How to reuse connection across multiple HTTP requests with Net::HTTP? - ruby

The documentation says:
If you wish to re-use a connection across multiple HTTP requests without automatically closing it you can use ::new instead of ::start. request will automatically open a connection to the server if one is not currently open. You can manually close the connection with finish.
But it's ::start that seems like a way of reusing a connection, isn't it? Additionally, how can I check if connection is open or still open?


when should a web server do accept to create a new client, or reuse the same client?

In a Webserver for basic static website non-blocking event-driven, I don't understand the mechanics I should implement for a "new client".
When a browser connects to my socket, I get the clientfd from accept and answer with a HTTP response, but when the browser is reloaded, should it create a new connection and answer, or should it reuse the same connection and just send the new response?
I use poll to handle multiple fds, but when I reload the page its the same connection (for me this makes sense) but then I open a new tab, and it's still the same connection (It only does accept once). I'm not finding any documentation on this, and I don't have a way to test with multiple client's if it reuses the same one every time.
You can't reuse a connection from another client, new connections must always be accepted as new connections. It doesn't matter what kind of server application you're writing.
However, if the client passes the header Connection: keep-alive you should not close the connection once the response is finished, but keep the connection open for future requests from the same client.
I hope i understand correctly,
but anyway, What i personally do is create a map of sockets, each socket is a client.
Every time a socket disconnects, it's being removed from that map... and so on...
Whether to use a new connection is the browser's choice. You don't get much of a choice.
However, you can tell the browser that you don't allow it to reuse a connection, if you send Connection: close in the response. In this case, the browser is forced to open a new connection for the next request. This is the only control you have.
If you want to test several connections at the same time, you could open several different browsers, or you could use a different program, such as some HTTP load testing tool (there are many). You could also send it a web page with many images; browsers should try to download all the images using several connections at the same time.
A web server doesn't create clients. A web server has clients -- new clients trying to connect, and existing clients communicating on the sockets that it has already opened.
To handle new clients, a web server should pretty much be calling accept all the time, unless it's already handling the maximum number of clients that it's configured to handle.
As soon as you get a new connection from accept, hand it off to other threads to process and call accept again.

Ruby Many HTTP Requests

In the Ruby docs for Net::HTTP it says
The Net::HTTP methods in the following section do not persist
connections. They are not recommended if you are performing many HTTP
But then the docs don't say anything about what you should use if you DO want to make a lot of HTTP requests. What should be used?
Actually the docs DO say how you can reuse connection for multiple requests:
If you wish to re-use a connection across multiple HTTP requests
without automatically closing it you can use ::new instead of ::start.
request will automatically open a connection to the server if one is
not currently open. You can manually close the connection with finish.
You can find this in this section:

How to make http2 requests with persistent connection ? (Any language)

How connect to using http2 with persistent connection ?
Persistent connection is to avoid rapid connection and disconnection:
APNs treats rapid connection and disconnection as a denial-of-service attack
Is writing a client in c using the only solution?
(If that question should be ask in another StackExchange website, please do tell me)
Non-persistent connections are a relic of the past. They were used in HTTP/1.0, but HTTP/1.1 already moved to a model where the connections were persistent by default, and HTTP/2 (also being multiplexed) continues on that model of connections being persistent by default.
Independently on the language you are using to develop your applications, any HTTP/2 compliant client will, by default, use persistent connections.
You only need to use the HTTP/2 client library in a way that you don't explicitly close the connection after every request you make.
Typically these libraries employ a connection pool that keeps the connections open, typically until an idle timeout fires.
When your application makes HTTP requests, the library will pick an open connection and send the request. When the response arrives the library will not close the connection but instead put it back into the pool for the next usage.
Just study how the library you want to use allows you to make multiple requests without closing the connection.
I also met this question!
If the connection be idle for a long time (about 1 hour), then function poll catches no socket status changed. It always returns 0 even as on_frame_send_callback was invoked.
Is there anyone can figure out the problem?

How to open multiple websockets with Jetty Java

I'm using org.eclipse.jetty.websocketclient and I want to open multiple web sockets to different URLs.
I'm working with Java.
How do I need to do that?
I want to open the web sockets in multiple threads.
1. Do I need to create websocketclient for each connection?
2. Can I use any websocketclient factory? Is there any?
3. Do I need to open only one websocketclient, keep it opened and open somehow web sockets with it?
4. What is wrong with creating multiple websocket clients?
This answer talks about Jetty 9 WebSockets.
you have 1 WebSocketClient, think of it as a Browser, with each call to connect() establishing a new connection.
Each call to connect() should have a new WebSocket instance, each instance will be managed by the WebSocketClient's Executor causing in essence each websocket instance to be on its own thread.
Followup Answers
Ideally, have only 1 WebSocketClient, and start it only once. leave it started for the time period where you have active websocket connections.
Stop the WebSocketClient when there are no more connections.
Generally speaking, avoid reusing objects for multiple requests, unless you know what you are doing. Example: the ClientUpgradeRequest and URI, are associated with the WebSocket Session, which if reused across multiple connections, will have a state change on close of the first connection, making the data invalid for the other connections, then there is also the Garbage collection references that make cleaning up the old connections difficult until all connections are closed.
You can call connect() concurrently, go for it. Each connection attempt is processed based on the Executor behavior (eg: if you have a single threaded Executor, then only 1 connect occurs at a time)
Creating a new WebSocketClient for every connect is excessively wasteful of resources. It would be like starting an entire WebServer for each incoming request. A WebSocketClient manages the selectors, threading, session tracking, etc. I realize where you are coming from, with older http client libraries having this behavior, but even those http clients are updating themselves to this new browser-ish model thanks to spdy and http/2.

Suggestions on keeping connections alive with FTP file listing via AJAX?

I have a multi-user Ruby on Rails web application that can interact with an FTP server via AJAX. The application allows the user to browse an FTP site. Javascript makes an AJAX call which communicates with a server-script that returns a list of files and directories within a given directory.
This works fine. However, each time a directory listing is requested, the server must re-establish a connection with the FTP server, which takes a lot of time. I'm looking for a way to leave the FTP connection open for until some number of timeout seconds.
I could probably do this using threads (though, I'm completely open to other ideas) or some fancy connection-pooling scheme (perhaps via a daemon that manages this).
What are some ways I could persist and regain reference to connections in my ruby source?
Someone suggested using a "Connection: Keep-Alive" header, but I don't see how that would help in this case.
Not a complete answer, but if you did have some sort of daemon or something managing the connection, you could use TCP keepalives to keep the control connection alive for an extended period of time.
FTP uses two connections. A control connection is established client-to-server, and data connections are established server-to-client for each request. So each directory listing or GET would prompt another data connection to be opened for the duration of the request.
You shouldn't worry about keeping lots of listening sockets open because the data connections are negotiated over the control connection just prior to being established. (Also the data connections could be made client-to-server instead of server-to-client by using passive mode if you want, but it's still a separate connection.)
Either way, I think the source of sluggishness is more to do with closing and reopening the control connection (and authenticating) for each request. I think if you have some process that keeps the control connection open using TCP keepalives (SO_KEEPALIVE socket option), you'll see a big improvement.
