Can't build/run PEGKit ParserGenApp without valid Mac Developer Certificate - ios8

I'm using PEGKit to generate a parser for an iOS app I am developing. To do so, I need to run a helper app (ParserGenApp) that is distributed with PEGKit to generate the parser source code. I've followed the instruction here:
But whenever I try to build/run the app, I get an error "No signing identity found!"
I have an iOS developer certificate, but not Mac developer certificate. I'm able to build/run other sample mac apps locally.

Figured it out. PEGKit project was set to use code-signing when it shouldn't have been.


Xamarin.iOS - Using IPhoneSimulator's Keychain with a free iOS Development certificate

I have troubles with saving an account credentials inside an IPhoneSimulator's Keychain. I cannot use AccountSaver.Create().Save(credentials, "app") without Entitlements.plist. However when I add it to my project, compilation error shows up:
Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS.
I've added iOS Development certifcate to my account on Mac and tried to create a free provisioning profile but failed due to a lack of IPhone device.
Suprisingly, when I tried to build dummy project with added Keychain to Entitlements inside Xcode on my Mac and run it on a simulator no compilation errors occured.
My questions are: Do I have to make Apple Developer Account to test my Xamarin.iOS app inside IPhoneSimulator or is it possible without it and I'm doing something wrong? If so, what should I do to be able to compile my app?
I use Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 8 connected to a Mac Agent (Mac Mini).
P.S.: Most posts states, that simulator doesn't need provisioning profile, but according to this thread:
Starting with Xamarin.iOS 8.10, if the Entitlements.plist file is set at all for the iPhoneSimulator build configuration, then codesigning is required and thus an iOS code signing certificate is required to be installed in your keychain. ~ Xamarin Forum
Some time has passed since I asked this question, but I think it deserves an answer not only in the comments.
As #wottle wrote it is required to be enrolled i Apple Developer Program in order to have access to Keychain.
I sugest also to use Xamarin.Essentials' SecureStore instead of AccountSaver.
We have a bunch of Apple Store applications that had their Apple Distribution profiles expired. The issue was gone once we regenerated the Apple Distribution Certificate and created a new Distribution Profile for the impacted Applications.

Avoid the "downloaded from internet" warning on mac os with a signed app

I have developed a qt mac app (not using xcode, soi do not have any xcode project) that will be distributed outside the app store.
I have successfully signed it with my developer ID certificate and if i use the following commands:
spctl --assess
codesign -d -vvvvvv
I get fine results.
The problem is that if i download it from internet (e.g. DropBox) i get the warning "the file was downloaded from internet are you sure you want to open it"
Is there a way to avoid this warning? from what i gathered from the forum it should be possible.
Btw please note that the application passes the GateKeeper on the target computer so the actual signing seems to be working and being accepted (Gatekeeper is on default configuration: mac store and identified developers)

Is it possible to get an AIR 3.0 Captive Runtime app into the Mac App Store?

Is it possible to get an AIR 3.0 Captive Runtime app into the Mac App Store? How would you do that?
Here's a link where you can find pretty thorough article how to upload an AIR app in the Mac App-store.
There are actually a couple of steps to doing this. First, and this is what I have found to be the easiest solution, is to build an AIR Intermediate file from Flash Builder 4.5. Once that file is built, use the adt command line packager with the "-target bundle" flag to sign and package the a Mac OSX application bundle. This will result in a fully working captive runtime application bundle that you can run on OSX. When you have completed the Adobe side of things and have verified that is runs correctly you can move on to the Apple side.
I would recommend you reference Apple's developer documentation for this here: Submit Your Application using Application Loader. You will need to use both the "codesign" and "productbuild" commands on the application bundle you created from Adobe's packager. When done, you should now be able to use Apple's Application Loader to submit the package to the Mac App Store.
I have not yet tried to sign the AIRI package with my Apple certificate, so I'm not sure if that would work, since I have both an Thawte cert for Air apps and the Apple issued one. This would take further testing.

Why can't I code sign this Mac app?

I started some days ago a small Mac app for Mac OS X Lion. I've never uploaded a Mac app before, so this is the very first time.
This is what I've already done:
Created App ID
Created Certificate
Installed Certificate
Created a Production Provisioning Profile
Changed the App ID to my generated one
Created a new Configuration based on "Release"
Changed its Code Signing to 3rd Party Mac Developer Application
Selected the "Production"-Configuration which I created for the Archive-Scheme
Archived the Application
Now I wanted to "Share" the Application. Xcode (4.1 btw) said to me, there were no valid signing identities. Does I need to add an Entitlement.plist like in iOS? Have I forgotten something?
I just figured out, that I have to sign my app twice. I've still selected "3rd Party Mac Developer Application" but I can't select the Installer cert while submitting my app.
Have you installed the WWDR intermediate certificate? I just had the exact same problems and my issue was that the intermediate certificate was not installed on my machine. Granted, nowhere does Apple explicitly say you need it installed, more like suggestions. But, you do need it. You can find it here, or by going to Developer Certificate Utility under the Mac Developer Center.
I got it to work. I deleted my App and created it new.
I didn't create a new Configuration, and I only changed the Code Signing Indentity of the Target to 3rd Party Mac Developer Application. After this, I archived the app and then I was able to select the installer cert.

XCode does not want to use my Developer Certificate since I have used my Distribution Certificate !

I have just uploaded an app to the App Store. For this purpose, I used the Distribution Certificate.
Since then, I cannot switch back to my Developer Certificate when trying to sign the code. I only do Project Settings > Code Signing. My Developer Certificate is visible but when signing it does not show up. XCode only uses the Distribution one.
Did you face the same issue ?
Of course, I am going to try to generate a new project... Those tools drive me crazy.
Try changing the active scheme to debug rather than distribution.
