Orders with paypal not listing on user dashboard - magento

I have a magento website and I have a problem.
In the user dashboard the orders via Paypal are not listing, it just show a message:"you don't have any order yet", but the orders via cc or other one works perfectly.
I've been exploring sales.xml but I haven't been able to find what can be the cause or how to fix it.
Thank you for your kind help.

It took me a while to figure that out. The problem is not with Paypal but with the order status "Pending Payment".
In the file ../Mage/Sales/etc/config.xml find the block that describes the Pending Payment order status and add this line:
If you are not sure where to put it just look the rest of the order statuses and see that all of them have the visible_on_front attribute set to 1.
Your code block should look like this:
<pending_payment translate="label">
<label>Pending Payment</label>
<pending_payment default="1"/>


Welcome email to include discount code for subscribers

The environment is Magento 1.7.
Basically what I want to achieve is when users subscribes to the newsletter, the system automatically include a discount code in their welcome email. This discount code is for one time use for per account.
Searched around and found a tutorial which is best suit my requirement. Based on my understanding on that tutorial, we need to fetch some values out of the module configuration and user the helper to send an email with a coupon code.
On top of the codes I've made some amendments:
in the file
$this->_redirectReferer() in newAction()
$helper = Mage::helper(‘subscribereward’);
$promo_value = Mage::getStoreConfig(‘subscribereward/promocode/dollarvalue’);
$promo_min = Mage::getStoreConfig(‘subscribereward/promocode/minpurchase’);
$helper->addPromoCode($email, $promo_value, $promo_min);
in the file
I've followed the steps but still can't get it working. Anybody care to shed a light?
Aheadworks has an extension called Follow Up Email, and it does exactly that. Ive set it up for clients where when a customer signs up (or a number of actions) it sends a welcome email with a randomly generated coupon (or standard one).
Also what you could do is just make a coupon code and add it to a welcome email template. Just make a new transactional email and add the coupon to the template. No custom coding required at all.

Magento remove promotional code in customer transactional emails

My client does not want his customers to have a copy of the promotional code they used to minimize the chance they would create a new account and use it again. I am viewing the invoice and order receipt transactional emails, and there is only reference to order.getIsNotVirtual() which I assume inserts details about the order. How would I go about locating reference to the promotional code itself?
You have to edit the layout of email like this :
<reference name="order_totals"><action method="setTemplate"><template>sales/mytotals.phtml</template></action></reference>
Then duplicate sales/totals.phtml to mytotals.phtml and remove the discount code with something like :
if ($_code!='discount')
This is for the order template, look at the sales.xml layout to find information about other emails

How can I change the order life cycle in Magento?

I’m new to magento and as far as I can see, the order states are labeled as "pending", "processing" and "completed". When customer checks out, then the state becomes "pending", and either invoicing or shipping makes the state "processing", and when both are done, state becomes "completed". Please correct me if I am wrong.
So, I’d like to introduce new states but not statuses, I did manage to introduce new statuses when it is in one of the states above, or I could change the labels of the existing states but I want to learn how magento manages the states and how to modify it/add new states. I can modify the core code if required.
So, my question is how do I introduce new states (not statuses) or how do I change/modify the order life-cycle?
I can investigate the source if you tell me which parts of the code is managing the order life-cycle. Any help or clue is appreciated.
PS: I'm using v1.5.1.0 right now.
So in your config.xml you would have something like ...
<my_state translate="label">
<label>My State</label>
<pending default="1"/>
Then whenever you want the state to change you could override the core or add an observer to change the state (please don't edit the core directly!) with something like (assuming $order is a valid order already loaded and ready to go) ....
which will do the default status for the state. if you want to set a status put that in the second parameter so ..

order approval for magento

I ’m in need of setting up approvers for orders that customers submit.
There is no credit card authorization required. For example, an employee from a company puts foo and bar into their shopping cart and checks out. One of the employee’s bosses need to approve it (the superiors will have accounts in magento already) before they can be invoiced. So when an order is placed, an email needs to go to the bosses, with a URL to the order. Then they can accept it or decline it.
Is there an existing extension that does something like this or would be a good starting point?
Yep, there is. :)
Check out the free ZetaPrints Order Approval extension. I have experience with it and it does exactly what you want. ;)

Magento & Google Checkout & Tracking

I am attempting to integrate an afilliate network with my Magento shopping cart. I am using Google Checkout so i need to modify app/code/core/mage/googlecheckout/model/api/xml/checkout.xml in order to pass some tracking info to Google Checkout.
So far I have this code:
<parameterized-url url="https://track.webgains.com/transaction.html?wgver=1.1&wgprogramid=4449&wgrs=1&wgeventid=7041&wgvouchercode=XXXXX"/>
<url-parameter name="wgorderreference" type="order-id"/>
<url-parameter name="wgvalue" type="order-total"/>
Does anyone know how I can replace the 'XXXXX' with the name of any discount code which has been used?
I'm guessing here, but have you tried adding a new attribute to the Order object called (say) order-voucher-code (this forum thread gives you that process), and then inserting:
<url-parameter name="wgvouchercode" type="order-voucher-code"/>
That might work?
