order approval for magento - magento

I ’m in need of setting up approvers for orders that customers submit.
There is no credit card authorization required. For example, an employee from a company puts foo and bar into their shopping cart and checks out. One of the employee’s bosses need to approve it (the superiors will have accounts in magento already) before they can be invoiced. So when an order is placed, an email needs to go to the bosses, with a URL to the order. Then they can accept it or decline it.
Is there an existing extension that does something like this or would be a good starting point?

Yep, there is. :)
Check out the free ZetaPrints Order Approval extension. I have experience with it and it does exactly what you want. ;)


how to add cash on delivery charges by my custom module magento

HI I want to add some charges on cash on delivery, I dont know where to do that
what I need to extend or what observer I need to call and how I can get and update quote price can any body explain briefly to me.
Thanks in advance
Before you start thinking about code you need to describe (if only to yourself) how your new "cash on delivery" feature will work with Magento. When will users be prompted for this choice? What needs to be added to the backend order information panes? etc.
Once you know that, you can start to identify the blocks/phtml and model logic you'll need to change/add-to in order to implement your feature.

What could cause Magento to change new address back to default address on Paypal redirect?

I'm getting a strange bug in Onepage checkout using Paypal Express.
Logged-in Customer enters new billing address "on-the-fly", sets 'Save in Addressbook' and 'Ship to this address', then proceeds through checkout.
Address is saved in the database correctly at this point.
Customer chooses Paypal and Magento goes through it's logic (collection totals, saving quote - twice and data checks, etc).
I've stepped through the logic using Xdebug and am not able to pinpoint exactly where but right before redirecting to Paypal in /app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php on line 318 in afterSave() callback, there's a line
if (null !== $this->_addresses) {
In $this->getAddressesCollection(), the billing and shipping addresses are wrong, they're both the Customer's default. However, the database is still correct.
Once the ->save() fires, the correct ones are overwritten.
It certainly appears to be Magento bug but I need to find a solution. This is EE
Anyone experienced this before?
I had a similar bug and maybe its the same with you. If you select an address as your default address in the address book it screws up the one page checkout.
Say I have 3 people in my address book: John, Suzy and Bill.
One day I happen to be in my address book and I select John as my default billing and shipping address. Then I go to my cart, order some items, select John as billing, and select ship to a different address. On the next step I select Suzy as my ship to address. I click next to go to the shipping method step, but whoa, wait! Suzy's address has been overwritten and replaced with Johns address.
Its exactly the same issue posted about here (although I dont think the guy understands what happened, but the screenshots are the same result): http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/7520/P0/
The issue is in the opcheckout.js file. I have a fix. basically once a default address is selected the add new address form (hidden form) is always populated with your default address.
Normally, without a default address selected in address book, I believe that the opcheckout.js properly fills in the hidden fields with the address you selected in the select box.
The following modified opcheckout.js script: ( http://pastebin.com/chiwyRJZ ) will fix it so that the hidden fields are properly filled with the correct data. From what I understand is this is an old unfixed bug, perhaps from whichever version Magento added the Add New Address form in one page checkout
To apply the fix, copy the code from paste bin and replace it with the code in your themes opcheckout.js
Usually opcheckout.js is in skin\frontend\default\yourtheme\js
I know it is too late to post this, but I faced this issue on Magento 1.9.x. not only on paypal, but all other payment methods.
Check this method witch called upon creating new Quote:
public function assignCustomerWithAddressChange

Magento DHL module, what it's supposed to do?

Should be an easy-to-find info, but I wasn't able to find any doc page explaining what the DHL module can do and what cannot. Specifically:
can automatically create the shipment? (I mean, in such a way that whenever an order is placed - w-and ithout any action by me - someone at DHL will be notified that there's a box to be picked up at my company to be shipped...)
can automatically create the tracking number and send it - via email - to the customer
or all it can do is just getting quotes?
No, and No. What it does do is allow for you to get, display, and record rates for the various shipping options.

Magento: Auto Add Gift Certificate to Cart Every $X Amount

We have a website that we are trying add a gift certificate to the cart for every $100 someone spends (i.e. a customer gets a $10 gift certificate for every $100 they spend). We are currently using Magento 1.6.1 and Unirgy Gift Cerificate to do our gift certificate system. Does anyone have a better solution or a way to use our current system to do what we want?
I have looked into a whole bunch of Add to Cart extensions, but all of them don't seem to allow me to add a gift certificate to the cart.
the extension is paid so I cannot help you much here but: If you know how the gift card is added to cart (check extension code to find out) you could try adding observer using 'checkout_cart_product_add_after' event. On how to add events, check here:
In the observer method, check how much $$$ the cart does have by getting quote e.g:
$quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/type_onepage')->getQuote();
and gathering grand total (getGrandTotal metod I guess)
and add as many coupons as you would like ($total/100 = $gifcard_amount) and then reuse the code by using
for ($i=0;$i<$giftcard_amount;$i++){
//giftcard add logic
Hope this will get you started.

Magento get chosen shipping and billing method address fields

How can I get the choosen shipping and billing fields during checkout? (I want to show them in sidebars)
I use this in shipping.phtml but ofcourse that's just for the current 'address' (and I want to use it in methods.phtml and other pages)
So I assumed that this would work out...
But it didn't, anybody has a tip?
This one was helping me a lot, but I'm stuck :-S
How do I get the shipping method the user has chosen during checkout?
Shipping and billing addresses are children of quote object. So something like this shall work:
