Is it possible to get an AIR 3.0 Captive Runtime app into the Mac App Store? - macos

Is it possible to get an AIR 3.0 Captive Runtime app into the Mac App Store? How would you do that?

Here's a link where you can find pretty thorough article how to upload an AIR app in the Mac App-store.

There are actually a couple of steps to doing this. First, and this is what I have found to be the easiest solution, is to build an AIR Intermediate file from Flash Builder 4.5. Once that file is built, use the adt command line packager with the "-target bundle" flag to sign and package the a Mac OSX application bundle. This will result in a fully working captive runtime application bundle that you can run on OSX. When you have completed the Adobe side of things and have verified that is runs correctly you can move on to the Apple side.
I would recommend you reference Apple's developer documentation for this here: Submit Your Application using Application Loader. You will need to use both the "codesign" and "productbuild" commands on the application bundle you created from Adobe's packager. When done, you should now be able to use Apple's Application Loader to submit the package to the Mac App Store.
I have not yet tried to sign the AIRI package with my Apple certificate, so I'm not sure if that would work, since I have both an Thawte cert for Air apps and the Apple issued one. This would take further testing.


MacOS Product Name Bundle Identifier Problem during application testing

I have a problem when trying to test an application on macOS. For reference, this was created in Unity.
The BundleID has been changed as a previous developer had used a very odd naming format, codesign and notarization works on the new app.
However, when I try to run the app it starts complaining about the app being purchased on another computer (which is correct, we still use the old version for testing) but it has been removed on this device and hidden in the App Store.
Anyone know anything else I can try to get past the problem of macOS knowing about the old app version.
If you log in it then just says the app is corrupt as I am guessing it is comparing it to the downloaded App Store version.
Solved it myself, apologies for taking up bandwidth. In Unity untick Mac App Store Validation in Player Settings-> Other Settings

Developer ID signed apps cannot load external data under macOS Sierra

We currently have problems with the download versions (ZIP) of our applications under the new operating system MacOS Sierra from Apple. It is a (non-native) video tutorial app with external data and different startfiles (certificate signed) for Mac and Windows (originally created for DVDs).
Although the Mac startfile of the download version was properly signed with a valid Apple Developer ID certificate, an authorization problem now appears and the application can no longer load external data. The same application on DVD still works impeccably.
My researches have shown that under "macOS Sierra" developer ID signed apps (outside the App Store) are not allowed to use external libraries, external code or external data:
Starting in macOS 10.12, you can not get any longer. An app distributed outside the Mac App. To provide secure execution, code your disk image is using the codesign tool, or distribute your app through the Mac App Store. For more information, see the updated revision to macOS Code Signing In Depth.
Is our described type of application no longer compatible with macOS Sierra?
Is there any solution to continue offering our applications as a download for macOS Sierra outside the App Store?
Possibly one could encapsulate here in the individual trainings over an automatism all necessary files in an app, afterwards sign and to prepare as DMG !?
Have solved the problem.
With a signed DMG everything works again as before. This is now possible under macOS Sierra (and from Mac OS X 10.11.5.)

Export XCode App for One Person

Alright so I've built my first desktop app in xcode. The app is intended for use by one person only. I want to export it in the quickest, easiest way possible so they can use it on their laptop.
I've got Mac OS 10.10.3 and XCode 6.4. The target laptop has Mac OS 10.10.5. I am reluctant to update my system and the one on the laptop but will do if I have no other choice.
Getting it to work on my own computer would be a great start. Currently if I do Product > Archive. And then Export "As Mac Application" (unsigned). It creates the app but when I try and open it, it say "App couldn't open because of a problem". Is there a way I can debug this? Or an obvious thing I may have missed?
Ideally I want the app to work on my computer and to be able to transfer it to the target laptop and have it work on there too. I'll pay for the developer licence if I have no other choice but for a single-target application I feel like it's a waste of money.
You don't say it explicitly in your question but do you not have an apple developer certificate? If not, then you will not likely be able to sign the app appropriately to export it for use. If I'm not mistaken, when I export my apps (even for local testing on other machines in my house) the app gets signed with my developer certificate, enabling OSX to see that the app has been signed by a registered developer.
I believe you will be able to run the app in Xcode (without a developer certificate), but in order to export it you need a signature (development certificate) which is provided as part of the Apple Developer subscription.
An easy thing you could try to do, assuming your app builds:
Run your app
Right click the app icon in the dock
Click Options -> Show in Finder
Boom there's your app bundle. Send that over to your recipient
It seems fairly obvious in hindsight but I ended up installing XCode on the target computer (using the Apple Developer site to get the same version as I was running on the dev computer. I was then able to just copy the project across and run it. This wasn't ideal but it did the job.

Qt Mac OS Deployment - You must supply an Apple ID

I have developed a Mac OS app in Qt 5.2.1. I have used macdeployqt, signed frameworks and plugins, signed the app and made a package.
When I use Application Loader to upload the pkg file, after a while, I get an error message You must supply an Apple ID.
Any idea how to correct this?
I find that I need to use the Application Loader that I have downloaded separately from Itunes Connect instead of the one that comes bundled with Xcode.

Building iPhone apps through Corona: How do I create a fake signing identity and provision file?

I'm using Corona to create a game but to build the app for iOS I need to specify in Corona which provisioning profile to use (which I have to copy to their certain folder).
They state that either a development or adhoc provisioning profile can work.
How do I create a fake ad hoc provisioning profile?
I tried using and old mobileprovision.mobileprovision file that I had but it obviously didn't work because Corona stated that the certficate was not installed.
Here is a link of the whole process to setup for building for iOS (legal):
I am running Mac OSX 10.6.6 with xCode 3.2.6 and iOS SDK 4.3.
In short: you can’t. Provisioning profiles are part of the code-signing process; non-jailbroken iOS devices will not run code that has not been cryptographically signed with a valid provisioning profile.
To run your code on a device, you either need to jailbreak it (so it’ll accept non-Apple-signed code) or cough up the $99/year to become a member of the iOS developer program (so you can give your code a valid signature). Only the latter option will allow you to then submit your app to the App Store, and it’s a lot less hassle, so you’re probably best off just going with that.
You can test Corona apps in the simulator for free, but you have to be a licensed developer in order to deploy to device.
You could try bundling your own IPA file, but I think the IPA will only transfer if the iDevice is jailbroken. This process worked for me on my jailbroken iPhone.
This is a fake Hoc provisioning profile
