Ruby Many HTTP Requests - ruby

In the Ruby docs for Net::HTTP it says
The Net::HTTP methods in the following section do not persist
connections. They are not recommended if you are performing many HTTP
But then the docs don't say anything about what you should use if you DO want to make a lot of HTTP requests. What should be used?

Actually the docs DO say how you can reuse connection for multiple requests:
If you wish to re-use a connection across multiple HTTP requests
without automatically closing it you can use ::new instead of ::start.
request will automatically open a connection to the server if one is
not currently open. You can manually close the connection with finish.
You can find this in this section:


when should a web server do accept to create a new client, or reuse the same client?

In a Webserver for basic static website non-blocking event-driven, I don't understand the mechanics I should implement for a "new client".
When a browser connects to my socket, I get the clientfd from accept and answer with a HTTP response, but when the browser is reloaded, should it create a new connection and answer, or should it reuse the same connection and just send the new response?
I use poll to handle multiple fds, but when I reload the page its the same connection (for me this makes sense) but then I open a new tab, and it's still the same connection (It only does accept once). I'm not finding any documentation on this, and I don't have a way to test with multiple client's if it reuses the same one every time.
You can't reuse a connection from another client, new connections must always be accepted as new connections. It doesn't matter what kind of server application you're writing.
However, if the client passes the header Connection: keep-alive you should not close the connection once the response is finished, but keep the connection open for future requests from the same client.
I hope i understand correctly,
but anyway, What i personally do is create a map of sockets, each socket is a client.
Every time a socket disconnects, it's being removed from that map... and so on...
Whether to use a new connection is the browser's choice. You don't get much of a choice.
However, you can tell the browser that you don't allow it to reuse a connection, if you send Connection: close in the response. In this case, the browser is forced to open a new connection for the next request. This is the only control you have.
If you want to test several connections at the same time, you could open several different browsers, or you could use a different program, such as some HTTP load testing tool (there are many). You could also send it a web page with many images; browsers should try to download all the images using several connections at the same time.
A web server doesn't create clients. A web server has clients -- new clients trying to connect, and existing clients communicating on the sockets that it has already opened.
To handle new clients, a web server should pretty much be calling accept all the time, unless it's already handling the maximum number of clients that it's configured to handle.
As soon as you get a new connection from accept, hand it off to other threads to process and call accept again.

Use Keep Alive option issue

What is the use of keep alive option in Jmeter and ow its working ?
I did a performance test using Jmeter 3.0
In my recorded script Keep alive option is checked.
So i use keep alive option checked in my real test script
If i use keep alive option i got error with in 75 concurrent VU's
Error message : XXX.XXXX.XXXX:XXX server refused to respond
if i un check keep alive option i can able to go up to 500 VU's without error.
In this case do we need to use Keep alive option or not ?
Keep-alive is an HTTP feature to keep a persistent connection between round trips, so that it does not initiate a new one on every single request. This feature has many benefits, but one of the trade-offs is that it holds resources on the server side and that can be an issue under heavy load.
In your case, I guess that you've simply consumed all resources on the server with 75 opened connections and that it can't serve further requests. This error does not necessarily mean your server can't serve more than 75 connections, because it all depends on your HTTP server config.
Example of an Apache config:
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 100
Keep alive on wikipedia
Ugh! Just ran into this. According to JMeter's documentation:
JMeter sets the Connection: keep-alive header. This does not work
properly with the default HTTP implementation, as connection re-use is
not under user-control. It does work with the Apache HttpComponents
HttpClient implementations.
In other words, JMeter will send the header, but with the default implementation it will not re-use connections.
To use KeepAlive effectively, you need to select 'HttpClient4' from Implementation dropdown on Advanced tab.
HTTP keep-alive i.e. HTTP persistent connection, is an instruction that allows a single TCP connection to remain open for multiple HTTP requests/responses.

Dispatch websocket connections based on subprotocol

is it technically possible to run multiple websocket servers that listen on the same port and dispatch using the subprotocol name ? E.g. a process that would handle "protocol1" and another that would handle "protocol2". My guess is that it is not, since TCP cannot conditionally accept a connection, so the only way would be some kind of socket ownership transfer.
Actually, it would be possible to achieve by using a Proxy as a load balancer, which isn't something I tried managing before... So I can't post a demo configuration file.
I know Apache will allow you to decide on a proxy path according to the request headers - this means you can check the sub protocol before forwarding the data... But this is mostly a conceptual solution I never tested.
This question is tagged WebSocket++, so I will answer from the context of that library.
Maybe, depending on exactly what you mean. WebSocket++ will let you build one program that can internally handle multiple subprotocols. WebSocket++ has a pre-acceptance hook called the validate handler. In the validate handler you are presented with a list of subprotocols the client has requested and may choose which one you want to accept (or none if your server doesn't support any).
This isn't the same as conditionally accepting the TCP connection itself, but does let you conditionally accept the WebSocket connection. Once accepted your app can inspect the selected subprotocol in the open handler and choose which logic to use to process the connection.
A WebSocket++ based program can juggle multiple connections on multiple subprotocols simultaneously. If you truly want multiple independent processes handling each then the best WebSocket++ will be able to do is act as a proxy for those connections.

How to reuse connection across multiple HTTP requests with Net::HTTP?

The documentation says:
If you wish to re-use a connection across multiple HTTP requests without automatically closing it you can use ::new instead of ::start. request will automatically open a connection to the server if one is not currently open. You can manually close the connection with finish.
But it's ::start that seems like a way of reusing a connection, isn't it? Additionally, how can I check if connection is open or still open?

Is this chat using "long polling" or "http streaming"?

Is this chat using "long polling" or "http streaming" ?
It's not anything that simple. It uses, which is a full IRC client written in Javascript and Java. Blog at
Edit: Here's your answer.
The first part I got working was the communications between browser and server. That’s done using 2 XMLHttpRequests. The first one is simply to send data from browser to server. It utilizes keep-alive, to minimise new connections.
The second XHR is the ‘receive lazy polling’ one. It connects to the server, and the server holds it open until there are messages available, or a timeout expires. This one is also keep-alive, so the next request goes down the same connection.
What you end up with is 2 connections held open to the server, with packets (json in this case), and some http headers from time to time.
To make sure the server would scale, I wrote a custom webserver in java using nio. It handles all of the connections in a single thread and as I say, scales to tens of thousands of connections.
If the client requests a new connection, it sends a request to the webserver, which then connects out, and starts proxying etc. It also runs an ident server in the case of irc connections so that an irc server can identify individual browsers. I looked at existing frameworks etc to do this sort of thing, but I valued learning how it all works, and thought that my use case may be specific enough to be able to optimise more than general frameworks can.
