Add dependency in libbacktrace - gcc

I'm trying to add a dependency in my Makefile at libbacktrace library.
However, it seems I'm not using the correct syntax for it, I've tried:
DEPENDS+= +libbacktrace
But receive the following message -
Package XXXX is missing dependencies for the following libraries
Although the libbacktrace is included in -L (lib) path.
Can anyone offer a solution?
Thank you in advance.

I've never seen a plus sign in a package name, so you probably want this:
DEPENDS += libbacktrace


Resolve dependency in Kconfig

Is it possible to resolve the dependencies of an option using Kconfig utility?
For instance, I have my .config and I would like to add an option CONFIG_FOO
and its dependency automatically without using menuconfig.
Note that using make oldconfig does not work, it just gets rid of the
additional option CONFIG_FOO I just added.
I know that there is a Python implementation of Kconfig :
Kconfiglib but I have to do it in C.
I did read the C code and I have an overview of what is going on there but I
just do not get where is dependency solving for an option.

Error from XProcxq module in eXist-db

We're running eXist-db version 3.0 and want to try running XProc within it.
We found that the XProcxq Module is now part of eXist:
However, in attempting to use it we get the error below and wondered if anyone had suggestions for where we could be going wrong?
As specified at the top of the module page linked to, we added the module to the conf.xml file and restarted eXist. (This could be where we went wrong, but that's a guess on our part)
This is what the module we added looks like in conf.xml:
<module uri="" class="org.exist.xquery.modules.xprocxq.XProcxq/>
Here is the simple started XQuery I've attempted to use:
xquery version "1.0" encoding "UTF-8";
import module namespace const = "";
import module namespace xproc = "";
import module namespace u = "";
declare variable $local:XPROCXQ_EXAMPLES := "/db/examples"; (:CHANGE ME:)
let $stdin :=document{<test>Hello World</test>}
let $pipeline :=document{
<p:pipeline name="pipeline"
Here is the error:
error found while loading module xproc: IO exception while loading module '' from ''
I posed your question to the exist-open mailing list (where I'd encourage you to join for future eXist-db questions), and it appears XProc support in eXist is currently between a rock and a hard place. The xprocxq library you mentioned is woefully underdeveloped (abandoned by its original creator), and the much better developed Calabash module is incompatible with the current version of Saxon used in eXist, due to a dependency on that version of Saxon. I'd welcome you to join exist-open to discuss further. Perhaps there's some other workaround for you.
It needs to be rebuilt.
According to
EXPath packages that incorporate Java libraries may no longer work with eXist 3.0 and may need to be recompiled for our API changes; packages should now explicitly specify the eXist versions that they are compatible with.
I am working on the update to the XProc EXPath module.
The XMLCalabash module for eXist has now been rebuilt for a newer version of eXist and Calabash and should work with eXist 3.0.RC1.
To build your own Jar package for eXist 3.0.RC1 run:
$ git clone
$ cd eXist-XMLCalabash
$ rm -rf src/test
$ mvn package
The Jar is then in the target/ folder. You should copy it to $EXIST_HOME/lib/user modify $EXIST_HOME/conf.xml to load the module and then restart eXist.
The XML Calabash module for eXist, now also has a PR so that it will support the upcoming eXist 3.0.RC2 -
However you cannot built it remotely until eXist 3.0.RC2 is released.

Compiling Bzip2 with C++11

I'm trying to compile the MultiBoost Library with C++11 but I can't make it work. The problem seems to be with the BZip2 Library that is used internally. More specificly there is a wrapper called Bzip2Wrapper to provide a c++ interface to the C library. All the files of the C library are included in the same folder. When using the default make file everything works but when I change
project(multiboost CXX)
I get the following errors:
libMultiBoostLib.a(Serialization.cpp.o): In function `Bzip2WrapperReader::open(char const*)':
Serialization.cpp:(.text._ZN18Bzip2WrapperReader4openEPKc[_ZN18Bzip2WrapperReader4openEPKc]+0x97): undefined reference to `BZ2_bzReadOpen'
Serialization.cpp:(.text._ZN18Bzip2WrapperReader4openEPKc[_ZN18Bzip2WrapperReader4openEPKc]+0xc5): undefined reference to `BZ2_bzReadClose'
libMultiBoostLib.a(Serialization.cpp.o): In function `Bzip2WrapperReader::close()': ...
The CMakeList file looks like this
# Bzip2
file(GLOB bzip2_SRCS "${BASEPATH}/Bzip2/*.cpp" "${BASEPATH}/Bzip2/*.c" "${BASEPATH}/Bzip2/*.h")
add_library(Bzip2Lib STATIC ${bzip2_SRCS})
#add_library(bzip2 SHARED ${bzip2_lib_SRCS})
# adding library to the exec
target_link_libraries(multiboost MultiBoostLib Bzip2Lib)
Any ideas what could go wrong? I don't even know what the problem is.
This does not look like a C++11 error but an error in the Build system.
I have not looked at the Code, but from the output you added something like this
target_link_libraries(MultiBoostLib PUBLIC Bzip2Lib)
should add the missing dependency from libMultiBoostLib on libBzip2Lib.
I found the problem. I was adding "CXX" to my project description which disabled the use of C. Therefore the libraries (in C) could not be compiled. Changing it to "project(name C CXX)" solved this issue. I then also needed to include the line "set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")" to enable C++11 support. Now everything is working.
Thanks a lot!

Difficulty using recent update to core.matrix.stats

Following github I added this dependency to my leiningen project file:
[net.mikera/core.matrix.stats "0.5.0"]
Then in my clojure code I use this:
(use 'core.matrix.stats)
The result is this:
FileNotFoundException Could not locate core/matrix/stats__init.class or core/matrix/stats.clj on classpath: clojure.lang.RT.load (
I examined the lein .m2/respository directory and the file core/matrix/stats-0.5.0.jar is there and does contain stats.clj. I re-did lein deps, but still the file-not-found exception. Has anyone else had this difficulty? I could use Incanter, but for this simple project core.matrix.stats is enough.
Looking at the sources, the namespace seems to be clojure.core.matrix.stats, so try this:
(use 'clojure.core.matrix.stats)
(And yes, the README seems to be outdated.) error: cannot find symbol import; error: cannot find symbol import;
I'm getting this error while building, can anyone help me?
your code does not compile, probably because of a missing dependency - the one that has the CreateRoleGroup class. Since it looks like an internal class, you might need to check if it is properly packaged (in a jar) and uploaded to the repository you use.
