Please solve appcompat_v7 error - android-support-library

My Android Support Library is properly installed by SDK Manager.
Using this link I doing this procedure.
Selecting Adding Library with recources - Using Eclipse > doing these procedure.
After I finish, created "android-support-v7-appcompat" file in Eclipse.
android-support-v7-appcompat > res > values-v21 > styles_base.xml >
<style name="Base.Widget.AppCompat.ActionButton"
this line creating with error. How I can fix this problem?
I read some question about appcompat_v7 error but I can not fix it yet.
Please tell me effective way to solve it forever.

You need to remove the android-v4 jar file under the libs folder,and add it from the android-support-v7-appcompat libs folder. I had this problem before,and I found it so annoying!

If in console the error is
Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the
given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton'
, on android-support-v7-appcompat library project choose Properties/Android/Project Build Target and set checkbox on Android 5.0 to solve.


Why can the AppDelegate file not see the GameAnalytics file?

I'm trying to add the GameAnalytics SDK to my project (a game),
dragged the framework file onto the project, but when I import it I get an error
saying that the file GameAnalytics/GameAnalytics.h is not found How can I fix that problem?
Import framework to your target:
Build Phases > Embed Frameworks + <Your Framework>
I hope it is works.

IntelliJ IDEA "Cannot find 'require'"

When using the Ruby plug-in with IntelliJ, what "undefined reference" warnings should I expect/tolerate, and which indicate that I don't have something configured correctly?
For example, I am getting "Cannot find" warnings for 'require', 'File', and 'FileUtils'. I suspect that this indicates a configuration problem.
I am also getting warnings for RSpec methods like 'describe', 'before', 'after, and 'it'. Should I also be able to configure IntelliJ to "find" these?
You need to select the Ruby SDK in the Project Strucure (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S by default).
Unfortunately it does not solve the warnings for rspec related words.
File > Project Structure > Project > Select Ruby SDK

Add dependency in libbacktrace

I'm trying to add a dependency in my Makefile at libbacktrace library.
However, it seems I'm not using the correct syntax for it, I've tried:
DEPENDS+= +libbacktrace
But receive the following message -
Package XXXX is missing dependencies for the following libraries
Although the libbacktrace is included in -L (lib) path.
Can anyone offer a solution?
Thank you in advance.
I've never seen a plus sign in a package name, so you probably want this:
DEPENDS += libbacktrace

Compile iReport 4.0.2 from sources with NetBeans 6.5.1

I am trying to compile iReport 4.0.2 with NetBeans 6.5.1. On the iReport forums it says that this is the NetBeans platform to which it is compatible.
However, I get this error when compiling the project:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans 6.5.1\harness\suite.xml:106: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans
6.5.1\harness\build.xml:98: No definition of netbeans.dest.dir in
This is the line 106 in suite.xml
<subant target="netbeans" buildpath="${modules.sorted}" inheritrefs="false" inheritall="false"/>
This is the line 98 in build.xml:
... it is basically closing an xml start tag (parseprojectxml) - this is the context of the line (the single angle bracket):
<testtype name="unit"
<testtype name="qa-functional"
I also faced the above problem in iReports trunk version (> 4.6.0). After marking off read only mode (which the solution of previous answer do), you might need to add
<nbmproject2:property name="netbeans.dest.dir" value="nbplatform.${}.netbeans.dest.dir" xmlns:nbmproject2=""/>
in jasperreports-extensions and MongoDbPlugin.
Gaurav J
The problem was somehow solved by opening each module in NetBeans IDE, then opening the properties dialog and clicking OK for each module. I restarted the IDE and then I managed to run the project.
If someone can exaplain what caused the problem and why my actions managed to solve it... I would like to have an explanation for this behavior.
Thank you!
I can compile ireport with NetBeans success.I think you must modify file with name ""

Compile Liferay under os x 10.6

Hi i'm trying to build Liferay from source, i've downloaded but when i go in and press "ant start" i got 3 errors: cannot find symbol > _counter = new SimpleCounter(counterOffset); cannot find symbol > Log4JUtil.setLevel(loggerName, priority); cannot find symbol > PortletRequestUtil.testMultipartWithCommonsFileUpload
I've tried switching compiler using but nothing seems to work. Can you help me ?
I've solved the problem. I had some conflicts in my classpath. I've cleaned /System/Library/Java/Extension and /Library/Java/Extensions and everything goes right!
