Visual Studio 2013 Express has no MS-Reports Template Installed - visual-studio

When I Google and look up how to add a RDLC report to my Visual Studio 2013 Project I get the answer i'd expect, usually "In the Templates pane, select Report or Report Wizard"
This article is one of them:
Nowhere can I find anything about "what if there is no Reports section" in your installed Templates
For the last month I thought this was because I needed to download SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2013. Yesterday I installed this. As a result I now appear to have a new version of Visual Studio 2013 called "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Integrated)". It has a purple icon and loads with a black splash image
My Project is currently running and being developed in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web which has a green icon
If I try to load my project into the new Integrated Shell VS 2013 I get errors. What I really want is just to have the template available so I can add RDLC reports
I have already used MuGet to install MvcReportViewer and set my web config etc and references. Following instructions at
Now I need to create an RDLC but have no Template to do so
Could it be that VS-2013 Express has this feature turned off, because if I go into Help/About VS2013 Express for Web it has SQL Server Data Tools 12.0.30919.1 as an Installed product
Any comments appreciated

As far as I know, you can't use VS 2013 Express to edit RDLC files. It requires at least the professional version.
You can, however, create them in Sql Server Reporting Services, which is part of the advanced version of Sql Server Express Edition, using SQL Server Business Intelligence Developer Studio (BIDS) Express.

Try to download (Microsoft Report viewer 2012 run-time)
& Report Builder3
- First is the tool that display & Print Report.
- Report Builder is the tool that you can design report with it.
You Must have SQL Server 2012 Installed


Visual Studio Express 2015 for Windows - Report designer missing

I installed Visual Studio Express 2015 for Windows Desktop - ENU and SQL Server Data Tools. In Control panel I don't see the screen as with Enterprise Edition to activate SQL Server Data Tools. The Window looks like this:
No possibility to select SQL Data Tools
I also tried to install Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio but got a error message:
Report designer
I received a few Reports for a Program that runs in german language and need to translate them.
Thanks for your help.
Install Visual Studio 2017 Community edition for free (or higher, e.g. if you have MSDN subscription) - see terms though, community edition isn't for the enterprise - from:
Then get the Rdlc Report Designer extension from:
or from inside Visual Studio ("Tools/Extensions and Updates" menu if I remember well)

starting to study Reporting Services

i am just starting to study Reporting services but on my First lesson i have two questions
1- i cant find the Business Intelligence > Reporting Services in my Visual Studio 2013 > New Project > Installed > Templates
as shown here
while i installed the reporting service on my SQL Server 2012
as shown here
2- can i create reports directly on my web application by right click on a folder and add report without creating another new report server project
3- can i use my entity framework as a data source for my report , if yes how to achieve this using Visual Studio 2013 and SQL Server 2012
You will need to install SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2013. This design studio is no longer called Business Intelligence Design Studio (BIDS), past VS 2013.

SSDT disappeared! in VS 2013

I have started to prefer SSDT to SQL Management studio. But suddenly when I needed it I could not find SQL Server Object Explorer in view menu.
Not sure who took it away, I recently pushed update-2 for visual studio.
I could not locate stand-alone version of SSDT for VS-2013
Can any one please save me from re-installing Visual Studio :-(
According to this blog post on MSDN SSDT is now an integrated part of VS:
Visual Studio 2013 - VS 2013 now has SQL Server tooling built in and
shipped as part of the core product. Database Projects, SQL tools
(such as schema compare & data compare), and the online experiences
through SSOX are all included with the RTM version. We have full
project and SSOX support in VS Express for Web and Express for Windows
Desktop, so we have discontinued our stand-alone integrated shell
When I looked at the Extensions and Updatesin VS2013 I had an update available for SQL Server Data Tools and when I clicked it I got a downloadable installer (SSDTsetup.exe) which might be what you are looking for.
The link that gave the download was this:

How can i install ReportViewer 2012 in Visual Studio 2010

I was using reportviewer 2010 control in visual studio 2010 but i need to start using reportviewer 2012. How can I use the new ASP.NET webforms ReportViewer 2012 control in Visual Studio 2010 (without moving up to visual studio 2012)? Eventually I want to move up to Visual Studio 2012 and dotnet 4.5 but I'd prefer to keep using dotnet 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010 for a little while longer.
I think you are asking how you can 'create reports' for SSRS by the sounds of it, not just display them. Okay so this will sound weird but you need SQL Server 2012 either Enterprise, Developer, Standard with Advanced Tools edition. Any one of those should suffice to get you the tool you need. If you are looking to 'design' reports the tool is an add on to Visual Studio called 'Business Intelligence Development Studio', BIDS for short. For some reason it shows up now as 'SQL Server Data Tools' under 'All Programs' on Windows. You can thank Microsoft for making this version as confusing as possible to people looking to get into SSRS.
To install it you simply install all of SQL Server and when you get to the 'Features' section ensure that BIDS is selected. The version of BIDS IS NOT ON VS 2012, it is on VS 2010. For some reason the SQL team did not make the deployment of SQL Server coincide with Visual Studio so it goes along with VS 2010, NOT 2012. A great many people get this confused but I can say for a fact SSRS is an extension of BIDS, which in turn is an extension of Visual Studio. Not the other way around. You can create localized reports in VS 2012 that are 'rdlc' files but not the full blown SSRS you deploy to a server there.

How can I add a Document Map to an RDLC (aka SSRS) report in Visual Studio 2010?

Perhaps I am missing something obvious, but I cannot find a way to add a Document Map to an RDLC file from within Visual Studio 2010 (or the stand-alone "Report Builder 2.0" for that matter).
I previous versions, such as 2005 and 2008, this was a simple matter of adding a document map label to a report item. But the property "Document Map Label" is no longer present.
Furthermore, I can't find a way to add a bookmark either.
If anyone can shed some light on this, that would be great!!
I'm not sure exactly which version you are referring to. Visual Studio 2010 does not support Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) If you install BIDS from the SQL Server 2008 R2 disk it will install the shell of Visual Studio 2008. If you already have Visual Studio 2010, installing BIDS will still install the 2008 shell of visual studio and will load that if you try to make BI projects. If you install it from SQL Server 2012 it will install the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), which uses the Visual Studio 2010 Shell. I suppose that's the version you mean.
I've checked my version of BIDS from SQL Server 2008R2 and all the objects added to a report do have the DocumentMapLabel property. I've also just checked my SSDT from SQL 2012 and the property is still there. Select an object on the report and look in the properties window under "Other".
