Installing an editor plugin in web2py app - ckeditor

I am trying to install an editor plugin "ck-editor4" in my web2py app, following the steps at:
I wrote the given piece of code in my application's "model/db1.y" and "views/default/index.html" as directed in the above links, but things are not working correct. I am a newbie in web2py. Please help me installing an editor (preferably which supports programming languages) in detailed steps. Thanks!

This worked for me:
from plugin_ckeditor import CKEditor
ckeditor = CKEditor(db)
Field('body', 'text',widget=ckeditor.widget),
auth.signature, # created_on, created_by, modified_on, modified_by, is_active
def create():
"""creates a new empty wiki page"""
form = SQLFORM(db.wpage).process(next=URL('index'))
return dict(form=form)
I used ckeditor.define_tables() in edit() and show() too. Now in show.html, display the formatting using:
This is all explained in the links in your post and

By the way, I found a simple way to install an editor for web2py app. This is not ck-editor4 plugin but NicEdit. Just two lines of javascript code will do the job. Following link came as rescue to me.
Just follow the simple steps in "Quick Start Guide" right hand side. Create a textarea and your work is done.


Swashbuckle.AspNetCore .NET 6.0 blank swagger site

I am trying to setup swagger for the product I'm developing and cannot wrap my head around it.
I started with the most basic config as described here. The swagger.json was generated correctly under https://localhost/MyWebAPI/swagger/v1/swagger.json, but when navigating to https://localhost/MyWebAPI/swagger/index.html I get a blank site. Did some digging and most of the answers were revolving around setting up SwaggerEndpoint, RoutePrefix or some uri templates but none of them worked for me so I finally did what should have done in the first place and checked code of the site itself.
It is there... The url's seems correct:
var configObject = JSON.parse('{"urls":[{"url":"v1/swagger.json","name":"MyApp v1"}],"deepLinking":false,"persistAuthorization":false,"displayOperationId":false,"defaultModelsExpandDepth":1,"defaultModelExpandDepth":1,"defaultModelRendering":"example","displayRequestDuration":false,"docExpansion":"list","showExtensions":false,"showCommonExtensions":false,"supportedSubmitMethods":["get","put","post","delete","options","head","patch","trace"],"tryItOutEnabled":false}');
var oauthConfigObject = JSON.parse('{"scopeSeparator":" ","scopes":[],"useBasicAuthenticationWithAccessCodeGrant":false,"usePkceWithAuthorizationCodeGrant":false}');
// Workaround for
configObject.urls.forEach(function (item) {
if (item.url.startsWith("http") || item.url.startsWith("/")) return;
item.url = window.location.href.replace("index.html", item.url).split('#')[0];
The issue is and I kid you not the line with interceptors that is actually split into several lines and the browser wouldn't recognise it as a correct string.
Obviously I tried to pass null as the entire section, but that just brakes everything two lines later. I am in shambles...
I tried with several versions of Swashbuckle (currently using 6.5.0, but tried with some previous ones starting from 6.1.5). Any ideas how to fix it as I guess this must be generally working but there's just something weird/wrong that I'm missing.
Right... one of the most stupid things I've encountered lately. I started reading Swashbuckle source code and the only class that when serialised wouldn't get the JsonSerializerOptions as defined in Swashbuckle project is InterceptorFunctions, so it used mine... and mine would have WriteIndented set as true...

Converting Html to Pdf with SelectPdf ArgumentNullException

iam new here and hope someone can help me out.
iam trying to convert a html string to a pdf version in net5. We had it running in net core 2.2 without any problems. Now we are trying to migrate everything to net5. Well the only part which is not working anymore is converting html string to pdf document.
We are using following nuget package: Select.HtmlToPdf.NetCore
As soon we try the convert the html string with "ConvertHtmlString" we get following Exception.
System.ArgumentNullException: 'Value cannot be null. Arg_ParamName_Name'
here is a simple snippet to repdoruce the problem:
var htmlString = "<html><head></head><body>Test me out!</body></html>";
var converter = new HtmlToPdf();
converter.Options.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.Letter;
converter.Options.AutoFitWidth = HtmlToPdfPageFitMode.AutoFit;
converter.Options.AutoFitHeight = HtmlToPdfPageFitMode.AutoFit;
converter.Options.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Landscape;
SelectPdf.PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(htmlString);
Regards Maik
Ok thx for the hint in the comment..
before i posted my question i did some standard stuff i always do before researching deeper..
Clean solution, restarted VisualStudio and so on.. nothing worked.
Ive checked my nuget packages and i had the correct one installed.
I removed the package and reinstalled it again and well it works now. Cant exactly say what the problem was but.. it works now.

Orbeon Form - reCAPTCHA Field required error after submitting form

I'm struggling to make reCAPTCHA work in my Orbeon form.
I'm using ORBEON 2018.2.3.201905172253 PE within SAP Commerce (Hybris).
After submitting the form, I get the error "Please check your answer to the CAPTCHA challenge" even though the captcha is correct.
Created a common Form and added reCAPTCHA as per official Orbeon documentation:
Added my private and public keys to the properties file
Added the reCAPTCHA property to my form:
This is the process executed when clicking the SUBMIT button:
<property as="xs:string" name="">
then save
then send(
uri = "https://myurl",
method = "PUT"
then navigate(uri = "https://myurl")
I see the reCAPTCHA at the bottom of my form as expected
When I click SUBMIT after filling up the form and completing the captcha successfully, I see a popup saying "There are validation errors. Please retry once all fields have been properly filled-out."
And the form displays this error for the captcha field:
"Please check your answer to the CAPTCHA challenge."
So I'm clearly missing something. I know there are some configurations needed for the fr-verify-done and fr-verify-error to be added, but the Orbeon documentation does not specify how to configure those through PROPERTIES. They only say how to add those event listeners while adding the captcha component by hand (editing the source code of the form through Form Builder).
Things that I tried and didn't work:
Dispatching an fr-verify event when submitting:
xf:dispatch(name = "fr-verify", targetid = "captcha")
then validate-all
then save
then send(
uri = "https://myurl",
method = "PUT"
then navigate(uri = "https://myurl")
Adding the reCAPTCHA component to the form source code as per Orbeon documentation:
<fr:recaptcha id="my-captcha">
<xf:send ev:event="fr-verify-done" submission="save-submission"/>
<xf:action ev:event="fr-verify-error">
<xf:toggle case="failure-case"/>
<xf:dispatch target="my-captcha" name="fr-reload"/>
When I click SAVE after adding the excerpt above, the Form Builder crashes. Same happens if I try to add the same excerpt to a form through the online demo form builder provided by Orbeon :
That is super weird since I'm adding code provided by them using the online last version of the form builder, and it still crashes when trying to save it. So that makes me think the problem I have is not related to my platform, but with Orbeon itself.
This is the error I get in the online demo for Form Builder after adding the recaptcha excerpt to the source code of the form: "Cannot read property 'call' of undefined'
There're no relevant LOGS that I can provide, I activated debug level logs for Orbeon and I'm not getting any useful info.
I would really appreciate if someone can guide me through with either:
- Configuring the fr-verify events without changing the source code of the form using Form Builder, OR
- Adding the reCAPTCHA component through Form Builder successfully without making it crash, OR
- Anything you can come up with to make my form with captcha work
Thanks in advance,
SAP Hybris 6.6 includes Orbeon Forms 2017.1.1, which uses Google's reCAPTCHA 1, which Google doesn't support anymore. Your options are either:
To upgrade to a version of SAP Hybris that includes Orbeon Forms 2018.1 or 2017.2.2 or newer (those version use Google's reCAPTCHA 2).
To use the SimpleCaptcha instead of reCAPTCHA.

Crawl A Web Page with Scrapy and Python 2.7

Link:,16641,19230303,00.html [new DOM link]
Cover Page Html tag
How to get that SCR in Jason and download images
Next Button Tag
I want to scrap this 2 links using Scrapy
Any Help !!
I need to write a method to download images and click on next page, run them in for loop till final image get the download(Final Page).
how to download rest of part ill figure it out.
I follow this tutorial
[DOM is already outdated ]
I've already set all files and Pipelines for project
For Record, I tried different Different method XPath css response
Everything is done solution is on Github 4700 somewhere images we have and along with JSON also.
for a tutorial, any question you just have to ask !!
I know this is not scrapy but I found easier using BS4. so you have to "pip install beautifulsoup4". Here is a sample :
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import os
r = requests.get("")
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "lxml")
for link in soup.find_all('img'):
image_url = link.get("src")
It worked like a charm

ERROR: Unable to locate element

I have to test a dynamic app using the ZK framework and Selenium does not identify the id's from the different elements, so can't enter text in the textboxes or select an element in a list (elements from a database)
Whatever I use (xpath or css selector) nothing works, always the same error
Does anyone know how can I fix my problems?
I'm using Selenium IDE 1.9.0
Netbeans IDE 7.1.1
And Firefox 16.0.2
The Html code is:
button id="zc_subdossierzulButton_8" class="butt z-button-os" style="border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;border-color: #ED0000;" type="button">Rechercher
And the Java code i tried is:
don't work
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("butt z-button-os"));
don't work
and this:
String cssSelector = "[class='butt z-button-os']";
Please go through the following documentation and try using different options like
