Apple script simulate key events - applescript

I want to know the key codes for all the function keys from F1-F12. From previous search queries I have found keycode 107 to turn brightness down by running this
echo "tell application \"System Events\"
key code 107
end tell" | osascript
And I'm guessing that simulates the F1 key but the weird thing is 113 turns the brightness up. I haven't been able to find key codes for any other Fn keys. Any help? Is there a nice table made for this where I can get the keycodes. In the end I want to be able to either directly perform the actions that these keys do or somehow simulate those actions. Anything would be fine.

Key code 107 is not the F1 code; it is a separate code for Brightness control. There is also one for Volume control, but it is broken. The key codes are in semi-random order and can not be predicted. The Function keys are:
F1=122, F2=120, F3=99, F4=118, F5=96, F6=97, F7=98, F8=100, F9=101, F10=109, F11=103, F12=111
You can find an exhaustive list of Key Codes here.


Key-remapping using Macbook command-line

The "delete" key on my Macbook is broken. I am attempting to use the hidutil command to remap F1 as my new delete key. The command isn't performing as expected.
The command requires the hex ID's for the keys whose values I'd like to interchange. I've located a resource that provides these hex ID's as well as an overview of how to perform the remapping (
I've posted my specific code below. It adheres to the suggested format, but my OS doesn't seem to register any change. Can someone help me identify the issue? I suspect my Hex ID's are wrong, but it may very well be another issue.
Input :
hidutil property --set '{"UserKeyMapping":[{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x2a,"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":0x3a}, {"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x3a,"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":0x2a}]}'
Output :
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst = 58;
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc = 42;
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst = 42;
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc = 58;
There are no error objects. And judging by the output after the command is run some key remapping has occurred. However, my F1 key still retains functionality as F1 and doesn't delete I'd expected.
Your referenced link on says "The keys take a hexadecimal value that consists of 0x700000000 or’d with the desired keyboard usage value." So I think you should try e. g. HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x70000002a ...
Thanks for the above information, I was able to remap the right Ctrl key to be the Command key on the mac with the following command.
% hidutil property --set '{"UserKeyMapping":[{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x7000000e4,"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":0x7000000e3}]}'
This is because I am using a very old IBM original keyboard that does not have a windows key, just an empty space between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left and right of the Space bar.

Interpret "Find action" results on Safari

I am trying to create an AppleScript that can find text on a webpage and tell me the amount of matches I received(Command + F).
I already know how to do the "Find" part:
tell application "System Events"
delay 0.5
keystroke "f" using {command down}
end tell
However, I do not know how to interpret these results, such as tell me whether there is a match, or how many matches I have.
Is there any way to do this?(If it seems a bit vague, I can be more specific)
I agree with #user3439894 and his sentiments about using UI scripting (that is—in this case—getting System Events to issue mouse clicks and keypresses on your behalf). Although it has its uses in other areas, it's by far and away my personal least favourite method to achieve a goal, and one of last resort.
Two very quick reasons why it can be a fragile implementation is: 1) the CmdF shortcut used to initiate the Find... menu command could change, either by your own doing, or if it were to be overridden by a systemwide shortcut that supersedes Safari's claim to it (in fact, for this reason, I would personally trigger the Find... command via the menu bar, which System Events can click on your behalf. Menu items tend not to change like shortcuts, unless regional language settings do); and 2) if Safari loses focus during the time the keypresses are issued and the search is initiated, it messes up the whole command flow in your script, and will at best give you no results, but more likely, throw an error in a later part of the script.
I'm going to demonstrate two alternative methods of searching a Safari webpage for a piece of text, and obtaining the number of times it matches throughout the whole document.
1. Safari's do JavaScript AppleScript command
Most modern web browsers have the ability to run JavaScript code inside their tabs, and Safari can too. AppleScript can take command of this very useful function, provided you give it permission to do so by going into the Develop menu of Safari and ticking Allow JavaScript from Apple Events and Allow Remote Automation (the latter of which will already be on, I'm guessing). There's another menu item called Allow JavaScript from Smart Search Field—I would advise you keep this one off, otherwise it could potentially allow naughty websites to issue commands to your computer and cause mischief.
use A : application "Safari"
set D to the front document of A
set s to "AppleScript" -- the search string
set n to (do JavaScript ¬
"document" & ¬
".body" & ¬
".innerText" & ¬
".match(/" & s & "/ig)" & ¬
".length;" in D) as integer -- the number of matches
on error
set n to 0
end try
To break this down: s is the search string that you would otherwise be typing into the search box. It is fed into a JavaScript command, that has the following components:
document: a reference to the Safari webpage document;
body: the body of the document, as opposed to, say, the header or the footer. It's the main bulk of the webpage that users see in front of them;
innerText: the text contained within the body of the document, free of any HTML formatting, but preserving whitespace;
match(): a method or function in JavaScript where the search string s is used to perform a search within the innerText and return an array listing all of the matches;
length: a property of the array returned by match() that reports how many elements is contains, and this equates to the number of matches found during the search.
It's all one command, which, written in full on a single line, looks like this (using the search string "AppleScript"):
It returns a number, which is stored in the variable n, and that's it.
This is my favourite method that I would elect to use myself, as it's unlikely to break, and it's nice and fast.
I should point out that match() actually searches and matches using a Regular Expression. I won't go into them right now, but it means that the search string s will need to be a little careful if using any special characters:
\ [ ] { } ^ $ . | ? * + ( )
All you need to be aware of is that, if your search string uses any of these characters, you should precede it with a double-backslash \\. So, for example, if I wanted to search for "matches I received(Command + F)" (which uses (, ) and +), then I would declare my variable s as:
set s to "matches I received\\(Command \\+ F\\)"
2. Chop & Measure
This method is useful if you don't wish to enable Remote JavaScript in your browser, or simply want something that's straightforward to remember and implement off the top of your head next time.
It's simple text manipulation, using AppleScript's text item delimiters and a bit of counting:
use A : application "Safari"
set D to the front document of A
set s to "AppleScript" -- the search string
set T to text of D -- the webpage text content
set l to {initialValue:length of T, finalValue:missing value}
set the text item delimiters to s
set T to text items of T
set the text item delimiters to ""
set T to T as text
set l's finalValue to length of T
set |𝚫l| to (l's initialValue) - (l's finalValue)
set n to |𝚫l| / (length of s)
Safari has a useful AppleScript property called text, which refers to the text content of the specified document or tab (it also has another property called source that contains the HTML source of the document or tab).
Here's the breakdown:
The value of Safari's text property—which is the text content of the webpage—is stored in a variable, T;
The length of T is read and stored. This equates to the number of characters on the whole webpage;
The text item delimiters are set to the search string, s, (which does not need to worry about special characters, so don't insert unnecessary backslashes in this one). The text item delimiters basically erase all occurrences of s from within T;
Then the length of T is read again. If s found any matches in T, it means that the length of T—the number of characters—will have reduced;
It will have reduced by the number of characters in s for each match that occurred. Therefore, turning the equation round a bit, the number of matches, n, is equal to the change in length of T divided by the length of s.
There are other ways to search a webpage with AppleScript, JavaScript, bash, etc., but I think these two serve as reasonable examples of how to achieve the same goal using very different methods. I refer to them as examples, because you might need to make small adjustments to the script to cater for your own needs, such as inserting backslashes where necessary in the first example, or considering in the second how you'd handle the situation if you set s to be an empty string "" (it will throw an error, but this is easily managed).
They also both return real values for n, i.e. 11.0. It's easy to see why in the second example, but I assume it's just a type conversion between JavaScript and AppleScript in the first example (I don't know). Therefore, purely for neatness, I would then coerce the returned value into an integer as I did in the first one, so it reads 11 instead of 11.0:
set n to (...) as integer
but you don't have to.
First of all I must say that UI Scripting can be messy and unreliable. I'd suggest you find a different way to accomplish whatever the real goal is.
That said, using Safari in macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 set to this web page, the following example AppleScript code will set the variable theSearchResult to the result of the search for the word "vague":
tell application "Safari" to activate
delay 0.5
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "f" using command down
delay 0.2
keystroke "vague"
delay 0.2
set theSearchResult to (value of static text 1 of group 2 of tab group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1 of application process "Safari")
delay 0.2
key code 53 -- # Esc
end tell
return theSearchResult
"1 match"
Note that the value of the delay commands may need to be adjusted for your system, and or additional delay commands may or may not be needed. Adjust values of and or add/remove the delay commands as appropriate.
The search result can be one of the following, Not found or an integer followed by the word match, e.g. 1 match, and possibly something else, not sure as I've not done extensive testing.
How you want to interpret the result is up to you. You could use a if statement on the theSearchResult, e.g.:
if theSearchResult contains "Not found" then
-- # Do something.
-- # Your code goes here.
-- # Do something else.
-- # Your code goes here
end if
Another factor to consider is how is it being searched, i.e. Starts With or Contains. I believe the default in for Safari in macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 is Starts With.
Note: The example AppleScript code is just that and does not employ any error handling and is meant only to show one of many ways to accomplish a task. The onus is always upon the User to add/use appropriate error handling as needed/wanted.

Remap Capslock Key in Keymando?

Can you remap the CapsLock key in Keymando?
CapsLock is listed as an available key but when I try a test like:
map "<CapsLock-j>" { alert("CapsLock-j") }
... and hit Reload Config in the Keymando menu, I get an error dialog that says:
Error Parsing Keymando Config File
undefined method `ctrl' for nil:NilClass
Is there perhaps an abbreviation of CapsLock? For example, in the available keys, the Control key is just listed as Control but in the example code it is ctrl. Is there a similar abbreviation for CapsLock?
If possible, I would like to use the CapsLock key as a mode key to implement logic like:
if <CapsLock>
map <j>, <Down>
map <k>, <Up>
# ...etc
Sorry, that's a mistake on our part listing Capslock on the website. Currently it can only be remapped to Control, Option, or Command via the Keyboard.prefPane under "Modifer Keys.." and there's no way for us right now to detect if it's been pressed.
We'll keep our eyes open for a solution but as of right now it's not going to do what you're wanting. Sorry.
The website has been fixed to avoid any more confusion, as well.
While you can't remap capslock, you can achieve almost the same functionality by adding some basic state to your keymandorc file. I couldn't figure out how to map something to the option key alone, but apart from that, this should do what you are aiming for:
At the top of your keymandorc put:
#caps = false
Then down wherever you define your bindings put something like the following
map "j" do
if #caps then
map "<Option-v>" do
#caps = !#caps;
alert("Vim Mode: " + #caps.to_s)
You could then also bind escape to exit the mode if #caps is true, and so forth.

Identify key uniquely from WM_KEYDOWN message

I tried to use the virtual key code provided by wParam, however that didn't work very well:
multiple keys mapped to the same key code
some keys were not recognized at all
virtual keys seemed to be adapted to the keyboard layout (which i don't want/need)
Then i saw that the lParam will give me a scancode along with an "extended" flag, which seem to produce a different value for every single key on the keyboard when calculated like this:
value = (lParam & 0x01FF0000) >> 16;
Will this value always be identical for the same key on the keyboard, even across various keyboards/systems?
Scancodes can be different for different keyboards. Best to use virtual key codes. From
Assigned to each key on a keyboard is a unique value called a scan
code, a device-dependent identifier for the key on the keyboard. A
keyboard generates two scan codes when the user types a key—one when
the user presses the key and another when the user releases the key.
The keyboard device driver interprets a scan code and translates
(maps) it to a virtual-key code, a device-independent value defined by
the system that identifies the purpose of a key.

How do I use WScript.Shell SendKeys to send Number Pad key strokes?

I am trying to use WScript.Shell SendKeys method to emulate sending a key press from the Number Pad.
I have an application that I am writing automated testing for using QTP. It is a Web Browser based application and the input is into a Java App within the web page. The input only accepts key presses from the Number Pad and the Enter key.
So far I am using this code:
Dim strInputKey
strInputKey = "{ENTER}"
Set objWsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Browser("Launch Browser").Page("Test Application").WebElement("Item ID").Click
objWsh.SendKeys strInputKey
This works fine for sending the Enter key, but I can't quite figure out if there is a way to send Number Keys. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am not sure if there are any undocumented ways of achieving this. I have read but it doesn't go into great detail.
I don't have the rep to comment on the above answer that said
objWsh.SendKeys chr(79) & chr(80) & chr(81)
but I don't think it's correct
objWsh.SendKeys chr(79) & chr(80) & chr(81)
For a start, it sends the letters O,P,Q
And he wants numbers, like 1234567890
and the link goes to keyboard scan codes.. I think those are for knowing what key on the keyboard was pressed. They are different from ascii codes.
79,80,81 are the keyboard scan codes for some numbers on the number pad / numpad.
Chr though, uses ascii codes. not keyboard scan codes.
Furthermore, just specifying a digit, here, since it isn't done by pressing a key, it doesn't specify and needn't specify, which was key was used, since a key wasn't used.
To sendkeys some numbers (from the number pad), is just same as sending keys from the top row. You just want to send some numbers.
If all he wants to know is how to use sendkeys to send digits, then obviously.
objWsh.SendKeys 12345
objWsh.SendKeys str
But if the questioner didn't realise that objWsh.SendKeys 12345 would do it, then perhaps the questioner is just confused. I guess from the green tick, he voted an answer that is like objWsh.SendKeys "OPQ".
I am aware that this is an old question, but for the sake of haing correct questions and answers..
You'll need to use the keycodes for the number pad.
Here's a list of them:
So to send "123", you would need to do:
objWsh.SendKeys chr(79) & chr(80) & chr(81)
