AWS Ruby SDK v2, Cloudfront list_distributions, iterate over the results - ruby

I'm using the new ruby sdk (v2) for aws cloud front
I'm trying to list all of my distributions, using the list_distributions method
the response that is get is a PageableResponse,
when i try to iterate over the results it seems that i get only one page,
page = cloudfront.list_distributions
page.each do |page|
# only one page ....
but in the "distribution_list" hash, the "next_marker" attribute, contains the value for the request, and the "is_truncated" attribute is set to true,
if i will call list_distributions method again with the next_marker, i will get the next set of results...
why is that ?
it seems strange that i have to ways to iterate over the response ?

I got a reply from a thread in the AWS discussions forum that said it's a bug in the SDK and it should be resolved in the next release.
Link to the issue


Displaying JSON output from an API call in Ruby using VScode

For context, I'm someone with zero experience in Ruby - I just asked my Senior Dev to copy-paste me some of his Ruby code so I could try to work with some APIs that he ended up putting off because he was too busy.
So I'm using an API wrapper called zoho_hub, used as a wrapper for Zoho APIs (
My IDE is VSCode.
I execute the entire length of the code, and I'm faced with this:
[Done] exited with code=0 in 1.26 seconds
The API is supposed to return a paginated list of records, but I don't see anything outputted in VSCode, despite the fact that no error is being reflected. The last 2 lines of my code are:
ZohoHub.connection.get 'Leads'
p "testing"
I use the dummy string "testing" to make sure that it's being executed up till the very end, and it does get printed.
This has been baffling me for hours now - is my response actually being outputted somewhere, and I just can't see it??
Ruby does not print anything unless you tell it to. For debugging there is a pretty printing method available called pp, which is decent for trying to print structured data.
In this case, if you want to output the records that your get method returns, you would do:
pp ZohoHub.connection.get 'Leads'
To get the next page you can look at the source code, and you will see the get request has an additional Hash parameter.
def get(path, params = {})
Then you have to read the Zoho API documentation for get, and you will see that the page is requested using the page param.
Therefore we can finally piece it together:
pp ZohoHub.connection.get('Leads', page: NNN)
Where NNN is the number of the page you want to request.

how can I get ALL records from route53?

how can I get ALL records from route53?
referring code snippet here, which seemed to work for someone, however not clear to me:
Trying to get all (I have about ~7000 records) via resource record sets but can't seem to get the pagination to work with list_resource_record_sets. Here's what I have:
route53 =
response = route53.list_resource_record_sets({
start_record_name: fqdn(name),
start_record_type: type,
max_items: 100, # fyi - aws api maximum is 100 so we'll need to page
response = response.next_page until response.last_page?
I verified I'm hooked into right region, I see the record I'm trying to get (so I can delete later) in aws console, but can't seem to get it through the api. I used this: as a starting point.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Or is there an easier way, perhaps another method in the api I'm not finding, for me to get just the record I need given the hosted_zone_id, type and name?
The issue you linked is for the Ruby AWS SDK v2, but the latest is v3. It also looks like things may have changed around a bit since 2014, as I'm not seeing the #next_page or #last_page? methods in the v2 API or the v3 API.
Consider using the #next_record_name and #next_record_type from the response when #is_truncated is true. That's more consistent with how other paginations work in the Ruby AWS SDK, such as with DynamoDB scans for example.
Something like the following should work (though I don't have an AWS account with records to test it out):
route53 =
hosted_zone = ? # Required field according to the API docs
next_name = fqdn(name)
next_type = type
loop do
response = route53.list_resource_record_sets(
hosted_zone_id: hosted_zone,
start_record_name: next_name,
start_record_type: next_type,
max_items: 100, # fyi - aws api maximum is 100 so we'll need to page
records = response.resource_record_sets
# Break here if you find the record you want
# Also break if we've run out of pages
break unless response.is_truncated
next_name = response.next_record_name
next_type = response.next_record_type

Upload to S3 with progress in plain Ruby script

This question is related to this one: Tracking Upload Progress of File to S3 Using Ruby aws-sdk,
However since there is no clear solution to this I was wondering if there's a better/easier way (if one exists) of getting file upload progress with S3 using Ruby in 2018?
In my current setup I'm basically creating a new Resource, fetch my bucket and call upload_file but I haven't yet found any options for passing blocks which would help in yielding some sort of progress.
#connection =
#s3_bucket = #connection.bucket(bucket)
#s3_bucket.object(path).upload_file(data, {acl: 'public-read'})
Is there a way to do this using the newest sdk-for-ruby v3?
Any help (or even better a small example) would be great.
The example Trevor gives in is not hacky from what I can see - just wiring things together. The SDK simply does not provide a feature for passing progress details on all operations. Plus, Trevor is the maintainer of the Ruby SDK at AWS so I trust his judgement.
Expanding on his example
bar = ProgressBar.create(:title => "Uploading action", :starting_at => 0, :total => file.size)
obj = s3.buckets['my-bucket'].objects['object-key']
obj.write(:content_length => file.size) do |writable, n_bytes|
bar.progress += n_bytes
If you want to have a progress block right in the upload_file method I believe you will need to open a PR to the SDK. It is not that strange that is not the case for Ruby (or for any other runtime) because, for example, there could be an optimisation in the HTTP client library that uses IO.copy_stream from your source body argument to the destination socket, which does not relay progress anywhere.

Querying Twilio calls list resource doesn't paginate the results using Ruby or PHP

According to Twilio's documentation here regarding "paging":
The list returned to you includes paging information. If you plan on requesting more records than will fit on a single page, you may want to use the provided nextpageuri rather than incrementing through the pages by page number.
It then gives an example:
# Initialize Twilio Client
#client =, auth_token)
.each do |call|
puts call.direction
However, doing this just returns an array of all calls, there isn't any paging information or limiting of results or any "pages".
For my purposes I'm actually filtering the query like this:
#calls = #client.calls.list(
start_time_after: #time
start_time_before: #another_time
Because my date filter range is a 1 month period and there are currently about 4.5k calls to retrieve, its taking quite a while to process (and sometimes it just never processes)
I'm using the twilio helper library ruby gem "twilio-ruby" and running ruby 2.5
I've also tried using PHP with the respective twilio helper library and have found the same result.
Using curl however does work and gives paging information, its also incredibly fast compared to using the helper libraries
Twilio developer evangelist here.
list will paginate through, loading all the resources it can.
There are other calls that will stream the API in a lazier fashion, if that is more useful for your use case. For example, you can use each and it will load the calls lazily until they have run out.
#calls = #client.calls.each(
start_time_after: #time
start_time_before: #another_time
) do |call|
puts call.direction
If you do want to manually paginate yourself, you can the page method to get a CallPage object and iterate from there.
page =
start_time_after: #time
start_time_before: #another_time
while !page.nil? do
page.each { |call| puts call.direction }
page = page.next_page
Let me know if that helps at all.

Ruby -- Using facebook's Graph API Explorer in conjunction with the koala gem

I've found facebook's 'Graph API Explorer' tool ( to be an incredibly easy way, welcoming (for beginners) & effective way to use facebook's graph API via its GUI.
I'd like to be able to use the koala gem to pass these generated URLs to facebook's api.
Right now, lets say I had a query like this
url = "me?fields=id,name,posts.fields(likes.fields(id,name),comments.fields(parent,likes.fields(id,name)),message)"
I'd like to be able to pass that directly into koala as a single string.
It doesn't like that so I separate out the uid and the ? operator like the gem seems to want
url = "fields=id,name,posts.fields(likes.fields(id,name),comments.fields(parent,likes.fields(id,name)),message)"
#graph.get_connections("me", url)
This however, returns an error as well:
type: OAuthException, code: 2500,
message: Unknown path components: /fields=id,name,posts.fields(likes.fields(id,name),comments.fields(parent,likes.fields(id,name)),message) [HTTP 400]
Currently this is where I am stuck. I'd like to continue using koala because I like the gem-approach to working with API's, especially when it comes to using OAuth & OAuth2.
I'm starting to break down the request into pieces which the koala gem can handle, for example
posts = #graph.get_connections("me", "posts")
postids = { |p| p['id'] }
likes = postids.inject([]) {|ary, id| ary << #graph.get_connection(id, "likes") }
So that's a long way of getting two arrays, one of posts, one of like data.
But I'd quickly burn up my API requests limit in no time using this kind of approach.
I was kind of hoping I'd just be able to pass the whole string from the Graph API Explorer and just get what I wanted rather than having to manually parse all this stuff.
I don't really know about your posts.fields(likes.fields(id,name) -this does not work in the Graph API Explorer- and stuff like that but I know you can do this:
fb_api =
# => => {"id"=>"71170", "name"=>"My Name", "posts"=>{"paging"=>{"next"=>"", "previous"=>""}, "data"=>[{"id"=>"71170_1013572471", "comments"=>{"count"=>0}, "created_time"=>"2013-06-09T08:03:43+0000", "from"=>{"id"=>"71170", "name"=>"My Name"}, "updated_time"=>"2013-06-09T08:03:43+0000", "privacy"=>{"value"=>""}, "type"=>"status", "story_tags"=>{"0"=>[{"id"=>"71170", "name"=>" ", "length"=>8, "type"=>"user", "offset"=>0}]}, "story"=>" likes a photo."}]}}
And you will receive in a hash what you asked for.
From time to time, you must pass nil as a param to koala:
result += graph_api.batch do |batch_api|
facebook_page_ids.each do |facebook_page_id|
batch_api.get_connections(facebook_page_id, nil, {"fields"=>"posts"})
