Remap Capslock Key in Keymando? - ruby

Can you remap the CapsLock key in Keymando?
CapsLock is listed as an available key but when I try a test like:
map "<CapsLock-j>" { alert("CapsLock-j") }
... and hit Reload Config in the Keymando menu, I get an error dialog that says:
Error Parsing Keymando Config File
undefined method `ctrl' for nil:NilClass
Is there perhaps an abbreviation of CapsLock? For example, in the available keys, the Control key is just listed as Control but in the example code it is ctrl. Is there a similar abbreviation for CapsLock?
If possible, I would like to use the CapsLock key as a mode key to implement logic like:
if <CapsLock>
map <j>, <Down>
map <k>, <Up>
# ...etc

Sorry, that's a mistake on our part listing Capslock on the website. Currently it can only be remapped to Control, Option, or Command via the Keyboard.prefPane under "Modifer Keys.." and there's no way for us right now to detect if it's been pressed.
We'll keep our eyes open for a solution but as of right now it's not going to do what you're wanting. Sorry.
The website has been fixed to avoid any more confusion, as well.

While you can't remap capslock, you can achieve almost the same functionality by adding some basic state to your keymandorc file. I couldn't figure out how to map something to the option key alone, but apart from that, this should do what you are aiming for:
At the top of your keymandorc put:
#caps = false
Then down wherever you define your bindings put something like the following
map "j" do
if #caps then
map "<Option-v>" do
#caps = !#caps;
alert("Vim Mode: " + #caps.to_s)
You could then also bind escape to exit the mode if #caps is true, and so forth.


How to display debug info or console.log equivalent in Lua

I am creating many games using Lua and LOVE2D, but whenever I implement a new function and want to test it out, or simply want to know a value of a variable in Lua, I either display it on the game screen or just hope that it works.
Now my question is...
IS THERE A WAY TO DISPLAY SOME INFO, such as A VARIABLE VALUE or something else into the terminal or somewhere else? Just like console.log in javascript which displays some content in the javascript console in the browser. So, is there a way to do this is Lua?? using LOVE2D?
I am using a Mac, so I have a terminal and not a command prompt. Is there a way to display some content there? Anywhere else would also be fine, I just need to see if those values are as expected or not.
Use a conf.lua file to enable the console, then you should be able to use a standard print(). You can read the wiki entry here.
Note: You have to run Lua and Love2D via the terminal for this to work. Running Lua and Love2D like this is required for the print statements to show:
/Applications/ "/Users/myuser/Desktop/love2d-test-proj"
You just need to add a conf.lua file to the same location where your main.lua. Your file may be as simple as this:
function love.conf(t)
t.console = true
But feel free to copy the whole configuration file from the above link and edit what you need.
I can't be completely sure about this, because I have no access to Mac, but the console is disabled by default and even on Windows, no prints are shown until you turn it on.
Alternatively You can also display debug info in the game itself like some games do.
What I like to do is add something like debugVariable = {} for logging events that happen in each loop and debugPermanent = {} for events that happen rarely. Possibly add convenience functions for writing to the variables:
function debugAddVariable(str)
table.insert(debugVariable, str)
--..and similarly for debugPermanent
Now a function to draw our debug info:
function debugDraw() --remember graphics state --clear any previous transforms[[select color for debug info]])[[select font for debug info]])
for i, v in ipairs(debugPermanent) do, --[[fontHeight]])
for i, v in ipairs(debugVariable) do, --[[fontHeight]])
debugVariable = {} --clear debugVariable to prepare it for the next loop --recall graphics state
And we just call this draw function at the end of our love.draw() and the texts should appear.
Obviously, this method can be refined further and further almost infinitely, displaying specific variables, and adding graphs for some other variables to clarify the information you want to show, but that's kind of outside of the scope of the question.
Lastly Feel free to check here for debug libraries submitted by users.

Key-remapping using Macbook command-line

The "delete" key on my Macbook is broken. I am attempting to use the hidutil command to remap F1 as my new delete key. The command isn't performing as expected.
The command requires the hex ID's for the keys whose values I'd like to interchange. I've located a resource that provides these hex ID's as well as an overview of how to perform the remapping (
I've posted my specific code below. It adheres to the suggested format, but my OS doesn't seem to register any change. Can someone help me identify the issue? I suspect my Hex ID's are wrong, but it may very well be another issue.
Input :
hidutil property --set '{"UserKeyMapping":[{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x2a,"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":0x3a}, {"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x3a,"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":0x2a}]}'
Output :
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst = 58;
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc = 42;
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst = 42;
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc = 58;
There are no error objects. And judging by the output after the command is run some key remapping has occurred. However, my F1 key still retains functionality as F1 and doesn't delete I'd expected.
Your referenced link on says "The keys take a hexadecimal value that consists of 0x700000000 or’d with the desired keyboard usage value." So I think you should try e. g. HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x70000002a ...
Thanks for the above information, I was able to remap the right Ctrl key to be the Command key on the mac with the following command.
% hidutil property --set '{"UserKeyMapping":[{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc":0x7000000e4,"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst":0x7000000e3}]}'
This is because I am using a very old IBM original keyboard that does not have a windows key, just an empty space between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left and right of the Space bar.

VBS error: Object required

I have no experience with VBS at all and am trying to create a VBS file that flips the screen, from some searches I got this:
I know 'a' will not work as an object in this case but what do I need to put in there to make it work?
You may know that the key combination for your task is (alt+ctrl+down arrow),
so you need to send those keys to the shell:
set a=createobject("")
% ⇒ alt
^ ⇒ ctrl
{down} ⇒ down arrow

KeyPress event in Lua?

is it possible to get users keypress on lua?
while true do
if keyPress(27)==true then
print("You just pressed ESC")
Lua is predicated on extreme portability. As such it's based on supplying, essentially, only that which is available in ANSI C in terms of capabilities. (I think the sole exception to that is dynamic linking which is a non-ANSI feature not available on all platforms, but is so useful that they've put it in for many.)
ANSI C doesn't provide keypress functionality so the default Lua library doesn't either.
That being said, the LuaRocks repository might lead you to a library with this capability. For example it could be that ltermbox, found on the LuaRocks page there, has the functionality you need. (You'll probably have to remove the bits you don't want, mind.) There may be other libraries available. Go digging.
Failing that, the whole point of Lua is extensibility. It's an extensible extension language. It's not actually all that hard to hand-roll your own extension that provides the functionality you want.
Not in stock Lua. Probably with an additional library.
There is a binding to getkey() in the NTLua project. You can get some sources from there.
(it just wraps getch())
It seems like you are trying to make a game. For 2D games you might want to consider love2d. It looks a little weird, but it works and it's relatively easy compared to other languages such as C.
First thing's first: if you're using my method of doing this, you need to put the script(s) you use in a LocalScript. Not doing this will cause the key(s) to not show up in the console (F9 to see console).
Alright, now that we know it's in a LocalScript, here's the script:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- Gets the LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse() -- Gets the player's mouse
mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) -- Gets mouse, then gets the keyboard
if key:lower() == "e" or key:upper() == "E" then -- Checks for selected key (key:lower = lowercase keys, key:upper = uppercase keys)
print('You pressed e') -- Prints the key pressed
end -- Ends if statement
end) -- Ends function
If you're wanting to signal only one key (lowercase only, or uppercase only) check below.
Lowercase only:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
if key == "e" then
print('You pressed e')
Uppercase only:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
if key == "E" then
print('You pressed E')
Or, if you want to just signal any key in general, you can also do this:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
print('You pressed '..key)
I hope I helped answer your question.
if keypress=(29)==true then

VIM prompting for a variable when running a macro?

I find I waste a lot of time closing and reopening sets of files so I'd like to improve my VIM macro for loading and saving the session to support multiple sessions.
I'd like for it to prompt for a string value, so that I could press my shortcut, then type in for example "foo", and have my macro save the session to .foo (so I also need to do basic string concat on it). Then I'd do the same for the load macro and manage sessions by theme (using MVC framework you tend to have a lot of files to work with).
" Control-S to save and Shift F5 to load
set sessionoptions=tabpages,winpos
map <S-F5> :source ~/.vim/.session<cr>
map <c-s> :mksession! ~/.vim/.session<cr>\| :echo "Session saved."<CR>
I have very little experience of VIM scripting. Is it possible to do this in a one liner, or perhaps a small function?
Thank you.
map <s-f5> :execute "source ".input("session name: ", "~/.vim/session.", "file")<cr>
Enter "foo" to load "".
Instead, you can also do:
map <s-f5> :source ~/.vim/session.
Note there isn't a <cr>, so you complete the command yourself and press enter — identical typing as above, even down to filename completion.
However, I'd look at calling a function or something else entirely at about this point.
Here's the snippet I have now, in case someone needs something similar (no need to vote). It saves sessions under which are also excluded from my Git project. I like to store them in the Git project folder so they are saved with backups.
I like confirmation echo as well because when you press enter after saving the session otherwise you can't see that anything happened. It's just for feedback.
map <S-F5> :execute "source ".input("Load session: ", "~/Some/Project/.session.", "file")<cr>
map <c-s> :execute "mksession! ".input("Save session: ", "~/Some/Project/.session.", "file")\| :echo "Session saved."<CR>
The file completion makes this very handy, thank you!
