
What is it about my code that is using up all the memory? I thought I was being clever by using a fold, because I assumed only the current value of the accumulator would be stored in memory.
What is the proper approach for achieving my goal; that is, storing only the most recent row in memory? I don't necessarily need code, maybe just some helpful functions and data types. More generally, what are some tips and techniques for understanding memory usage in Haskell?
Here is my implementation
data KSItem a = KSItem { ksItem :: a, ksValue :: Int, ksWeight :: Int} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
dynapack5 size items = finalR ! size
noItems = length items
itemsArr = listArray(1,noItems) items
row = listArray(1,size) (replicate size (0,[]))
computeRow row item =
let w = ksWeight item
v = ksValue item
idx = ksItem item
pivot = let (lastVal, selections) = row ! w
in if v > lastVal
then (v, [idx])
else (lastVal, selections)
figure r c =
if (prevVal + v) > lastVal
then (prevVal + v, prevItems ++ [idx])
else (lastVal, lastItems)
where (lastVal, lastItems) = (r ! c)
(prevVal, prevItems) = (r ! (c - w))
theRest = [ (figure row cw) | cw <- [(w+1)..size] ]
newRow = (map (row!) [1..(w-1)]) ++
[pivot] ++
in listArray (1,size) newRow
finalR = foldl' computeRow row items
In my head, what I think this is doing is initializing the first row to (0,[])... repeated as necessary, then kicking off the fold where the next row is calculated based on the supplied row, and this value then becomes the accumulator. I'm not seeing where more and more memory is being consumed...
Random thought: what if i used the \\ operator on the accumulator instead?
As Tom Ellis said, using force on the array solves the space issues. However, it is extremely slow, because force traverses all the lists in the array from start to end each time it is invoked. So we should only force as needed:
let res = listArray (1,size) newRow in force (map fst $ elems res) `seq` res
This fixes the space leak and it's also pretty fast.
If you want to take space efficiency to the logical next step, you could use bitsets of the indices of the items instead of lists of items. Integers are good for the job here since they automatically resize themselves to accommodate the highest set bit. Also, with Integer-s forcing is straightforward:
import qualified Data.Vector as V -- using this instead of Array cause I like it more
import Data.List
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Bits
import Control.DeepSeq
data KSItem a = KSItem { ksItem :: a, ksValue :: Int, ksWeight :: Int} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
dynapack5' :: Int -> [KSItem a] -> (Int, Integer)
dynapack5' size items = V.last solutions where
items' = [KSItem i v w | (i, KSItem _ v w) <- zip [0..] items]
solutions = foldl' add (V.replicate (size + 1) (0, 0::Integer)) items'
add arr (KSItem item currVal w) = force $ V.imap go arr where
go i (v, is) | w < i && v' > v = (v', is')
| otherwise = (v, is)
where (v', is') = (+currVal) *** (`setBit` item) $ arr V.! (i - w)
Data.Array is non-strict in its elements so even though foldl' forces it to WHNF each time around the loop the contents don't get evaluated. The simplest fix would be to import Control.DeepSeq and change
in listArray (1,size) newRow
in force (listArray (1,size) newRow)
This is doing more work than strictly necessary each time around the loop, but will do the job.
Unfortunately you can't just substitute unboxed arrays here, since your arrays contain a tuple containing a list.

Performance of Floyd-Warshall in Haskell – Fixing a space leak

I wanted to write an efficient implementation of the Floyd-Warshall all pairs shortest path algorithm in Haskell using Vectors to hopefully get good performance.
The implementation is quite straight-forward, but instead of using a 3-dimensional |V|×|V|×|V| matrix, a 2-dimensional vector is used, since we only ever read the previous k value.
Thus, the algorithm is really just a series of steps where a 2D vector is passed in, and a new 2D vector is generated. The final 2D vector contains the shortest paths between all nodes (i,j).
My intuition told me that it would be important to make sure that the previous 2D vector was evaluated before each step, so I used BangPatterns on the prev argument to the fw function and the strict foldl':
{-# Language BangPatterns #-}
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!), (//))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as V hiding (length, replicate, take)
type Graph = Vector (M.Map Int Double)
type TwoDVector = Vector (Vector Double)
infinity :: Double
infinity = 1/0
-- calculate shortest path between all pairs in the given graph, if there are
-- negative cycles, return Nothing
allPairsShortestPaths :: Graph -> Int -> Maybe TwoDVector
allPairsShortestPaths g v =
let initial = fw g v V.empty 0
results = foldl' (fw g v) initial [1..v]
in if negCycle results
then Nothing
else Just results
where -- check for negative elements along the diagonal
negCycle a = any not $ map (\i -> a ! i ! i >= 0) [0..(V.length a-1)]
-- one step of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm
fw :: Graph -> Int -> TwoDVector -> Int -> TwoDVector
fw g v !prev k = V.create $ do -- ← bang
curr <- V.new v
forM_ [0..(v-1)] $ \i ->
V.write curr i $ V.create $ do
ivec <- V.new v
forM_ [0..(v-1)] $ \j -> do
let d = distance g prev i j k
V.write ivec j d
return ivec
return curr
distance :: Graph -> TwoDVector -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double
distance g _ i j 0 -- base case; 0 if same vertex, edge weight if neighbours
| i == j = 0.0
| otherwise = M.findWithDefault infinity j (g ! i)
distance _ a i j k = let c1 = a ! i ! j
c2 = (a ! i ! (k-1))+(a ! (k-1) ! j)
in min c1 c2
However, when running this program with a 1000-node graph with 47978 edges, things does not look good at all. The memory usage is very high and the program takes way too long to run. The program was compiled with ghc -O2.
I rebuilt the program for profiling, and limited the number of iterations to 50:
results = foldl' (fw g v) initial [1..50]
I then ran the program with +RTS -p -hc and +RTS -p -hd:
This is... interesting, but I guess it's showing that it's accumulating tonnes of thunks. Not good.
Ok, so after a few shots in the dark, I added a deepseq in fw to make sure prev really is evaluted:
let d = prev `deepseq` distance g prev i j k
Now things look better, and I can actually run the program to completion with constant memory usage. It's obvious that the bang on the prev argument was not enough.
For comparison with the previous graphs, here is the memory usage for 50 iterations after adding the deepseq:
Ok, so things are better, but I still have some questions:
Is this the correct solution for this space leak? I am wrong in feeling that inserting a deepseq is a bit ugly?
Is my usage of Vectors here idiomatic/correct? I'm building a completely new vector for every iteration and hoping that the garbage collector will delete the old Vectors.
Is there any other things I could do to make this run faster with this approach?
For references, here is graph.txt: http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?45147f7caf8c5f29#7tiCiPovPHWRm1XNvrSb/zNl3ujF3xB3yehrxhEdVWw=
Here is main:
main = do
ls <- fmap lines $ readFile "graph.txt"
let numVerts = head . map read . words . head $ ls
let edges = map (map read . words) (tail ls)
let g = V.create $ do
g' <- V.new numVerts
forM_ [0..(numVerts-1)] (\idx -> V.write g' idx M.empty)
forM_ edges $ \[f,t,w] -> do
-- subtract one from vertex IDs so we can index directly
curr <- V.read g' (f-1)
V.write g' (f-1) $ M.insert (t-1) (fromIntegral w) curr
return g'
let a = allPairsShortestPaths g numVerts
case a of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Negative cycle detected."
Just a' -> do
putStrLn $ "The shortest, shortest path has length "
++ show ((V.minimum . V.map V.minimum) a')
First, some general code cleanup:
In your fw function, you explicitly allocate and fill mutable vectors. However, there is a premade function for this exact purpose, namely generate. fw can therefore be rewritten as
V.generate v (\i -> V.generate v (\j -> distance g prev i j k))
Similarly, the graph generation code can be replaced with replicate and accum:
let parsedEdges = map (\[f,t,w] -> (f - 1, (t - 1, fromIntegral w))) edges
let g = V.accum (flip (uncurry M.insert)) (V.replicate numVerts M.empty) parsedEdges
Note that this totally removes all need for mutation, without losing any performance.
Now, to the actual questions:
In my experience, deepseq is very useful, but only as quick fix to space leaks like this one. The fundamental problem is not that you need to force the results after you've produced them. Instead, the use of deepseq implies that you should have been building the structure more strictly in the first place. In fact, if you add a bang pattern in your vector creation code like so:
let !d = distance g prev i j k
Then the problem is fixed without deepseq. Note that this doesn't work with the generate code, because, for some reason (I might create a feature request for this), vector does not provide strict functions for boxed vectors. However, when I get to unboxed vectors in answer to question 3, which are strict, both approaches work without strictness annotations.
As far as I know, the pattern of repeatedly generating new vectors is idiomatic. The only thing not idiomatic is the use of mutability - except when they are strictly necessary, mutable vectors are generally discouraged.
There are a couple of things to do:
Most simply, you can replace Map Int with IntMap. As that isn't really the slow point of the function, this doesn't matter too much, but IntMap can be much faster for heavy workloads.
You can switch to using unboxed vectors. Although the outer vector has to remain boxed, as vectors of vectors can't be unboxed, the inner vector can be. This also solves your strictness problem - because unboxed vectors are strict in their elements, you don't get a space leak. Note that on my machine, this improves the performance from 4.1 seconds to 1.3 seconds, so the unboxing is very helpful.
You can flatten the vector into a single one and use multiplication and division to switch between two dimensional indicies and one dimentional indicies. I don't recommend this, as it is a bit involved, quite ugly, and, due to the division, actually slows down the code on my machine.
You can use repa. This has the huge advantage of automatically parallelizing your code. Note that, since repa flattens its arrays and apparently doesn't properly get rid of the divisions needed to fill nicely (it's possible to do with nested loops, but I think it uses a single loop and a division), it has the same performance penalty as I mentioned above, bringing the runtime from 1.3 seconds to 1.8. However, if you enable parallelism and use a multicore machine, you start seeing some benifits. Unfortunately, you current test case is too tiny to see much benifit, so, on my 6 core machine, I see it drop back down to 1.2 seconds. If I up the size back to [1..v] instead of [1..50], the parallelism brings it from 32 seconds to 13. Presumably, if you give this program a larger input, you might see more benifit.
If you're interested, I've posted my repa-ified version here.
EDIT: Use -fllvm. Testing on my computer, using repa, I get 14.7 seconds without parallelism, which is almost as good as without -fllvm and with parallelism. In general, LLVM can just handle array based code like this very well.

The right way to use a data structure in OCaml

Ok, I have written a binary search tree in OCaml.
type 'a bstree =
|Node of 'a * 'a bstree * 'a bstree
let rec insert x = function
|Leaf -> Node (x, Leaf, Leaf)
|Node (y, left, right) as node ->
if x < y then
Node (y, insert x left, right)
else if x > y then
Node (y, left, insert x right)
I guess the above code does not have problems.
When using it, I write
let root = insert 4 Leaf
let root = insert 5 root
Is this the correct way to use/insert to the tree?
I mean, I guess I shouldn't declare the root and every time I again change the variable root's value, right?
If so, how can I always keep a root and can insert a value into the tree at any time?
This looks like good functional code for inserting into a tree. It doesn't mutate the tree during insertion, but instead it creates a new tree containing the value. The basic idea of immutable data is that you don't "keep" things. You calculate values and pass them along to new functions. For example, here's a function that creates a tree from a list:
let tree_of_list l = List.fold_right insert l Leaf
It works by passing the current tree along to each new call to insert.
It's worth learning to think this way, as many of the benefits of FP derive from the use of immutable data. However, OCaml is a mixed-paradigm language. If you want to, you can use a reference (or mutable record field) to "keep" a tree as it changes value, just as in ordinary imperative programming.
You might think the following session shows a modification of a variable x:
# let x = 2;;
val x : int = 2
# let x = 3;;
val x : int = 3
However, the way to look at this is that these are two different values that happen to both be named x. Because the names are the same, the old value of x is hidden. But if you had another way to access the old value, it would still be there. Maybe the following will show how things work:
# let x = 2;;
val x : int = 2
# let f () = x + 5;;
val f : unit -> int = <fun>
# f ();;
- : int = 7
# let x = 8;;
val x : int = 8
# f ();;
- : int = 7
Creating a new thing named x with the value 8 doesn't affect what f does. It's still using the same old x that existed when it was defined.
Edit 2:
Removing a value from a tree immutably is analogous to adding a value. I.e., you don't actually modify an existing tree. You create a new tree without the value that you don't want. Just as inserting doesn't copy the whole tree (it re-uses large parts of the previous tree), so deleting won't copy the whole tree either. Any parts of the tree that aren't changed can be re-used in the new tree.
Edit 3
Here's some code to remove a value from a tree. It uses a helper function that adjoins two trees that are known to be disjoint (furthermore all values in a are less than all values in b):
let rec adjoin a b =
match a, b with
| Leaf, _ -> b
| _, Leaf -> a
| Node (v, al, ar), _ -> Node (v, al, adjoin ar b)
let rec delete x = function
| Leaf -> Leaf
| Node (v, l, r) ->
if x = v then adjoin l r
else if x < v then Node (v, delete x l, r)
else Node (v, l, delete x r)
(Hope I didn't just spoil your homework!)
