System.IO.FileNotException and Could not load OBIDISC4NETnative.dll? - filenotfoundexception

I am facing one new problem in loading Dll in Windows 8.1 WINBOOK tablet.
Problem description:
I have developed C#.NET app and its worked my Laptop (Windows 8.1) fine.
When I copy the same app to my Windows 8.1 WINBOOK tablet, it could not run,
Exception says, System.IO.FileNotFoundException Could not load file or assembly "OBIDISC4NETnative.Dll" or one of its dependencies,
my laptop system cfg is " 64 -bit OS , x64 based processor"
my tablet system cfg is " 32 -bit OS , x64 based processor"

After installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) everything works fine.

Hi I am using Windows 10 home 64 bit OS and Visual studio 2019-IDE,
After installing Microsoft Visual C++ latest ,getting the same Error
Could not load file or assembly 'OBIDISC4NETnative.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.


Problem with Visual Studio when run on another pc

i have problem in Visual Studio 2019 when i run my project in my pc. It can run very well. But when i share my project to my instructor, she couldn't run it and error was occur. The error said " 'Microsoft .ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on local machine. any solution from this problem?
She needs to install the ACE drivers freely downloadable from Microsoft. See
You need to ensure that if you compiled your project as x86 (32 bit) the the 32 bit ACE driver needs to be installed? If compiled as 64 bit, then 64 bit ACE driver should be installed.

Kernel Driver Procedure Not Found

I have recently developed and tested a kernel driver in windows using visual studio. The Driver itself is nothing but a notifier which prints info about created processes. I have already tested the code on a Windows 10 x64 machine by putting the Windows 10 x64 VM into test mode and installing the driver as a service. It works just as it should.
However I want to test this driver code on multiple windows os versions. The problem is whenever I follow the same steps on Windows 2012 Server R2 x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8.1 x64 all of them throw the same error.
Procedure Not Found Error:127
You are most likely calling a function that is not available on older versions of Windows.
Open the driver in Dependency Walker on one of the systems where it fails.

IFilter not working on Microsoft Server 2012 R2 x64

I execute a program on Windows 10 x64 and works fine, but I execute the same program on Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 and get "Could not find a 32 bits IFilter dll for a file with an '.pptx' extension"
The program is a C# program that use IFilter to parse some files and get the text
I download all the Update for Microsoft Filter and still not working
The app was working in Platform target: "Any CPU" and Prefer 32-bit so the app search for the 32 bits dll.
Just uncheck the Prefer 32-bit and change the Platform target to "x64" for the project

Exe Is not Running at Windwows 32 bit OS

I am making An Application on windows 7 using Visual Studio 2012,
before compile It I set A platform target to Any CPU.
It working fine with Windows and upper Versions.
but when i want to use this exe with Windows xp This is not working .
win 32 is not a valid application show error like this.
if i change it with Platform target to X86
then i am facing same problem?

Installation SDK 7.1

I want to ask about an error I faced durring the installation of SDK 7.1 compiler in order to compile .c files under matlab, knowing that I've downloaded SDK ISO and .exe but without use, from this link
I'm using Matlab 2013b,Windows7 64 bit
I got this error every time
Setup could not find the file WinSDK_amd64\WinSDK_amd64.msi at any of the specified source locations G:\Setup
I have an Intel i7, Win 7 64 bit and I was able to resolve this by downloading the Windows SDK 7.1 (iso image) from this link.
I had tried several downloads and this was the only one that actually contained the ../setup/WinSDK_amd64\WinSDK_amd64.msi file that the error message references.
Previous to finding this download I had tried removing every single instance of the C++ redistributable for each version of Visual studio I had installed. This alone did not work, because the other Win 7 SDK downloads I tried did not contain the ../setup/WinSDK_amd64\WinSDK_amd64.msi file that the error message references.
You can find it using Visual Studio 2019 installer under the name "C++ Windows XP Support for VS 2017 (v141) tools [Deprecated]".
