Office 2010 Shared PIA is not Available? - visual-studio-2010

I have an Excel Add-In for Excel-2010 version, which was created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
The code is written in C#. To install the Add-In , you have to run a setup.exe file which will add the Add-In to Excel.
Everything seems to be working fine on Excel 2010, but when I am trying to install this on Excel-2103
I am getting the following Error:
The Office 2010 Shared PIA System is not Available.
Is there a way to install the add-in in the 2013 and also after it is installed will it work Perfectly or do i need to make any changes ?

It took a while to figure out but its done finally.
The add in launch conditions were checking for the availability of the shared PIA.
and it was looking for the corresponding component id associated with excel 2013 PIA component ID
Click Here
to obtain the suitable component id and replace it in the
Search Target Machine
Search for office 2010 shared PIA.
and replace the component id.
the add in should be working fine.


Impossible to load file or assembly TemplateWizardInterface when creating a Data Connector projet in VS CE 2019

Using Visual Studio Community Edition 2019, I am trying to create a Power BI Data connector with the Power Query SQK.
My VS install is fresh, nothing installed except strict minimum (I did not chose anything when Visual Studio Installer proposed).
After installing, I juste downloaded the SDK (, double clicked on the file and it installed itself.
Back in VS, I want to create a project. I select Data Connector Project:
Then, I give it a name, click "Create" and I have this error message:
It says:
Impossible to load the file or the assembly "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TemplateWizardInterface ... or one of its dependances. The file cannot be found
How to solve this problem ?
To fix the problem, open up Visual studio Installer, modify the current VS version you have, go in the "individual components" tab, filter the search with "sdk visual studio". The SDK is (for me) at the end of the list. Install it and problem is solved.

Can't launch outlook in visual studio through TFS add-in

I am using visual studio 2013 with Team foundation Server add-in. Opening up a TFS task/bug item, there is a outlook icon button, which allow me to open up outlook new email with the TFS item title.
my visual studio runs in administrator mode.
I have two office versions installed (office 2013 and office 2016.)
Each time when I switch office versions, I will do a repair for the office version. and most time I was using office 2013 and everything works fine including open outlook through TFS add-on.
today, suddenly I couldn't open outlook through the TFS add-on, the error is
Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Application'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{00063001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED)).
I repaired office 2013, but didn't work.
some one knows other possibilities of the issue?
The root issue is that the Version reference for the TypeLib created by the Outlook installation is pointing to a incorrect value.
The root issue is that their is a problem with the Outlook
installation Common Object Model (COM) interface where the version
referencefor the TypeLib entry set by the Outlook installation is
pointing to a incorrect value/version or that version does not point
to a correct location. If you continue to have issues
then you may beed to reinstall Microsoft Outlook. Repairing the
Outlook installation does not fix this issue so a reinstall is
Just following the steps mentioned in below article to fix that:
Just verify that with Regedit.exe, check below keys:
Verify if the type library (GUID should be {00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}) is indeed properly registered, using the correct type library version number.
Andy's post is right. you can follow the instructions to find out the issue.
Office 2016 registry key is 9.6, on my machine, even I uninstalled office 2016, the registry key 9.6 still exists at
After deleting it, TFS office add-on works fine now. I think the add-on is trying to use the latest version and it causes the issue.

Visual Studio 2005 Reports and Windows 7

We have recently upgraded to windows 7 and have noticed that there are compatibility issues with my previous version of MS visual Studio 2005.
From taking a look around the web I believe that this issue is due to SP1 for Windows 7. My organisation will not get rid of SP1 just for one or two developers so I need to figure out a work around.
This is the issue...
I have an old MS visual studio website that has a report located on the home. This report was created in MS VS 2005.
Other versions of Visual Studio in have are 2010 and 2012. I have tried to convert the 2005 report into 2010 and this does state that it has been converted but I still cant open or do anything with the report. My 2005 web site is too large to convert or move into 2010 and we can still maintain this 2005 site by opening this up in 2010. It just seems to be a problem with the 2005 report.
I'm running out of options to make a simple change to a report. Anyone else got any ideas? I have even tried to create this report in 2010 and then add this to my 2005 site but this doesn't work.
You say a report and then say that it is a whole site? Why not run a second site in tandom? Make a whole new site and name it differently like
http:// (servername)/Reports2012
Then put reports there. You cannot open a converted report in a site that is for a prior version, you can view it in Microsoft Business Intelligence Studio, BIDS, which is an add on to Visual Studio. If you can upgrade but cannot view it there, there is something wrong with the language file potentially. I would then make a copy of it in the old 2005 BIDS, then take that copy and see if you can upgrade that and if it will work. If that STILL does not work you could make a test report in BIDS 2010(SQL 2012 works on VS 2010, yes weird but true) to assure you can create reports there. Many times people try to open SQL Server 2012 Reports on VS 2012 and it won't work. You need 2010 add on you can find it under All Programs>MS SQL Server 2012>SQL Server Data Tools(They made the naming very confusing as it opens up and display BIDS, but calls itself 'Data Tools' under the programs). Every other version of SSRS lines up with that year of SQL Server to that year of VS. Not 2012.
If the report upgrade still does not work, yet you can create a run a new report fine; I would suggest potentially opening up the file dircectly. Your projects in a Reports solution generally have a file '(something).rdl' that RDL is the actual file and is just XML markup of the language. This is a last resort as you are essentially trying to do manually what the upgrade is failing to do in the xml. You merely copy a working report, and then paste the parts of the old report into their correct sections. Ensure the XML is valid as well.
If you cannot manage that to work you will need to recreate the report from scratch.

Cannot locate resource workflowdesigner.xaml When creating XAML Workflow Activity in Visual Studio 2010 using CRM 2011 SDK

It's very annoying problem, I tried to search everywhere for a solution, but nothing!
Anyway, I have installed the CRM 2011 SDK addin for visual studio 2010 (ultimate) and I am trying to create a XAML Workflow Activity
I have added the CRM Workflow items to the toolbox using these instructions: Add Microsoft Dynamics CRM Workflow Activities to the Toolbox
When I try and drop a Workflow on the design surface it say in red box text "Could not generate view for Workflow"
Hovering over the text reveals a System.IOException that says "Cannot locate resource workflowdesigner.xaml"
I read on another post to dump all the SDK bin folder files into the PublicAssemblies of the VS, but that didn't work for me! Tried that on a Windows 8, Windows Server 2008... Still nothing!!!
How do I fix that?
That is a known bug. I contacted Microsoft and they confirmed it. I was told to look for a fix in UR 17. UR 16 was released in January so it should be out "soon".
Update Rollup history:
(I realize this is a late reply, but it was a recent issue for me.)

Webservice Contract First Visual Studio Addin 2008: did someone succeed to install?

I've tried to install this
it seems I have to download the vs2005 version first and then update with a file for vs2008.
But the addin failed to install as for me.
Did someone achieve to do so with VS 2008 ?
You're right. It looks like it is needed to have VS 2K5 before being able to use this add-in.
I guess the setup for VS 2005 tries to add a toolbar or some menu items, so it launches VS 2005, which of course fails if you don't have it.
Instead of preparing a setup program for VS 2008, the author just provides an updated .addin while for it.
Maybe it is enough to extract the files from the .msi (see the back room tech for a link) and then install the .addin file from the zip of the "2008 version".
If you succeed in doing this with the msi, put then this .addin file in a directory where VS 2008 looks for it (see the list in Tools / options / Environment / Addins Macro security).
Inside the .addin, there is the path to the add-in itself, which must be of course adapted.
