IONotificationPortCreate function call generates compiler error - macos

I am having an issue with the IONotificationCreatePort function in IOKit:
var NotificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(MasterPort)
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(NotificationPort, DispatchQueue)
gives the following compiler error when NotificationPort is used in the function call in the second line
'Unmanaged IONotificationPort' is not identical to
if I use the following code based on the information in the Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C document, it compiles but generates a runtime error
var NotificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(MasterPort).takeRetainedValue()
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(NotificationPort, DispatchQueue)
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1, address=0xwhatever)
So I think I have the run time error figured out, the IONotificationPort object does not have takeRetainedValue method
The crux of the problem as I see it, is that the IONotificationPortCreate function creates an IONotificationPort object and returns the reference to it.
I have looked all over the place and there is lots of information about and ways to pass references into a function call from Swift but nowhere can I find how to deal with references as a return value.
Can Swift call an object by reference?
Or am I way off the mark here????
Here is the objective C code that I am trying to convert to swift:
_notificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(masterPort);
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(_notificationPort, _controllerQueue);
Here is the complete code snippet from my swift file:
//Get IOKit Master Port
var MasterPort: mach_port_t = 0
let BootstrapPort: mach_port_t = 0
var MasterPortReturnCode: kern_return_t = 0
MasterPortReturnCode = IOMasterPort(BootstrapPort, &MasterPort)
println("Master port returned as \(MasterPort) with return code of \(MasterPortReturnCode)")
//Set up notification port and send queue
let DispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.apparata.AVB_Browser", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
var NotificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(MasterPort)
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(NotificationPort, DispatchQueue)


Account Summary Report Google Ads Script not sending emails after I added new metrics

I added conversion and revenue columns to the script which can be found here.
This is the error I'm getting in the logs (the spreadsheet is updating fine with no issues):
TypeError: newValue.indexOf is not a function
at formatChangeString (Code:366:33)
at emailRow (Code:314:11)
at Code:285:15
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at sendEmail (Code:284:17)
at main (Code:106:7)
formatChangeString(newValue,oldValue) expects newValue to be a string (so that newValue.indexOf('%') can be called.
It seems that one of the metrics you added is returned by the call as a different type (most likely Number).
If you want a quick workaround, just change the line
const isPercentage = newValue.indexOf('%') >= 0;
const isPercentage = String(newValue).indexOf('%') >= 0;

Cannot read property 'fromWIF' of undefined error

Im trying create and sign a raw transaction with bitcoinjs-lib.
const assert = require('assert');
const ecpair = require('ecpair');
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
var keys =new bitcoin.ecpair.fromWIF('cMvPQZiG5mLARSjxbBwMxKwzhTHaxgpTsXB6ymx7SGAeYUqF8HAT', bitcoin.networks.testnet);
this is my code and i get error "Cannot read property 'fromWIF' of undefined error" message.
i think i am making a mistake while adding the libraries.
bitcoinjs-lib version is 6 and using nodejs.
thank you.

XPC Service returning NSAttributtedString

I have a huge problem to transfer NSAttributtedString in a block callback from XPC service.
I am trying to return basic string as:
NSDictionary *arrayComa = #{NSForegroundColorAttributeName:[NSColor colorWithRGB:0xD35250],
NSFontAttributeName:[NSFont fontWithName:#"Monaco" size:11]};
NSMutableAttributedString *testString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:#"{}" attributes:arrayComa];
I have also whitelisted the incoming response as:
let incommingClasses:Set = Set(arrayLiteral: [NSMutableAttributedString.self, NSAttributedString.self, NSColor.self, NSFont.self, NSString.self, ])
connectionService.remoteObjectInterface?.setClasses(incommingClasses, forSelector: attributtedText:withReply:, argumentIndex: 0, ofReply: true)
What ever I do I get Errors:
Exception caught during decoding of received reply to message 'Exception caught during decoding of received reply to message 'attributtedText:withReply':, dropping incoming message and calling failure block.
Exception: Exception while decoding argument 0 (#1 of invocation):
<NSInvocation: 0x6000006649c0>
return value: {v} void
target: {#?} 0x0 (block)
argument 1: {#"NSMutableAttributedString"} 0x0
Exception: value for key '<no key>' was of unexpected class 'NSMutableAttributedString'. Allowed classes are '{(
Anybody has transferred NSAttributtedText via XPC Service succesfully?
EDIT: I got a reply to my message on devforums, a workaround is to use an NSSet and to cast it as Set when passing to to setClasses(). Another issue is that there already are pre-set classes for all selectors, and therefore you need to add your own to the current ones, rather than set yours only. Here's a working code :
let interface = NSXPCInterface(withProtocol: MyProtocol.self)
let expectedClasses = NSSet.setWithArray([[NSMutableAttributedString.self, NSAttributedString.self, NSColor.self, NSFont.self])
let currentExpectedClasses = interface.classesForSelector("attributtedText:withReply:", argumentIndex: 0, ofReply: false) as NSSet
let allClasses = currentExpectedClasses.setByAddingSet(expectedClasses)
interface.setClasses(allClasses as Set<NSObject>, forSelector: "attributtedText:withReply:", argumentIndex: 0, ofReply: false)
Original answer :
This will only be a partial answer as I haven't found the right way to do this either yet, but
let incommingClasses:Set = Set(arrayLiteral: [NSMutableAttributedString.self, NSAttributedString.self, NSColor.self, NSFont.self, NSString.self, ])
returns a Set<NSArray>, which is not what you want. I assume you added the 'arrayLiteral' argument label because the compiler told you so, however this compiles :
let foo = Set(["string1", "string2"])
and it returns a Set<String>.
The problem is that I couldn't find a way to create a Set of class types. I've asked on Apple's devforums : but unless I'm missing something obvious, this looks like an API bug.

SecSignVerifyTransform crashing in Swift with CSSM error Code=-2147415790

I'm trying to obtain a digital signature for a XML string using a RSA private key using Swift as command-line script (to be called from FileMaker later).
The compiler kept crashing with "segmentation fault 11" and then "Illegal Instruction: 4" and I kept drilling down until I (think) I found the problem, but it's completely beyond me, so please, please help!! ;) :)
As the title says, when I invoke SecTransformExecute on my SecSignTransform, with a binary version of my String as input attribute, I get the following error message:
Error Domain=Internal CSSM error Code=-2147415790 "The operation
couldn’t be completed. (Internal CSSM error error -2147415790 -
Internal error #80010912 at __SignTransform_block_invoke_2
/SourceCache/Security/Security-57031.1.35/Security/libsecurity_transform/lib/SecSignVerifyTransform.c:279)" UserInfo=0x7fc620e23aa0 {NSDescription=Internal error #80010912 at
__SignTransform_block_invoke_2 /SourceCache/Security/Security-57031.1.35/Security/libsecurity_transform/lib/SecSignVerifyTransform.c:279,
Originating Transform=CoreFoundationObject}
Here is the relevant part of my code:
import Foundation
import CoreFoundation
import Security
var signer: SecTransformRef
var signedData, digestData: NSData
var error: Unmanaged<CFErrorRef>?
var status: OSStatus
var key: SecKey
var anyItem: Unmanaged<AnyObject>?
var keySearchDict: [String : AnyObject]
let keyMatch = "[*place search tag here*]" as String
// turns a string into a binary to sign
let str = "Hello World"
let uintData = [UInt8](str.utf8)
let sourceData = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, uintData, countElements(uintData))
// sets up keySearchDict to query Keychain
keySearchDict = [(kSecClass as String): (kSecClassKey as String), (kSecMatchSubjectContains as String): keyMatch, (kSecReturnRef as String): kCFBooleanTrue]
// gets private key using keySearchDict
status = SecItemCopyMatching(keySearchDict, &anyItem)
key = (anyItem!.takeRetainedValue() as SecKey)
if status != 0 { println("status is: \(SecCopyErrorMessageString(status, &error).takeRetainedValue())") }
// creates SecTransform object using key
signer = SecSignTransformCreate(key, &error).takeRetainedValue()
if error == nil { println("signer transform creation error == nil") } else { println(error) }
// signer to get data from sourceData
SecTransformSetAttribute(signer, kSecTransformInputAttributeName, sourceData!, &error)
if error == nil { println("signer attribute setting error == nil") } else { println(error) }
// execute the transform
//signedData = (SecTransformExecute(signer, &error) as NSData)
let anything = SecTransformExecute(signer, &error)
if error == nil { println("signer execute error == nil") } else { println("erro: \(error!.takeRetainedValue())"); println(CFErrorGetCode(error!.takeRetainedValue())) }
println("anything = \(anything)")
I'm not very familiar with objc and actually not quite a proper coder, so please forgive my poor coding style ;) Also, sorry if I'm posting too much of it, but I figured better more than less...
Maybe I'm doing something wrong when transforming the String to binary for signing? I tried it both using CFData and NSData (to make this self contained, I'm using "Hello World" as my String, but in my code I actually load a UTF8 encoded XML from a file using NSData(contentsOfFile:) yet both generate the same error...)
Thanks you so much for your help! It's being a great learning experience, but I've been at it for over a week full-time now, so I really can use a break!! ;) :D
I have found a solution. The code no longer crashes, and I connected to the web service successfully after it, and the XMLDSIG signature was accepted by it (see related Question on XMLDSIG if interested in details on canonicalization and xml reference).
The key I was using is not compatible with signing (not sure why or even what the key was, actually...)
I was looking into counter-authenticating with a server using a X509 certificate (for an unrelated part of my solution) when I came across the SecIdentity class, needed to create a SecCredential together with the certificate and authenticate with the server.
I saw Identities embed a private key, and thought if could work for me. And it did!
Here are the changes I made:
Changed the kSecClass to kSecClassIdentity in the search dictionary
Retrieved the SecIdentity using SecItemCopyMatching
After casting it accordingly, used SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey to retrieve the private key into a SecKeyRef
Used this key in SecSignTransform, and voilà!! It worked!
Here is the working code:
// ...
// get the SecIdentity (substitutes KeySearchDict etc)
idSearchDict = [(kSecClass as String): (kSecClassIdentity as String), (kSecMatchSubjectContains as String): keyMatch, (kSecReturnRef as String):
status = SecItemCopyMatching(idSearchDict, &anyItem)
id = (anyItem!.takeRetainedValue() as SecIdentity)
// Retrieve the private key from SecIdentity
var KeyRef: Unmanaged<SecKeyRef>?
SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey(id, &KeyRef)
priKey = (KeyRef!.takeRetainedValue() as SecKey)
// Create SecSign using the private key
signer = SecSignTransformCreate(priKey, &error).takeRetainedValue()
if error != nil { print("signer transform creation error: ") ; println(error) }
/ signer to get data from sourceData
// ...
I'll post another question with the difficulties I'm facing with XMLDSIG, and add it to the comments, in case anyone is interested. I've already solved that too, and the answer is there in case you need it.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help, and hope this saves someone a lot of time and headache in the future!!
PS: loving Swift, otherwise 😉 😃

Cocoa Authorization in Swift

This is my first time writing in Swift, Cocoa (have experience in Cocoa Touch), and using Authorization, so I honestly have no idea if I am even on the right track. I am trying to make a modification to the hosts file, which requires user authentication, but both the AuthorizationCreate and AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges methods are giving errors.
var authorizationRef:AuthorizationRef
var status:OSStatus
status = AuthorizationCreate(nil, environment:kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, flags:kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, authorization:&authorizationRef)
let overwrite_hosts = "echo \(hostsContents) > /private/etc/hosts"
let args = [overwrite_hosts.cStringUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)]
status = AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authorizationRef, pathToTool:"/bin/sh", options:kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, arguments:args, communicationsPipe:nil)
Me calling AuthorizationCreate is throwing "Type '()' does not conform to protocol 'AuthorizationRef'" and my call of AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges is throwing "Could not find an overload for '__conversion' that accepts the supplied arguments"
Any ideas? Am I approaching this incorrectly?
Thanks for any help!
I was able to figure out how to do it via AppleScript, but you should be able to do it using the Authorization method I was trying before, therefore leaving this question open. Anybody looking for a quick solution (no error checks implemented) you can use what I wrote below:
func doScriptWithAdmin(inScript:String) -> String{
let script = "do shell script \"\(inScript)\" with administrator privileges"
var appleScript = NSAppleScript(source: script)
var eventResult = appleScript.executeAndReturnError(nil)
if !eventResult {
return "ERROR"
return eventResult.stringValue
