Installation SDK 7.1 - windows

I want to ask about an error I faced durring the installation of SDK 7.1 compiler in order to compile .c files under matlab, knowing that I've downloaded SDK ISO and .exe but without use, from this link
I'm using Matlab 2013b,Windows7 64 bit
I got this error every time
Setup could not find the file WinSDK_amd64\WinSDK_amd64.msi at any of the specified source locations G:\Setup

I have an Intel i7, Win 7 64 bit and I was able to resolve this by downloading the Windows SDK 7.1 (iso image) from this link.
I had tried several downloads and this was the only one that actually contained the ../setup/WinSDK_amd64\WinSDK_amd64.msi file that the error message references.
Previous to finding this download I had tried removing every single instance of the C++ redistributable for each version of Visual studio I had installed. This alone did not work, because the other Win 7 SDK downloads I tried did not contain the ../setup/WinSDK_amd64\WinSDK_amd64.msi file that the error message references.

You can find it using Visual Studio 2019 installer under the name "C++ Windows XP Support for VS 2017 (v141) tools [Deprecated]".


Problem with installing Windows SDK for visual studio 2022 community

I'm trying to install Visual Studio to make GUI C++ apps and Everything installs correctly except SDK..
Its saying couldn't install win10 SDK and I Literally tried Every version of SDK and it gives the same error and i cant even run a c+ + Hello world program without SDK. then I tried using SDK ISO file that I downloaded from Microsoft website.. that also shows me this error.
What does this mean what file was not found ?
SDK's error image
and this is the setup log image
I will be happy to get a solution for this problem

dll library with cpprestsdk compilation on windows xp

I have dll project using cpprestsdk in visual studio 2019 (along with console application for testing purposes).
On windows 7 and windows 10 original package works as expected, however I'm having hard time to compile and run on windows XP.
cpprestsdk is included in the project through NuGet, version: cpprestsdk.v141 but, its not visible for the compiler. Line #include <cpprest/http_client.h> throws an error.
Changes i've made:
platform toolset set to Visual Studio 2017 - Windows XP (v141_xp)
preprocessor definitions updated to include CPPREST_TARGET_XP
statically included cpprest141_2_10.dll
statically linked cpprest141_2_10.lib
console application setting ConformanceMode set to false
Now the app is compiling, but it's not working properly on windows 10 (crashes on sending request). and it's not starting on windows XP (dll entry point not found)
Any1 have any idea what's going on?
after adding to program folder missing dlls:
it came to ntdll.dll
Entry Point Not Found error screenshot
The procedure entry point WinSqmAddToStreamEx could not be located in the dynamic link library ntdll.dll
all you need to do is downgrade your Visual studio to 2013 and donwload the version of cpprest SDK like 2.9.1 which support the VS 2013 (msvc 120) as well, hope it helps

How to fix errors on standard headers in VisualStudio 2017 (on Windows 10) building a .dll - file for Windows XP

I'm working on a .dll - file that I will use for a program that is supposed to run on Windows XP. I am using VisualStudio 2017 on a Windows 10 machine for this and I want to build the project, consisting of all the necessary code for the .dll - file, thereby targetting Windows XP (64Bit).
Building the project for Windows 10 is no problem, I will show the settings I have selected for that below.
Trying to build with XP(64 Bit) as target, I get the following errors (a picture follows shortly):
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'processthreadsapi.h': No such file or directory
Error (active) E1696 cannot open source file "ip2string.h"
Error (active) E1696 cannot open source file "processthreadsapi.h"
Here are the configurations I have altered in both cases:
Windows 10 setup, build works fine
Windows XP setup, producing the error messages
error messages
I've already read
and installed the apparently needed c++ runtime support, it still doesn't work. I am aware of choosing the Visual Studio 2015 toolsets.. I read multiple times about lacking support for the 2017 versions and people fixing their errors by choosing the 2015 option (choosing 2017 xp actually results in a few more errors in my case), which why I also tried it that way.
I would appreciate your help very much!
When you choose the XP toolset, Visual Studio uses a different include path with files from a older XP compatible version of the Windows SDK.
If you look at the functions defined in ip2string.h, the minimum version supported is Windows 7. I would imagine processthreadapi.h is an attempt at refactoring Windows.h and therefore isn't available in the XP SDK.
If you look at processthreadapi.h you will notice it is almost al guarded by
#pragma region Application Family or OneCore Family
Without seeing the code I am not sure exactly how to fix your problem, but I would suggest you try and use Windows.h everywhere instead of specific API includes.

Windows Runtime metadata is invalid in SDK - ITIL00005

I can compile my UWP app built with Xamarin in Debug-mode, but when I try to compile it using Release->ARM mode, these errors occurs
ILT0005: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\.NetNative\ARM\ilc\tools\Gatekeeper.exe #"C:\Users\Source\app\project.UWP\obj\ARM\Release\ilc\intermediate\gkargs.rsp"' returned exit code 1
Error: Windows Runtime metadata is invalid in Windows SDK, follow the steps in to repair your installation.
I tried to reinstall using the Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.10586.212 and Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.26624.
Shall I have both Development Kits?
Or which one do I have to remove?
Or what can cause the problem?
And how shall I fix it?
I am running Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Update 2 and Windows 10 Pro version 1511.
I have tried this, but without success, as I am running Visual Studio in English.
My target and min. version is set to Windows 10 (10.0; Build 10240)
If you remove all Windows SDK's, you can let Visual Studio download them, which worked for me.
Otherwise you can download the Windows SDK's and install it.

“MSVCP100.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error”

I built an application in C++ using Visual Studio 2010 Express. When I tried to run it on a certain computer today I got this error:
MyApplication.exe - Bad Image
C:\Path to My Application\MSVCP100.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.
The DLL mentioned is one of the Visual C++ Redistributable DLLs. My application’s installer used to launch Microsoft’s installer for those DLLs but I recently tweaked it just to install msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll alongside my application. The new way worked fine on a handful of other computers, though I can’t rule out the possibility that that was only because the DLLs had already been installed at system level on those other computers.
What is causing this sudden DLL mismatch?
That's STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT, the Machine property in the DLL header doesn't match the architecture of the application.
Do keep in mind that you are likely to have two copies of this DLL on your build machine, the x86 and the x64 version. Later versions of VS have a 3rd copy, the ARM version. So very high odds that you picked the wrong one. Usually you'd target x86, the one you tested your program with is stored in the c:\windows\syswow64 directory. The 64-bit version is in c:\windows\system32.
How these directories got these seemingly backward names is a story for another day :) Favor using the vc/redist subdirectory of the VS install directory as a source for the copy, it is less ambiguous.
This .dll file is related to the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x64 Package.
Try removing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x64 Package by using the Add or Remove Programs item in Control Panel.
Then, install the latest version Visual C++ (file name= vcredist_x64.exe) from the site:
Hope that helped..
If all above suggested solutions not worked for you than download MSVCR100.dll 32 bit or 64 bit as per your system configuration.
Download DLL from below link
Follow da steps
1.Download the dll from here with winrar
3.Extract MSVCR100.dll to C:\Windows\System32
hope it will work c:
