Displaying JSON output from an API call in Ruby using VScode - ruby

For context, I'm someone with zero experience in Ruby - I just asked my Senior Dev to copy-paste me some of his Ruby code so I could try to work with some APIs that he ended up putting off because he was too busy.
So I'm using an API wrapper called zoho_hub, used as a wrapper for Zoho APIs (https://github.com/rikas/zoho_hub/blob/master/README.md).
My IDE is VSCode.
I execute the entire length of the code, and I'm faced with this:
[Done] exited with code=0 in 1.26 seconds
The API is supposed to return a paginated list of records, but I don't see anything outputted in VSCode, despite the fact that no error is being reflected. The last 2 lines of my code are:
ZohoHub.connection.get 'Leads'
p "testing"
I use the dummy string "testing" to make sure that it's being executed up till the very end, and it does get printed.
This has been baffling me for hours now - is my response actually being outputted somewhere, and I just can't see it??

Ruby does not print anything unless you tell it to. For debugging there is a pretty printing method available called pp, which is decent for trying to print structured data.
In this case, if you want to output the records that your get method returns, you would do:
pp ZohoHub.connection.get 'Leads'
To get the next page you can look at the source code, and you will see the get request has an additional Hash parameter.
def get(path, params = {})
Then you have to read the Zoho API documentation for get, and you will see that the page is requested using the page param.
Therefore we can finally piece it together:
pp ZohoHub.connection.get('Leads', page: NNN)
Where NNN is the number of the page you want to request.


Cypress: Switching from cy.route() to cy.intercept()

It seems that most people I read about experence zero trouble with this. I, on the other hand, have a test suite which someone else wrote, in which I'm trying to replace route() with intercept(). The API intercepts are done to handle button clicks etc., and about 99.9% percent of them fails if I just replace it. So, there's obviously some syntax in/use of intercept() I've not found a description for.
This works:
cy.route('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', result);
This does not work. The button click is not executed:
cy.intercept('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', result);
I've tried adding '**' in front of "/prosjekt...", and I've tried removing 'POST', with no luck.
Any ideas? I'll gladly post more info if necessary.
Futher attempts:
Getting some hints here and there, it seems that this is a more correct way of using intercept():
return cy.intercept('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', {
body: result
This doesn't work, either.
The variables result in these examples is an object describing what is sent back to the frontend of the POST-request in the route matches the api path.
For troubleshooting, I can see that when using intercept(), there is ONE route that is not working when using intercept (the bottom one in the picture). However, I cannot for the life of me see why, and how the route match can be written differently?
Most likely, you're mixing the old use of cy.route() and cy.server(). In my experience, those two won't work well together. It's easier when you're starting fresh with just cy.intercept().
Your update is correct too; You have to encapsulate the return value you want mocked in {body: value}.
from what I am seeing in your circled screenshot, the API is not called after you try to intercept it. (the count under # column is -)
You need to track when the API is to be called and ensure you intercept before the call is made. Cypres can help you with this. You can go through the run steps in the cypress window.
You could also share this if you don't mind.
If you are 100% certain the button makes the call. Steps should be:
In the cypress window, right after the click, you should see the API being called.

Querying Twilio calls list resource doesn't paginate the results using Ruby or PHP

According to Twilio's documentation here regarding "paging":
The list returned to you includes paging information. If you plan on requesting more records than will fit on a single page, you may want to use the provided nextpageuri rather than incrementing through the pages by page number.
It then gives an example:
# Initialize Twilio Client
#client = Twilio::REST::Client.new(account_sid, auth_token)
.each do |call|
puts call.direction
However, doing this just returns an array of all calls, there isn't any paging information or limiting of results or any "pages".
For my purposes I'm actually filtering the query like this:
#calls = #client.calls.list(
start_time_after: #time
start_time_before: #another_time
Because my date filter range is a 1 month period and there are currently about 4.5k calls to retrieve, its taking quite a while to process (and sometimes it just never processes)
I'm using the twilio helper library ruby gem "twilio-ruby" and running ruby 2.5
I've also tried using PHP with the respective twilio helper library and have found the same result.
Using curl however does work and gives paging information, its also incredibly fast compared to using the helper libraries
Twilio developer evangelist here.
list will paginate through, loading all the resources it can.
There are other calls that will stream the API in a lazier fashion, if that is more useful for your use case. For example, you can use each and it will load the calls lazily until they have run out.
#calls = #client.calls.each(
start_time_after: #time
start_time_before: #another_time
) do |call|
puts call.direction
If you do want to manually paginate yourself, you can the page method to get a CallPage object and iterate from there.
page = #client.calls.page(
start_time_after: #time
start_time_before: #another_time
while !page.nil? do
page.each { |call| puts call.direction }
page = page.next_page
Let me know if that helps at all.

How do I call the evernote struct object to report all notes inside a notebook?

I am working through the ruby evernote-thrift API and sandbox.
I am experiencing some issues interpreting the docs; I am trying to retrieve the subject line from all the notes inside a particular notebook.
To get the name of the notebook I call
notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken) and then run .each on notebooks. According to the docs there is a struct object called noteList but I can’t figure out how to use it.
this is the link to the docs area I am trying to leverage http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/evernote-thrift/Evernote/EDAM/NoteStore/NoteList#struct_fields-instance_method
my attempt, is as follows, but its not returning anything. unfortunately im not familiar with structs at all.
notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken)
notebooks.each do |notebook|
next if notebook.name != 'First Notebook'
notes = notebook.noteList
noteList.each do |note|
puts note
i am getting a no method error... which makese sense because its a struct I just dont know how to leverage it...
undefined method `noteList' for <Evernote::EDAM::Type::Notebook:0x007fb2041683f8> (NoMethodError)
The generated docs for our Ruby SDK are confusing (sorry!), but I find the general docs to be much clearer: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/.
As you can see in https://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/Types.html#Struct_Notebook, the Notebook object does not have an attribute called noteList. There is a struct called NoteList, but that was what the removed NoteStore.findNotes returned.
The procedure for getting the titles/subjects of the notes in a notebook is to get the Notebook (which you have done), then pass the notebook's guid into NoteStore.findNotesMetadata (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/NoteStore.html#Fn_NoteStore_findNotesMetadata). This returns a NotesMetadataList which has a notes attribute which is a list of NoteMetadata. This struct has metadata like title and GUID but not the body. If you want the full information, you would pass the GUID into NoteStore.getNote (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/NoteStore.html#Fn_NoteStore_getNote).
That API is one of the least Ruby things I've ever seen. You have my condolences for trying to trudge through that :)
From the API docs, all I'm seeing that hangs off of that Evernote::EDAM::Type::Notebook class are #struct_fields and #validate, as far as instance methods go. Perhaps that struct_fields has what you're looking for?
If that doesn't lead you anywhere, I'd suggest doing using something like Pry to help you troubleshoot the error. I'd put a binding.pry statement on the second line and then explore the notebooks objects from there.

Splunk-client (with Nokogiri) giving Undefined Namespace Prefix

I'm using splunk-client to extract results from splunk. Here's the code:
query = "sourcetype=collection #{order_id}"
search = #splunk_client.search(query)
The search is happening fine, and it seems like I'm doing everything according to the example (https://github.com/cbrito/splunk-client), but I get this error on the 'search.wait' line:
Undefined namespace prefix: //s:key[#name='isDone']
Any ideas what could be going wrong? Running these commands in irb works fine. Is there some sort of blocking issue?
There is currently very little error checking which occurs within the gem itself. The reason for the error is that wait looks for the status of the isDone key to change to true.
Since your credentials were not properly setup in the first place, the gem creates a search object with an invalid session. The search does not initially fail, because enough response came back from Splunk that Nokogiri processes it into an object without a Splunk search sid.
In the future I should likely raise an exception if a proper sid is not returned to avoid confusion.
Source: I wrote the gem.
I found out the issue -- the splunk client wasn't authenticating properly, and so search was actually a broken SplunkJob object (with a nil username and authentication key). It's strange that there was no error raised until the wait command, but upon inspecting the search object, one of the fields stated that the object was malformed.

SOAP::RPC::Driver formatting problems. How can I change it?

I'm dealing with a SOAP webservice call from a server that is expecting to receive method calls with the paramaters in the format of:
<urn:offeringId> 354 </urn:offeringId>
But SOAP::RPC::Driver is generating messages in the form of:
<offeringId xsi:type = "xsd:int">354</offeringId>
The server keeps erroring when it gets these messages (especially since it's expecting offeringId to be a custom type internal to itself, not an int).
Is there anyway to configure the driver to format things the way the server is expecting it. Is the server even doing SOAP? I'm having trouble finding reference to that style of formating for SOAP (I know it DOES work though, because SOAPUI works just fine with that type of message).
Edit: I've got at least part of it solved. the RPC::Driver (obviously) uses the RPC standard, whereas apparently the server I'm trying to talk to is doing "document". Now, when I look at RPC::Driver's API, I'm seeing a method named "add_document_method". That SOUNDS to me like it might be what I want, but I can't figure out what paramaters to give it. The examples I've seen around the net don't make much sense to me, things like:
def GetNamePair(response)
response.account.each do |x|
class << x
attr :configuration, true
x.configuration = Hash[*x.a.map do |y|
[y.__xmlattr[XSD::QName.new(nil, 'n')], String.new(y)]
mNS = 'urn:zimbraAdmin'
drv.add_document_method('GetAllAdminAccountsRequest', mNS, [XSD::QName.new(mNS, 'GetAllAdminAccountsRequest')],
[XSD::QName.new(mNS, 'GetAllAdminAccountsResponse')] )
puts YAML.dump(GetNamePair(drv.GetAllAdminAccountsRequest([]))
All I really know is that I have a method that takes in certain parameters.... I really don't get why, if this method does what I think it does, it has to be more complicated. Isn't this just a matter of taking the exact same data and formating it differently? I'm so confused....
Okay, what I ended up doing was using SOAP:RPC:Drivers add_document_method, which requires me to give it the wsdl, namespace, etc, and then give it the attributes later as a single input hash thingy (and gives me the output in a similar format). It worked, it just wasn't as clean as add_rpc_method (which is waht add_method defaults to)
