Account Summary Report Google Ads Script not sending emails after I added new metrics - google-api

I added conversion and revenue columns to the script which can be found here.
This is the error I'm getting in the logs (the spreadsheet is updating fine with no issues):
TypeError: newValue.indexOf is not a function
at formatChangeString (Code:366:33)
at emailRow (Code:314:11)
at Code:285:15
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at sendEmail (Code:284:17)
at main (Code:106:7)

formatChangeString(newValue,oldValue) expects newValue to be a string (so that newValue.indexOf('%') can be called.
It seems that one of the metrics you added is returned by the call as a different type (most likely Number).
If you want a quick workaround, just change the line
const isPercentage = newValue.indexOf('%') >= 0;
const isPercentage = String(newValue).indexOf('%') >= 0;


Multi request for distance via MKDirections

I'm coding an application that it use MapKit features. When I make request with for loop to get directions for many locations using MapKit's MKDirections , it gives error as "Directions is not available " with following details :
Error Domain=MKErrorDomain Code=3 "Directions Not Available" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Route information is not available at this moment., MKErrorGEOError=-3, MKErrorGEOErrorUserInfo={
details = (
intervalType = short;
maxRequests = 50;
"throttler.keyPath" = "app:lszlp.nobetciEczane/0x20200/short(default/any)";
timeUntilReset = 54;
windowSize = 60;
timeUntilReset = 54; ```
what is the possible causes ??
I've recognized that 2 arguments must be taken into account to avoid this type of error.
Firstly, Apple Map Server doesn't give permission more than one location's request in 60 seconds, so you have to check 2 consecutive location request time.
Second, maximum request number is set to 50 for Apple Map Server as it's written in error definition. So , you have to limit your "for loop" with 50 loops. I could not find any argument why this limitation requires.
with this 2 approaches , the problem has gone.

Cannot read property 'fromWIF' of undefined error

Im trying create and sign a raw transaction with bitcoinjs-lib.
const assert = require('assert');
const ecpair = require('ecpair');
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
var keys =new bitcoin.ecpair.fromWIF('cMvPQZiG5mLARSjxbBwMxKwzhTHaxgpTsXB6ymx7SGAeYUqF8HAT', bitcoin.networks.testnet);
this is my code and i get error "Cannot read property 'fromWIF' of undefined error" message.
i think i am making a mistake while adding the libraries.
bitcoinjs-lib version is 6 and using nodejs.
thank you.

MIP SDK fails to protect files

I'm using MIP file sample command line interface to apply labelling.
When trying to apply a label that has protection set, i got "Label requires ad-hoc protection, but protection has not yet been set" error.
Therefore, I tried protecting the file using "--protect" option and got the following error message:
"Something bad happened: The service didn't accept the auth token. Challenge:['Bearer resource="", realm="", authorization=""'], CorrelationId=ce732e4a-249a-47ec-a7c2-04f4d68357da, CorrelationId.Description=ProtectionEngine, CorrelationId=6ff992dc-91b3-4610-a24d-d57e13902114, CorrelationId.Description=FileHandler"
This is my file:
def main(argv):
client_id = str(argv[0])
tenant_id = str(argv[1])
secret = str(argv[2])
authority = "{}".format(tenant_id)
app = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(client_id, authority=authority, client_credential=secret)
result = None
scope = [""]
result = app.acquire_token_silent(scope, account=None)
if not result:"No suitable token exists in cache. Let's get a new one from AAD.")
result = app.acquire_token_for_client(scopes=scope)
if "access_token" in result:
print(result.get("correlation_id")) # You may need this when reporting a bug
if __name__ == '__main__':
I tried to change the scope to [""] and then I was able to protect the file, but when I try getting the file status or try applying label on it I get the same error message with bad auth token.
These are the permissions as configured in azure portal:
Thank you
I think that scope you have is incorrect:
It should be
A good way to handle this is to just append .default to whatever resource the AcquireToken() call gets in the resource param. Something like this.

IONotificationPortCreate function call generates compiler error

I am having an issue with the IONotificationCreatePort function in IOKit:
var NotificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(MasterPort)
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(NotificationPort, DispatchQueue)
gives the following compiler error when NotificationPort is used in the function call in the second line
'Unmanaged IONotificationPort' is not identical to
if I use the following code based on the information in the Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C document, it compiles but generates a runtime error
var NotificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(MasterPort).takeRetainedValue()
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(NotificationPort, DispatchQueue)
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1, address=0xwhatever)
So I think I have the run time error figured out, the IONotificationPort object does not have takeRetainedValue method
The crux of the problem as I see it, is that the IONotificationPortCreate function creates an IONotificationPort object and returns the reference to it.
I have looked all over the place and there is lots of information about and ways to pass references into a function call from Swift but nowhere can I find how to deal with references as a return value.
Can Swift call an object by reference?
Or am I way off the mark here????
Here is the objective C code that I am trying to convert to swift:
_notificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(masterPort);
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(_notificationPort, _controllerQueue);
Here is the complete code snippet from my swift file:
//Get IOKit Master Port
var MasterPort: mach_port_t = 0
let BootstrapPort: mach_port_t = 0
var MasterPortReturnCode: kern_return_t = 0
MasterPortReturnCode = IOMasterPort(BootstrapPort, &MasterPort)
println("Master port returned as \(MasterPort) with return code of \(MasterPortReturnCode)")
//Set up notification port and send queue
let DispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.apparata.AVB_Browser", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
var NotificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(MasterPort)
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(NotificationPort, DispatchQueue)

MtGox Gem Failing to Login

I am trying to use the MtGox gem to cancel orders, however, I only get the following error message:
{"error":"Must be logged in"}
I am using the following code to make the call:
MtGox.configure {|c| c.key = user.mtgox_key; c.secret = user.mtgox_secret}
MtGox.cancel('oid'=>'a3c348d9-36c3-4927-b84d-206f421907f5', 'type'=>1)
I have also tried getting all of the open orders for a specific user using the following:'/api/0/getOrders.php', {})
Alas, every call returns the same error message. Am I missing something?
This issue was resolved by using a smaller nonce for v1 api calls. Interestingly, a nonce of length 22 was causing subsequent v0 api calls to fail, but not subsequent v1 calls. I compute my nonce by simply using:
var nonce = ((new Date()).getTime()*1000).toString(); // microseconds since epoch
