[edit] The part about "f" is solved. Here is what I did:
Instead of using:
X = (F * W' - Y);
f = X' * X;
I'm now using:
X = F*W;
A = X'*F*W;
B = -2*X'*Y;
Y1 = Y'*Y;
f = A + B + Y1
This will give a massive speed up. Still, the problem with the Hessian of f remains.
So, I'm having some serious performance "problems" with a quadratic optimization problem I'm trying so solve in Matlab. The problem is not the optimization per se, but the calculation of the target function and the Hessian. Right now it looks like this (F and Y aren't random at all and will have real data, also it is not neccesarily unconstrainted, because then the solution would of course be (F'F)^-1*F'*Y):
W_a = sym('w_a_%d', [1 96]);
W_b = sym('w_b_%d', [1 96]);
for i = 1:96
W(1,2*(i-1)+1) = W_a(1,i);
W(1,2*i) = W_b(1,i);
F = rand(10000,192);
Y = rand(10000,1);
q = [];
for i = 1:192
q = [q sum(-Y(:).*F(:,i))];
q = 2*q;
q = double(q);
X = (F * W' - Y);
f = X' * X;
H = hessian(f);
H = double(H);
A=[]; b=[];
Aeq=[]; beq=[];
lb=[]; ub=[];
options=optimset('Algorithm', 'active-set', 'Display', 'off');
[xsol,~,exitflag,output]=quadprog(H, q, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, [], options);
The thing is: calculating f and H takes like forever.
I'm not expecting that there are ways to significantly speed this up, since Matlab is optimized for stuff like this. But maybe someone knows some open license software, that's almost as fast as Matlab, so that I could calculate f and H with that software on a faster machine (which unfortunately has no Matlab license ...) and then let Matlab do the optimization.
Right now I'm kinda lost in this :/
Thank you very much in advance. Even some keywords could help me here like "Look for software xy"
If speed is your concern, using symbolic methods is usually the wrong approach (especially for large systems or if you need to run something repeatedly). You'll need to calculate your Hessian numerically. There's an excellent utility on the MathWorks FileExchange that can do this for you: the DERIVESTsuite. It includes a numeric hessian function. You'll need to formulate your f as a function of X.
Just as a silly example, say that I wish to solve for the following nonlinear equation x^2 - F(c)=0, where c can take different values between zero and one and F is a standard normal CDF. If I wish to solve for one particular value of c, I would use the following code:
c = linspace(0,1,100);
L = length(c);
x0 = c;
function Y = eq(x)
Y = x^2 - cdfnor("PQ",x-c(1),0,1)
xres = fsolve(x0(1),eq);
My question is: Is there a way to solve for the equation for each value of c (and not only c(1))? Specifically, if I can use a loop over fsolve? If so, how?
Just modify your script like this:
c = linspace(0,1,100);
L = length(c);
x0 = c;
function Y = eq(x)
Y = x^2 - cdfnor("PQ",x-c,zeros(c),ones(c))
xres = fsolve(x0,eq);
In chapter 1 on fixed points, the book says we can find fixed points of certain functions using
f(x) = f(f(x)) = f(f(f(x))) ....
What are those functions?
It doesn't work for y = 2y when i rewrite it as y = y/2 it works
Does y need to get smaller everytime? Or are there any general attributes that a function has to have to find fixed points by that method?
What conditions it should satisfy to work?
According to the Banach fixed-point theorem, such a point exists iff the mapping (function) is a contraction. That means that, for example, y=2x doesn't have fixed point and y = 0,999... * x has. In general, if f maps [a,b] to [a,b], then |f(x) - f(y)| should be equal to c * |x - y| for some 0 <= c < 1 (for all x, y from [a, b]).
Say you have:
f(x) = sin(x)
then x = 0 is a fixed point of the function since:
f(0) = sin(0) = 0
f(f(0)) = sin(sin(0)) = sin(0) = 0
Not every point along x is a fixed point of sin, only 0 is.
Different functions have different fixed points, if at all. You can find more on fixed points of functions at Wikidpedia
I have a vector X of 20 real numbers and a vector Y of 20 real numbers.
I want to model them as
y = ax^2+bx + c
How to find the value of 'a' , 'b' and 'c'
and best fit quadratic equation.
Given Values
X = (x1,x2,...,x20)
Y = (y1,y2,...,y20)
i need a formula or procedure to find following values
a = ???
b = ???
c = ???
Thanks in advance.
Everything #Bartoss said is right, +1. I figured I just add a practical implementation here, without QR decomposition. You want to evaluate the values of a,b,c such that the distance between measured and fitted data is minimal. You can pick as measure
sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)^2)
where the sum is over the elements of vectors x,y.
Then, a minimum implies that the derivative of the quantity with respect to each of a,b,c is zero:
d (sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)^2) /da =0
d (sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)^2) /db =0
d (sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)^2) /dc =0
these equations are
2(sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)*x^2)=0
2(sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)*x) =0
2(sum(ax^2+bx + c -y)) =0
Dividing by 2, the above can be rewritten as
a*sum(x^4) +b*sum(x^3) + c*sum(x^2) =sum(y*x^2)
a*sum(x^3) +b*sum(x^2) + c*sum(x) =sum(y*x)
a*sum(x^2) +b*sum(x) + c*N =sum(y)
where N=20 in your case. A simple code in python showing how to do so follows.
from numpy import random, array
from scipy.linalg import solve
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
a, b, c = 6., 3., 4.
N = 20
x = random.rand((N))
y = a * x ** 2 + b * x + c
y += random.rand((20)) #add a bit of noise to make things more realistic
x4 = (x ** 4).sum()
x3 = (x ** 3).sum()
x2 = (x ** 2).sum()
M = array([[x4, x3, x2], [x3, x2, x.sum()], [x2, x.sum(), N]])
K = array([(y * x ** 2).sum(), (y * x).sum(), y.sum()])
A, B, C = solve(M, K)
print 'exact values ', a, b, c
print 'calculated values', A, B, C
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y, 'b.', label='data')
ax.plot(x, A * x ** 2 + B * x + C, 'r.', label='estimate')
A much faster way to implement solution is to use a nonlinear least squares algorithm. This will be faster to write, but not faster to run. Using the one provided by scipy,
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
def f(arg):
return a*x**2+b*x+c-y
(A,B,C),_=leastsq(f,[1,1,1])#you must provide a first guess to start with in this case.
That is a linear least squares problem. I think the easiest method which gives accurate results is QR decomposition using Householder reflections. It is not something to be explained in a stackoverflow answer, but I hope you will find all that is needed with this links.
If you never heard about these before and don't know how it connects with you problem:
A = [[x1^2, x1, 1]; [x2^2, x2, 1]; ...]
Y = [y1; y2; ...]
Now you want to find v = [a; b; c] such that A*v is as close as possible to Y, which is exactly what least squares problem is all about.
I hope this hasn't been asked before, if so I apologize.
EDIT: For clarity, the following notation will be used: boldface uppercase for matrices, boldface lowercase for vectors, and italics for scalars.
Suppose x0 is a vector, A and B are matrix functions, and f is a vector function.
I'm looking for the best way to do the following iteration scheme in Mathematica:
A0 = A(x0), B0=B(x0), f0 = f(x0)
x1 = Inverse(A0)(B0.x0 + f0)
A1 = A(x1), B1=B(x1), f1 = f(x1)
x2 = Inverse(A1)(B1.x1 + f1)
I know that a for-loop can do the trick, but I'm not quite familiar with Mathematica, and I'm concerned that this is the most efficient way to do it. This is a justified concern as I would like to define a function u(N):=xNand use it in further calculations.
I guess my questions are:
What's the most efficient way to program the scheme?
Is RecurrenceTable a way to go?
It was a bit more complicated than I tought. I'm providing more details in order to obtain a more thorough response.
Before doing the recurrence, I'm having problems understanding how to program the functions A, B and f.
Matrices A and B are functions of the time step dt = 1/T and the space step dx = 1/M, where T and M are the number of points in the {0 < x < 1, 0 < t} region. This is also true for vector the function f.
The dependance of A, B and f on x is rather tricky:
A and B are upper and lower triangular matrices (like a tridiagonal matrix; I suppose we can call them multidiagonal), with defined constant values on their diagonals.
Given a point 0 < xs < 1, I need to determine it's representative xn in the mesh (the closest), and then substitute the nth row of A and B with the function v( x) (transposed, of course), and the nth row of f with the function w( x).
Summarizing, A = A(dt, dx, xs, x). The same is true for B and f.
Then I need do the loop mentioned above, to define u( x) = step[T].
Hope I've explained myself.
I'm not sure if it's the best method, but I'd just use plain old memoization. You can represent an individual step as
xstep[x_] := Inverse[A[x]](B[x].x + f[x])
and then
u[0] = x0
u[n_] := u[n] = xstep[u[n-1]]
If you know how many values you need in advance, and it's advantageous to precompute them all for some reason (e.g. you want to open a file, use its contents to calculate xN, and then free the memory), you could use NestList. Instead of the previous two lines, you'd do
xlist = NestList[xstep, x0, 10];
u[n_] := xlist[[n]]
This will break if n > 10, of course (obviously, change 10 to suit your actual requirements).
Of course, it may be worth looking at your specific functions to see if you can make some algebraic simplifications.
I would probably write a function that accepts A0, B0, x0, and f0, and then returns A1, B1, x1, and f1 - say
step[A0_?MatrixQ, B0_?MatrixQ, x0_?VectorQ, f0_?VectorQ] := Module[...]
I would then Nest that function. It's hard to be more precise without more precise information.
Also, if your procedure is numerical, then you certainly don't want to compute Inverse[A0], as this is not a numerically stable operation. Rather, you should write
A0.x1 == B0.x0+f0
and then use a numerically stable solver to find x1. Of course, Mathematica's LinearSolve provides such an algorithm.
I need a simple function
is_square :: Int -> Bool
which determines if an Int N a perfect square (is there an integer x such that x*x = N).
Of course I can just write something like
is_square n = sq * sq == n
where sq = floor $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral n::Double)
but it looks terrible! Maybe there is a common simple way to implement such a predicate?
Think of it this way, if you have a positive int n, then you're basically doing a binary search on the range of numbers from 1 .. n to find the first number n' where n' * n' = n.
I don't know Haskell, but this F# should be easy to convert:
let is_perfect_square n =
let rec binary_search low high =
let mid = (high + low) / 2
let midSquare = mid * mid
if low > high then false
elif n = midSquare then true
else if n < midSquare then binary_search low (mid - 1)
else binary_search (mid + 1) high
binary_search 1 n
Guaranteed to be O(log n). Easy to modify perfect cubes and higher powers.
There is a wonderful library for most number theory related problems in Haskell included in the arithmoi package.
Use the Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares library.
Specifically the isSquare' function.
is_square :: Int -> Bool
is_square = isSquare' . fromIntegral
The library is optimized and well vetted by people much more dedicated to efficiency then you or I. While it currently doesn't have this kind of shenanigans going on under the hood, it could in the future as the library evolves and gets more optimized. View the source code to understand how it works!
Don't reinvent the wheel, always use a library when available.
I think the code you provided is the fastest that you are going to get:
is_square n = sq * sq == n
where sq = floor $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral n::Double)
The complexity of this code is: one sqrt, one double multiplication, one cast (dbl->int), and one comparison. You could try to use other computation methods to replace the sqrt and the multiplication with just integer arithmetic and shifts, but chances are it is not going to be faster than one sqrt and one multiplication.
The only place where it might be worth using another method is if the CPU on which you are running does not support floating point arithmetic. In this case the compiler will probably have to generate sqrt and double multiplication in software, and you could get advantage in optimizing for your specific application.
As pointed out by other answer, there is still a limitation of big integers, but unless you are going to run into those numbers, it is probably better to take advantage of the floating point hardware support than writing your own algorithm.
In a comment on another answer to this question, you discussed memoization. Keep in mind that this technique helps when your probe patterns exhibit good density. In this case, that would mean testing the same integers over and over. How likely is your code to repeat the same work and thus benefit from caching answers?
You didn't give us an idea of the distribution of your inputs, so consider a quick benchmark that uses the excellent criterion package:
module Main
import Criterion.Main
import Random
is_square n = sq * sq == n
where sq = floor $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral n::Double)
is_square_mem =
let check n = sq * sq == n
where sq = floor $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral n :: Double)
in (map check [0..] !!)
main = do
g <- newStdGen
let rs = take 10000 $ randomRs (0,1000::Int) g
direct = map is_square
memo = map is_square_mem
defaultMain [ bench "direct" $ whnf direct rs
, bench "memo" $ whnf memo rs
This workload may or may not be a fair representative of what you're doing, but as written, the cache miss rate appears too high:
Wikipedia's article on Integer Square Roots has algorithms can be adapted to suit your needs. Newton's method is nice because it converges quadratically, i.e., you get twice as many correct digits each step.
I would advise you to stay away from Double if the input might be bigger than 2^53, after which not all integers can be exactly represented as Double.
Oh, today I needed to determine if a number is perfect cube, and similar solution was VERY slow.
So, I came up with a pretty clever alternative
cubes = map (\x -> x*x*x) [1..]
is_cube n = n == (head $ dropWhile (<n) cubes)
Very simple. I think, I need to use a tree for faster lookups, but now I'll try this solution, maybe it will be fast enough for my task. If not, I'll edit the answer with proper datastructure
Sometimes you shouldn't divide problems into too small parts (like checks is_square):
intersectSorted [] _ = []
intersectSorted _ [] = []
intersectSorted xs (y:ys) | head xs > y = intersectSorted xs ys
intersectSorted (x:xs) ys | head ys > x = intersectSorted xs ys
intersectSorted (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = x : intersectSorted xs ys
squares = [x*x | x <- [ 1..]]
weird = [2*x+1 | x <- [ 1..]]
perfectSquareWeird = intersectSorted squares weird
There's a very simple way to test for a perfect square - quite literally, you check if the square root of the number has anything other than zero in the fractional part of it.
I'm assuming a square root function that returns a floating point, in which case you can do (Psuedocode):
func IsSquare(N)
sq = sqrt(N)
return (sq modulus 1.0) equals 0.0
It's not particularly pretty or fast, but here's a cast-free, FPA-free version based on Newton's method that works (slowly) for arbitrarily large integers:
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
isSquare = (==) =<< (^2) . floor . (join g <*> join f) . (%1)
f n x = (x + n / x) / 2
g n x y | abs (x - y) > 1 = g n y $ f n y
| otherwise = y
It could probably be sped up with some additional number theory trickery.