ElasticSearch Stats Aggregation custom field value for max/min - elasticsearch

Is it possible to retrieve Stats Aggregation with custom field value of max/min document?
Eg. imagine example from ElasticSearch Stats Aggregation documentation is there possible to retrieve for example name of student with max/min value of grade? (we assume that beside grade there is student name in document).
Is it even possible? What if ElasticSearch gives us multiple documents with max/min value?

No - it's not possible to get a max value and the rest of the document in a single query.
You would need to do two queries - the first to get the max value, the second to return documents that have a matching value.


ElasticSearch: how to search from multiple indexes

I have a situation where I need to search from multiple indexes (products and users). Below is a sample query I am using to do that search
With the above API request, it only returns search results for the product index. But if I search using the below API it returns search results for users index
As you can see I am passing same value for "q" parameter. I need to search for both product and users index and check if there is the word "wood" in any attribute in both indexes. How can I achieve this
You can pass multiple index names instead of _all as it will search in other indices that you don't intent to by using the comma seprated index name like
Although, _all should also fetch the result from users index which you get when you specify its name, you need to debug why its happening, maybe increase the size param to 1000 as by default Elasticsearch returns only 10 results and it seems in case of _all all the top results coming from products index only.

screen out document results that share the same property value accept the first one

I have a db of documents. Every document has a property(keyword) called index (noting to do with the elastic index) and a property(keyword) named superIndex. There can be multiple documents with the same index and multiple documents with the same superIndex in the DB, these fields are not unique.
I run a compound query searching free text on the text content of these documents, with sorting, and get the results I want. However, I get many documents having the same index and/or superIndex. Currently I programmatically filter the result list and take only the first result from each index and superIndex. My requirement is that at the end I'm left with the top results from the sort, the first from each index and superIndex.
Can this be done using elastic query. If so how?
Field collapsing allows you to collapse all search results having the same value in a field (e.g. index). (See Elasticsearch Reference: Field Collapsing)

Elasticsearch get document count for all fields of index type

I would like to get an aggregation with document count on all fields of an index. is this possible or do I have to define every field within a missing to get something similar

Filter by timestamp in nested fields in Kibana 4

Is it possible to create a mapping (e.g. nested) that allows to filter by individual timestamps of orders, where the orders are nested properties of the indexed documents (products)?
In other words, I would like to define a time range in Kibana and receive a list of matching products that contain any orders matching the given time range.
As I knew, Kibana can not handle with nested Json, so first you need to change it to standard Json.
As per your question:- I would like to define a time range in Kibana and receive a list of matching products that contain any orders matching the given time range.
For this you can load the data in Kibana & filter the time in Kibana UI using Time Filter which will show you the orders matching the time range using the timestamp field as mentioned.

Sorting Solr multivalue fields based on field values

I have multiple Solr instances with separate schemas.
I need to receive multivalue field in sorted order, e.g. by type: train_station, airport, city_district, and so on:
q=köln&sort=query({!v="type:(airport OR train_station)"}) desc
I would like to see airport type document before train_station type. For now I am always getting train_station type at the top.
How should I write the query?
You are getting train_stations at the top because of the IDF.
A quick hack to fix it would be to use a range query (which has the advantage of having constant scores) and query boosts: q=köln&sort=query({!v="type:([airport TO airport]^3 OR [train_station TO train_station]^2)"}) desc.
This way, documents which have airport in their type field will have a score of 3, documents which have train_station in their type field will have a score of 2 and documents which have airport and train_station in their field type will have a score of 2+3=5 (to a multiplicative constant).
A more elegant (and effective) way of doing this would be to write a custom query parser (or even a function query).
You can sort on a function only if it returns a single value per document. You definitely can't sort on a multiValued field or any field that is tokenized. Seems like you would need a function that returns "airport" if the field contains "airport" (even if it contains "train station") and "train station" if it contains "train station" but not "airport", and then sort on that.
Another option would be to handle this at index time. Add a field called "airport_train_station_sort" that returns 1 if the field contains "airport", 2 if the field contains "train station" but NOT airport, and 3 if it contains neither. Then simply sort on that field.
You cannot solve this problem inside SOLR. Check the documentation, SOLR does not sort multivalued fields. Older versions of SOLR let you try, but the results were undefined and unpredictable.
You either change your schema and put this sort data into single value indexed fields, or you need to make several queries, first for airports, then city districts, then train stations.
To order items within the field itself you have to either index it in order you want, or do post processing. Solr's sort will sort only docs!
