Mobile subcategory dropdown on Magento mobile theme - magento

we are making mobile layout for our web site, but we don't know how to edit the subcategory dropdown: which code should we add o change?
(the dropdown that starts with the word "sedie")

Activate developer mode and template hints on your page to see witch Phtml is used in this case.
So you can make your own theme.
See here


Magento navigation menu but not added as Category

I am very new in Magento.Actually we have a client who has purchased a Magento theme and top navigation of theme is displaying some menu links like delivery,Contact Us and these are not added as Categories.May be hard coded in the theme.Can anyone tell from which file these links are appearing so that i can edit them.
Use template path hints to find out where they are.

how to add fishpig "blog" link to main navigation in magento

I'm using Magento WordPress Integration I'm wondering how to add fishpig "blog" link to main navigation in magento ? Currently it's only adding a link to my top header navigation.
The above answer correctly shows how to add a link to your toplinks, however this is included in the extension by default. If you want to do this, you can enable/disable this from the extension's configuration area.
If you are referring to the Topmenu (the Category menu), it is now possible to create a custom Menu in the WordPress Admin and have this automatically added to your Magento Topmenu.
To do this, create a menu in WordPress. If you only want a single link to your blog, create a menu with this just this link in. Next, login to the Magento Admin and go to the configuration area for WordPress Integration. Under the fieldset labelled 'Menu', you can enable menu integration and select your newly created menu.
This will only work if your theme uses the Magento Topmenu block, which is the default menu block for Magento 1.7. Some custom themes use a custom menu extension for this menu and it is highly unlikely that this custom extension will call the necessary event.
As always, ensure you are using the latest version of WordPress Integration as this feature is quite new and has only recently been added.

Magento: layouts not appearing in CMS page dropdown

I just installed the Bootstrap template into my Magento install. I uploaded the files, went to System > Design and added the design change. The frontend of my site now displays the theme, but when I go to CMS > Pages and select a page, the Layout dropdown still shows the default/default layouts, not the ones as defined in app/design/frontend/bootstrap/default/layout/page.xml
Any ideas why they are not appearing? Thanks!
It's because Page.xml doesn't define the CMS page layouts for that drop down menu. You can find more information on it here;
magento: remove page layouts
This Inchoo post is a good way to add your own CMS page layout types via a super simple module (one of the answers in the above link takes a similar approach);

Why wouldn't a category menu be displaying on a magento theme?

I'm trying to set up a dynamic menu in a Magento store (v1.7 community edition with the hellowired theme) and can't figure it out why on earth is not being displayed on my home page.
I don't know if there's a mistake in the call on the .phtml files of the theme or if I'm missing some configuration. I have already configured it as described in the theme's documentation and set several products and I'm still not seeing the menu displayed.
If I hard code the category call, it works fine, but it's just a workaround since I need it to be dynamic.
Turns Out for the theme I was using (The Hellowired one, but it appears to apply to several) it was required to set-up all categories under the Default Category. This question was answered to me by an admin of the theme site.
Make sure that the flag Is Active and Include in Navigation Menu set to "YES" from admin panel under General Information Tab in Catalog->Manage Categories.

How to customize the layout of login page in joomla

Just want change the layout of the login page same as other pages, I want to remove the left sidebar bar and show the main menu, few images and text. You can see the current layout.
You can make the menu module display on all pages rather than on selected pages...then the menu will be displayed on all pages.
You have to choose display option from that module. If you want to enable some modules in that position just check the menus names from that module.
If you don't want any module in login page just unselect all modules from that page. Then only you have better look for login prompt as your wish.
Try this....
I dont know which version of joomla are you working on. But this link covers from joomla 1.5 to 1.7.
You should try to give the "extra2" or "position-29" to your log in module.
The key is just the position you are assigning.
