Active Reports not showing in Visual Studio 2010 developer edition - visual-studio-2010

I've Visual Studio 2010 developer edition in my PC. Also I installed AR 9. But this is not showing under add new item. So I cant add new Active Report section report into it.
How can make the Active Reports items been visible in Visual Studio add new item option..

Make sure you are not running the Visual Studio 2010 express edition. ActiveReports cannot be used with the express edition of Visual Studio since they do not support packages. Please check the requirements page for more information.


Adding SSIS capability to Visual Studio Enterprise 2017

Can I add SSIS capability to Visual Studio Enterprise 2017?
How do I add SSIS capability to Visual Studio Enterprise 2017?
I've looked in "Visual Studio Installer" at the "Workloads" options and also the "Individual Components" options .. but I can't see SSIS listed ?
Maybe I need a different version of Visual Studio for SSIS work?
The Microsoft page here has answer to this question.
Download and install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for Visual Studio
i.e. this Microsoft article has a link for "Download SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 (15.9.2)" in the middle of this article which can be used.
The "Visual Studio Installer" tool from Start menu wasn't so useful for adding this capability (for me).

Visual Studio 2013 Express has no MS-Reports Template Installed

When I Google and look up how to add a RDLC report to my Visual Studio 2013 Project I get the answer i'd expect, usually "In the Templates pane, select Report or Report Wizard"
This article is one of them:
Nowhere can I find anything about "what if there is no Reports section" in your installed Templates
For the last month I thought this was because I needed to download SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2013. Yesterday I installed this. As a result I now appear to have a new version of Visual Studio 2013 called "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Integrated)". It has a purple icon and loads with a black splash image
My Project is currently running and being developed in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web which has a green icon
If I try to load my project into the new Integrated Shell VS 2013 I get errors. What I really want is just to have the template available so I can add RDLC reports
I have already used MuGet to install MvcReportViewer and set my web config etc and references. Following instructions at
Now I need to create an RDLC but have no Template to do so
Could it be that VS-2013 Express has this feature turned off, because if I go into Help/About VS2013 Express for Web it has SQL Server Data Tools 12.0.30919.1 as an Installed product
Any comments appreciated
As far as I know, you can't use VS 2013 Express to edit RDLC files. It requires at least the professional version.
You can, however, create them in Sql Server Reporting Services, which is part of the advanced version of Sql Server Express Edition, using SQL Server Business Intelligence Developer Studio (BIDS) Express.
Try to download (Microsoft Report viewer 2012 run-time)
& Report Builder3
- First is the tool that display & Print Report.
- Report Builder is the tool that you can design report with it.
You Must have SQL Server 2012 Installed

SQL Server 2012 Tabular model project in Visual Studio 2010? SSDT

I've downloaded a shell version of Visual Studio 2012/SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) which allows me to create Analysis Services Tabular Models but because it is a shell (integrated) version it only allows for a small amount of functionality.
I have a full professional edition of visual studio 2010 and have installed SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) but there is no business intelligence project templates available.
Will I need to purchase visual studio 2012 to get this full functionality or is there a way I can do it within the visual studio 2010 environment?
The SQL Server is 2012
You can install SQL Server Data Tools on Visual Studio 2010
Professional, Premium, or Ultimate Edition with Visual Studio 2010
You can find the link to download Visual Studio 2010 SP1 on the MSDN page (I don't like linking directly to downloads on SO since people can edit the links.)
Also, according to this other MSDN site,
Projects and DACPACs are fully compatible across shells.
Please download the toolset for VS2012 ...
Again, a link to SSDT 2012 is on the site. You might want to uninstall your integrated shell version just to get a clean binding with your existing VS2010 install.
Please also read James Serra's blog about the BI templates for Visual STudio 2012 coming in a separate install from SSDT, which also includes a link to that install.

Install Shield Limited Edition in visual Studio 2013 Express

First of all I'm new to visual studio. I need to develop a Setup (.exe) using Visual Studio C#. In order to create a setup, we need Windows Installer wizard. While searching on google I got a link from msdn Here
I tried to create a new project as described, but I wasn't able to find "Other Project Types". I searched google again and finally I got: InstallShield Limited Edition template provided by I registered and downloaded InstallShield 2013 Express Edition, and installed it. Restarted the machine and opened Visual Studio 2013, still I couldn't find other project type templates.
Everyone simply says choose setupwizard under "other project types", but no one provides any description on templates setup.
What am I missing here, and why this much complexity to create setup file wizard. Guide me If I am missing anything, I'm in a serious trouble.
Note : Currently am using Visual Studio 2013 Express edition.
This link explain where to find it:
From the link below:
To enable InstallShield Limited Edition On the menu bar, choose File,
New, Project.
In the New Project dialog box, expand the Other Project
Types node, and then choose the Setup and Deployment node.
In the template list, choose Enable InstallShield Limited Edition, and then
choose the OK button.
In the browser window that opens, read the
instructions, and then choose the Go to the download web site link.
This link explain where to find it:-
InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio InstallShield Limited Edition can be integrated into all edition
This ist you answer:
Instructions for installing and activating InstallShield Limited Edition
for Visual Studio InstallShield Limited Edition can be integrated
into the following editions of Visual Studio: Professional, Premium,
and Ultimate. Note that Visual Studio Express Edition does not support
integration with InstallShield Limited Edition.
I try to see if it is possible anyway...

How can i install ReportViewer 2012 in Visual Studio 2010

I was using reportviewer 2010 control in visual studio 2010 but i need to start using reportviewer 2012. How can I use the new ASP.NET webforms ReportViewer 2012 control in Visual Studio 2010 (without moving up to visual studio 2012)? Eventually I want to move up to Visual Studio 2012 and dotnet 4.5 but I'd prefer to keep using dotnet 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010 for a little while longer.
I think you are asking how you can 'create reports' for SSRS by the sounds of it, not just display them. Okay so this will sound weird but you need SQL Server 2012 either Enterprise, Developer, Standard with Advanced Tools edition. Any one of those should suffice to get you the tool you need. If you are looking to 'design' reports the tool is an add on to Visual Studio called 'Business Intelligence Development Studio', BIDS for short. For some reason it shows up now as 'SQL Server Data Tools' under 'All Programs' on Windows. You can thank Microsoft for making this version as confusing as possible to people looking to get into SSRS.
To install it you simply install all of SQL Server and when you get to the 'Features' section ensure that BIDS is selected. The version of BIDS IS NOT ON VS 2012, it is on VS 2010. For some reason the SQL team did not make the deployment of SQL Server coincide with Visual Studio so it goes along with VS 2010, NOT 2012. A great many people get this confused but I can say for a fact SSRS is an extension of BIDS, which in turn is an extension of Visual Studio. Not the other way around. You can create localized reports in VS 2012 that are 'rdlc' files but not the full blown SSRS you deploy to a server there.
