Swashbuckle.AspNetCore .NET 6.0 blank swagger site - .net-6.0

I am trying to setup swagger for the product I'm developing and cannot wrap my head around it.
I started with the most basic config as described here. The swagger.json was generated correctly under https://localhost/MyWebAPI/swagger/v1/swagger.json, but when navigating to https://localhost/MyWebAPI/swagger/index.html I get a blank site. Did some digging and most of the answers were revolving around setting up SwaggerEndpoint, RoutePrefix or some uri templates but none of them worked for me so I finally did what should have done in the first place and checked code of the site itself.
It is there... The url's seems correct:
var configObject = JSON.parse('{"urls":[{"url":"v1/swagger.json","name":"MyApp v1"}],"deepLinking":false,"persistAuthorization":false,"displayOperationId":false,"defaultModelsExpandDepth":1,"defaultModelExpandDepth":1,"defaultModelRendering":"example","displayRequestDuration":false,"docExpansion":"list","showExtensions":false,"showCommonExtensions":false,"supportedSubmitMethods":["get","put","post","delete","options","head","patch","trace"],"tryItOutEnabled":false}');
var oauthConfigObject = JSON.parse('{"scopeSeparator":" ","scopes":[],"useBasicAuthenticationWithAccessCodeGrant":false,"usePkceWithAuthorizationCodeGrant":false}');
// Workaround for https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/issues/5945
configObject.urls.forEach(function (item) {
if (item.url.startsWith("http") || item.url.startsWith("/")) return;
item.url = window.location.href.replace("index.html", item.url).split('#')[0];
The issue is and I kid you not the line with interceptors that is actually split into several lines and the browser wouldn't recognise it as a correct string.
Obviously I tried to pass null as the entire section, but that just brakes everything two lines later. I am in shambles...
I tried with several versions of Swashbuckle (currently using 6.5.0, but tried with some previous ones starting from 6.1.5). Any ideas how to fix it as I guess this must be generally working but there's just something weird/wrong that I'm missing.

Right... one of the most stupid things I've encountered lately. I started reading Swashbuckle source code and the only class that when serialised wouldn't get the JsonSerializerOptions as defined in Swashbuckle project is InterceptorFunctions, so it used mine... and mine would have WriteIndented set as true...


How to load plugins when updating to MvvmCross 6.4.2 from 5.6.2

I've been tasked with maintaining a Xamarin native project using MvvmCross 5.6.2. Not knowing exactly how to approach this, I've decided to update to one major version at a time (6 first, then 7 and 8). I'm not sure why I specifically have chosen 6.4.2, but it was maybe because this was the latest version of the majority of the plugins I was using on Nuget.
So far, the update has been a success and I have been able to fix all build errors. However, when running the application, I've been getting a null reference exception which I can't fully trace.
Based on the limited application output, I've been able to determine that the problem lies somewhere in my Android's setup.cs class (I think). I've been following Nick's .NET Travels advice on MvvmCross debugging. From viewing the MvvmCross 6.4.2. source and pasting in the following code in my own overrides:
public virtual void LoadPlugins(IMvxPluginManager pluginManager)
Type pluginAttribute = typeof(MvxPluginAttribute);
IEnumerable<Assembly> pluginAssemblies = GetPluginAssemblies();
foreach (Assembly item in pluginAssemblies)
IEnumerable<Type> enumerable = item.ExceptionSafeGetTypes();
foreach (Type item2 in enumerable)
if (TypeContainsPluginAttribute(item2))
bool TypeContainsPluginAttribute(Type type)
object[] customAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(pluginAttribute, inherit: false);
return ((customAttributes != null && customAttributes.Length != 0) ? 1 : 0) > (false ? 1 : 0);
public virtual IEnumerable<Assembly> GetPluginAssemblies()
string mvvmCrossAssemblyName = typeof(MvxPluginAttribute).Assembly.GetName().Name;
Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
var test = from asmb in assemblies.AsParallel()
where AssemblyReferencesMvvmCross(asmb, mvvmCrossAssemblyName)
select asmb;
return test;
I'm able to see that GetPluginAssemblies doesn't return any enumerable, and the LoadPlugins method then produces the NullReferenceException. But I can't see what this NullReference actually is.
I followed the upgrading from 5 to 6 guide https://www.mvvmcross.com/documentation/upgrading/upgrade-to-mvvmcross-60.
I looked at the MvvmCross 6 and 6.4.0 release pages:
And I followed Benjamin Mayrargue's guide: https://medium.com/#bigoudi/upgrading-from-mvvmcross-5-to-mvvmcross-6-7ded83ecb69d
But I have been unable to load my plugins (previously they were bootstraps, but most of the guides say these can be discarded now and that loading plugins is easier).
I also attempted the answer suggested in this question How to use an mvvmcross plugin such as the file plugin.
But to no avail.
So I am asking if anyone knows a good guide or how to use plugins in MvvmCross 6.4.2.
Thank you.
Plugins are just a way to register things in the IoC Container. This is done by MvvmCross during startup using the LoadPlugins method in your Setup file.
Most of the time it should just work. However, there are some caveats.
If the Linker has gone ahead and linked away some of the plugins code, you will have a bad time. What you can do about that is to hint the mono linker to not strip the code away.
Add a LinkerPleaseInclude class and add a Include method in it that looks something like:
new MvvmCross.Plugin.Color.Platforms.Ios.Plugin().Load();
You can do that for every plugin you may want to use.
If LoadPlugins doesn't find the entry Assembly, sometimes it also does not register the plugins. You can override LoadPlugins in your Setup class and just call EnsurePluginLoaded:
public override void LoadPlugins(IMvxPluginManager pluginManager)
I want to thank Cheesebaron for his plugin support. I think I've fixed my issue and as it turned out, I don't think there is a plugin issue after all (yet).
Thanks to Toolmakersteve also. His suggestion for using a try catch in the OnCreate of my overridden MvxSplashScreenAppCompatActivity surfaced an issue with setting a theme for this activity. In actuality, this class was initially a MvxSplashScreenActivity.
Reverting this line, I then started getting NullReferenceExceptions on specific lines, all relating to IoC and lazy construction of singletons. The class Mvx seemed to be throwing up this error. On a sort of hunch from previous experience with my updating, I removed the MvvmCross.Platform using statement and checked what suggestions Mvx had available to it. It suggested MvvmCross and MvvmCross.Platform, so I tried the former instead. Sure enough, this moved my execution further, throwing up more Null Reference Exceptions. I also encountered one instance of failing to resolve IMvxResourceLoader from MvvmCross.Platform.Platform. Switching that to MvvmCross.Base did the trick.
This was only a chance fix through a bit of guess work. #CheeseBaron, should I add this as a note to this bit of documentation https://www.mvvmcross.com/documentation/upgrading/upgrade-to-mvvmcross-60? As mentioned, I'm as far as 6.4.2 now, so I'm not certain this is the right place for it.
I've got a few bugs with embedded resources to fix now, but if I encounter any more that are relevant to my question, I'll list them here.

Converting Html to Pdf with SelectPdf ArgumentNullException

iam new here and hope someone can help me out.
iam trying to convert a html string to a pdf version in net5. We had it running in net core 2.2 without any problems. Now we are trying to migrate everything to net5. Well the only part which is not working anymore is converting html string to pdf document.
We are using following nuget package: Select.HtmlToPdf.NetCore
As soon we try the convert the html string with "ConvertHtmlString" we get following Exception.
System.ArgumentNullException: 'Value cannot be null. Arg_ParamName_Name'
here is a simple snippet to repdoruce the problem:
var htmlString = "<html><head></head><body>Test me out!</body></html>";
var converter = new HtmlToPdf();
converter.Options.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.Letter;
converter.Options.AutoFitWidth = HtmlToPdfPageFitMode.AutoFit;
converter.Options.AutoFitHeight = HtmlToPdfPageFitMode.AutoFit;
converter.Options.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Landscape;
SelectPdf.PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(htmlString);
Regards Maik
Ok thx for the hint in the comment..
before i posted my question i did some standard stuff i always do before researching deeper..
Clean solution, restarted VisualStudio and so on.. nothing worked.
Ive checked my nuget packages and i had the correct one installed.
I removed the package and reinstalled it again and well it works now. Cant exactly say what the problem was but.. it works now.

Vuepress oidc-client preventing build

It looks like Vuepress is made for public docs, but we decided to add client and server security to protect some of the doc pages. But unfortunately although oidc-client (https://github.com/IdentityModel/oidc-client-js/wiki) works during dev, it throws exception when build.
I get ReferenceError: window is not defined and when I try to trick the compiler with const window = window || { location: {} }; I get TypeError: Cannot read property 'getItem' of undefined
Any idea how to make this work?
This was driving me nuts also. I discovered the component I was trying to add was looking at window.location in its code - this was triggering the error.
My understanding is that the build process has not access to Browser things like window etc.
As soon as I removed the window.location bit from my code things built just fine and all is well.

Xamarin.Auth - Google authentication won't open in browser

I'm trying to do authentication on my Android application using Xamarin.Auth. Some time ago, Google made the policy that you cannot do this in an embedded web view (for totally valid reasons).
I'm trying to open the account authentication page in a browser, but keep getting the embedded web view. I understand that isUsingNativeUI needs to be true in the following code:
_auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientId, string.Empty, scope,
new Uri(Constant.AuthorizeUrl),
new Uri(redirectUrl),
new Uri(Constant.AccessTokenUrl),
isUsingNativeUI = true);
At every point in my application, this always equals true.
Elsewhere, I have code that redirects to what should be a browser:
var authenticator = Auth.GetAuthenticator();
Intent intent = authenticator.GetUI(this);
Regardless, I keep getting a dreaded 403 disallowed_useragent error whenever I try to run the project. Is there another element to this that I'm missing?
To my knowledge, setting auth.IsUsingNativeUI = true in the constructor should dictate that it must open in a browser. I've been following this example to try and debug with no success. I even pulled the guy's repo down to my machine and ran it - the Intent variable at the moment of redirection is almost identical.
Could there be something stupid that I'm missing? What else might be going wrong?
I realize this is an old question, but I had the same issue.
You have to install version of the Xamarin.Auth Nuget package. The newest one (version 1.7.0 right now) doesn't work. You'll have to also install the PCLCrypto nuget package in order to get that version to work.

Front-end Ajax in ModX Revolution

What's the proper way for implementing front-end Ajax functionality in ModX Revolution? I like the idea of connectors and processors, but for some reason they are for back-end use only - modConnectorResponse checks if user is logged in and returns 'access denied', if he is not.
Inserting a snippet into resource and calling it by resource URL seems a one-time solution, but that doesn't look right to me.
So how do I get safe Connector-like functionality for front-end?
So, as boundaryfunctions said, it's not possible and ModX developers recommend using a resource with a single snippet included. But for those who despite the will of developers look for Connector-like functionality, there may be a solution made by guess who-- ModX core developer splittingred in Gallery extra. In connector.php, before handleRequest() call, there's a code that fakes authorisation:
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'web/phpthumb') {
$version = $modx->getVersionData();
if (version_compare($version['full_version'],'2.1.1-pl') >= 0) {
if ($modx->user->hasSessionContext($modx->context->get('key'))) {
$_SERVER['HTTP_MODAUTH'] = $_SESSION["modx.{$modx->context->get('key')}.user.token"];
} else {
$_SESSION["modx.{$modx->context->get('key')}.user.token"] = 0;
} else {
$_SERVER['HTTP_MODAUTH'] = $modx->site_id;
Works for me. Just need to replace first if condition with my own actions.
UPDATE: I forgot to mention that you need to pass &ctx=web parameter with your AJAX request, because default context for connectors is "mgr" and anonymous users will not pass policy check (unless you set access to the "mgr" context for anonymous users).
And also the code from Gallery extra I posted here seems to check some session stuff that for me doesn't work with anonymous front-end users (and works only when I'm logged in to back-end), so I replaced it with the next:
if (in_array($_REQUEST['action'], array('loadMap', 'loadMarkers'))){
$_SESSION["modx.{$modx->context->get('key')}.user.token"] = 1;
I don't know if this code is 100% safe, but when anonymous user calls it, he doesn't appear to be logged in to Manager, and when admin is logged in and calls the action from back-end, he is not logged off by force. And that looks like enough security for me.
This solution is still portable (i.e. can be embedded into distributable Extra), but security should be researched more seriously for serious projects.
As far as I know, this is not possible in modX at the moment. It has already been discussed on the modx forums and filed as a bug here, but it doesn't look like anybody is working on it.
There are also two possible workarounds in the second link. Personally, I would favour putting the connector functionality into the assets folder to keep the resource tree clean.
There's a more complete explanation of the technique used in Gallery here:
It allows you to create a connector to run your own processors or a built-in MODX processors without creating a resource.
