ModalViewController in iOS8 - ios8

I am upgrading old code to latest iOS8, I see lots of this:
if (controller.modalViewController
&& controller.modalViewController.parentViewController == controller)
if(tabcontroller.modalViewController) ....
I see lots of documentation about how to present a modalViewController, but not for when its a property like above code. What's the equivalent of above code in iOS8?

If you look at the documentation, it says:
modalViewController (iOS 6.0) The controller for the active presented
view'that is, the view that is temporarily displayed on top of the
view managed by the receiver. (read-only)
Deprecation Statement Use presentedViewController instead.
That's probably a good place to start.


How to set Safe Area layout in iPhone x

I am developing Xamarin forms app and my app seems with safe area set in top. But need to ignore it.
Current scenario:
Excepted scenario:
I have googled regarding this and got below link, tried out as mentioned in below links and nothing worked.
But didn’t know how to access SetPrefersLargeTitles under Xamarin forms content page in below line mentioned in above link.
After set safe area as true output come as below,
Please help me to resolve this.
You can do it from XAML like this
Please Refer to Making iOS 11 Even Easier with Xamarin.Forms
We use Platform-Specifics to implement it.
Before iOS 11
iOS 11 or newer
var safeInsets = On<Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOS>().SafeAreaInsets();
safeInsets.Left = 24;
this.Padding = safeInsets;
It's necessary to create or configure LaunchScreend.storyboard.
Use this code, change splash_screen for your image.
Go to top constraint and make second Item constraint superview.Top
public ItemsPage() {
On<Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOS> ().SetUseSafeArea(true);

Changes in MvvmCross bindings

Hi Xamarin/MvvmCross devs,
This is just a question out of curiosity. In one of the apps I'm developing some behaviour changed. Specifically on iOS when binding the UISwitch "On" value to a boolean in the ViewModel. The getter on the property fires when the binding is applied as well as the setter when the switch is flipped, but the UI does not reflect it. Forcing me to go from just
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<SettingsView, SettingsViewModel>();
set.Bind(PushNotificationSwitch).For(s => s.On)
.To(vm => vm.ReceivePushNotifications);
To having to also add the following below that (to get the UI of the switch to reflect the value)
var settingsViewModel = ((SettingsViewModel)ViewModel);
PushNotificationSwitch.On = settingsViewModel.ReceivePushNotifications;
I left the binding, as well as the new code to reflect UI state, because in addition to the UI just reflecting the correct state, I also want it to change the state in my settingsService when the user changes it.
I recently upgraded through Xamarin Studio on Mac and my iOS Xam version is Version: Unfortunately I didn't check what version I upgraded from, but I always upgrade as soon as I see there's one available, so it should be the previous stable version.
My questions are:
Has any of you experienced similar issues where bindings changed in this way?
Since the Android binding still works fine, do you think it's an issue in MvvmCross, or iOS Xamarin Changes
Any speculations as to what could be causing this? And other parts that you think this might affect, so I won't have to go scour for bugs if none exists. Commands, text and custom control bindings are working fine (as far as I've tested)
If this question would be better suited somewhere else please let me know, I'm just curious about this behaviour.
As we worked out in the comments of the OP the event of the switch was linked out. Hence, the binding did nothing.
Easiest way to remedy this is to add the following code to your LinkerPleaseInclude.cs file, which MvvmCross provides in the Startup NuGet and through the templates available for Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio:
public void Include(UISwitch sw)
sw.On = !sw.On;
sw.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
sw.On = false;
This will tell the Linker that there is a direct usage of both the ValueChanged event and the On property, since the LinkerPleaseInclude class uses the Preserve attribute.

Nativescript addSubview

I'm trying to implement the OpenTok SDK into Nativescript and I've run into an issue that I can't seem to wrap my head around.
Per their documentation ( once you create a publisher object you call:
[self.view addSubview:publisher.view];
I can't figure out how I would tie this into Nativescript, if it's even possible.
My first thought is that I would want a UIView or View element on my page in the XML, then I would call .addView(publisher.view); on that element.
There is a similar question here (Inject pure Java / Obj-C code in NativeScript App) but nothing came of it, the one answer does't provide much help.
I cloned one of OpenTok's sample projects and added their implementation of this call into a gist here:
You can see at line 117 how they implemented this call. This code raises another question for me in that I'm not sure where _publisherView comes from.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
In Nativescript you can try calling the 'ios' property of the container you are trying to add the component to. This will return the native object.
For example if you have a StackLayout, you can:
var stackLayout = args.object.getViewById("theIdOfTheStackLayout");

How to get your custom content drawn in Interface Builder?

I watched the "What's New in Interface Builder" session video and tried to replicate the code that was showed but unfortunately when I assign a view to my custom class which has #IBDesignable I get 2 errors:
Main.storyboard: error: Live Views: Failed to update auto layout status: The bundle “swiftTest” couldn’t be loaded because its executable isn’t loadable.
Main.storyboard: error: Live Views: Failed to render instance of _TtC9swiftTest14ControllerView: The bundle “swiftTest” couldn’t be loaded because its executable isn’t loadable.
Later on in the video I saw that to have Live Views you have to make these steps:
1. Create framework
2. Create class
3. Mark as designable
How do I make the 1st step?
As I understand it at the moment (prior to Xcode 6 Beta 3), #IBDesignable will only work from a view declared in a separate framework target.
However, I also struggled to add it because I had no "plus" button as described in various links (because the Hide Project & Target Lists arrow option was toggled off).
So, select your current project target, then just use the xcode menu options:
Editor > Add target...
Then select
Framework & Library > Cocoa Touch Framework etc.
By the way, to test #IBDesignable, this tutorial worked perfectly as a starting point:
One small but important thing to note in that tutorial (if you follow it onscreen instead of following on to its full github code listing) is that your view class must be prepended/decorated with #IBDesignable, e.g.
class CustomView : UIView {...}
should be
#IBDesignable class CustomView : UIView {...}
You should make new framework as a target for current project and add your live views in this framework. On General tab on main target you will see your framework in Embedded Binaries section.
I had a project with live views working and at one point I also had these error messages. This went away for me when closing XCode and restarting, fwiw.
It is working very well (and easily) for me with Swift in Xcode 6 Beta 5.
I've confirmed that with Xcode 6 Beta 5 I did not need to add any frameworks (for example, Cocoa Touch framework option under frameworks in the dialog that appears when adding a new project target). Nor did I need to add IBDesignable.h to the project. Both seem to be outdated requirements as per the the write-up linked in the initial answer to the question.
All I needed to do was:
Prefix class definition of my custom Swift class source file
with keyword #IBDesignable
Prefix vars I wanted to show up in IB Attributes Inspector with #IBInspectable (IB recognizes several common variable types).
Then, after assigning my custom component's (UIControl subclass) name to IB's "Class" name file (under Identity Inspector tab, in right pane) replacing "UIView" -- e.g. the class name of the UIView placeholder object I originally dragged onto the IB VC's view -- upon selecting my custom component from the Content View component list in IB, I saw all my custom class' inspectable items show up in the IB Attributes Inspector!! Very cool.
Note: At first XCode would only allow me to prefix one variable with #IBInspectable. It showed errors on subsequent ones. Then, suddenly it seemed to work, and no more problems after that. Not sure if it was a typo or just took Xcode awhile to re-index my project and pre-compile or parse the code.
I code about #IBDesignable & #IBInspectable,
firstly, I got two errors like you,
then, I change the code I wrote,
you can checkout the code from my github
Good Luck.

Xcode 4 plugin development

I've been looking all over the place but I can't find anything. Does anyone know how to create an Xcode 4 plugin?
As far as I know there is no official way to create Xcode 4 plugins (just like there wasn't one for v3.x).
Here is an openradar on Xcode's lack of plugin support:
Please support the ability for 3rd
parties to extend Xcode via a public
plugin API. Aperture, Visual Studio,
Eclipse, TextMate and other
applications benefit from this
ability. I would like to see more
advanced refactorings, code analysis
(think Resharper by Jetbrains) and
Provide plugin API for Xcode 4 (rdar://8622025)
Please dupe this if you want plugins!
Edit: Just stumbled upon this:
Cédric Luthi:
"Xcode 4 does support user-defined
plugins, see CLITool-InfoPlist
for an example of a working Xcode 4
plugin. You just have to add
XC4Compatible (true) in the
That being said these GitHub repos might be handy, too:
Xcode4 Plugin-API Documentation (link dead)
Xcode Plugin Template (link updated)
Further more mogenerator's Xmod plugin might be a good starting point.
(Wasn't Xcode-4 compatible yet, last time I checked, though)
Best way to learn is to look at github plugin code (see long list below):
Basically its a plugin bundle.
No main.m No MainMenu.xib
First class loaded by setting NSPrincipalClass in info.plist
in its init: you register for AppKit notifications
See the code samples
some check the mainBundle app id to make sure this is XCode
The XCode Editor window class is DVTSourceTextView
Its a subclass of DVTSourceTextView :NSTextView : NSText
so you can register to listen for its notifications for NSTextView or NSText
such as NSTextViewWillChangeNotifyingTextViewNotification
Because its not an official standard I noticed each sample loads in different ways.
compiled by either searching github/web for
This is the Xcode Editor window class name
Info-list key
- uses a ruby parser run as pipe!
see GTMXcode4Plugin
TO GET TO THE NSTextView that is the console
- (NSTextView *)findConsoleAndActivate {
Class consoleTextViewClass = objc_getClass("IDEConsoleTextView");
NSTextView *console = (NSTextView *)[self findView:consoleTextViewClass inView:NSApplication.sharedApplication.mainWindow.contentView];
if (console) {
NSWindow *window = NSApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow;
if ([window isKindOfClass:objc_getClass("IDEWorkspaceWindow")]) {
if ([window.windowController isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"IDEWorkspaceWindowController")]) {
id editorArea = [window.windowController valueForKey:#"editorArea"];
[editorArea performSelector:#selector(activateConsole:) withObject:self];
return console;
Have a look at this new plugin: Maybe you can derive some concepts for your plugin.
Yesterday ColorSense for Xcode 4 was released on Github. Since the code is really compact spread over just 3 classes, I think you should take a look over there.
Xcode does not have a public plug-in API.
This was the case with earlier versions, and is the case with Xcode 4 as well.
No, Xcode doesn't support plugins, alternatively you may try AppCode, another IDE for iOS/MacOS, it does support plugins development.
